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"Hyunnie, please!" He pleads while chasing after Hyunjin along the corridor. It's been really hard for his tiny legs to keep up, since the other had stupidly long legs but he's trying his best. He's technically running while Hyunjin keeps a faster stride, not running, but definitely not walking either.

"No." The older took a turn on the left, "leave me alone."

"But you said you'd do it for me!" He huffed, his chest felt like it was burning as he tried to gasp for air.

He wasn't made for running and it shows.

"And I did. But you're asking me to do it again." Hyunjin went inside the room of their first class together, still having the decency to hold the door open for Felix even with the clear annoyance on his face.

He let go of the handle once Felix was in, then he continued walking away from the shorter to the heart of the lecture hall.

"Here comes the lovebirds." Jisung nods his head towards their direction.

"Shut up." Hyunjin spat before taking the seat beside the window and slumping down on the table, like he had been the most exhausted person in the world.

Felix huffed indignantly, still trying to catch his breath.

"Ooh, snarky." The former crackled.

"What's with the lover's spat so early in the morning?" Minho asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Knock some sense into that plant, will you?" Hyunjin mumbled, pointing at Felix.

"What the hell- are you calling me brainless?" He glared

"No, I called you a plant. Not my fault you realize you were... lacking in that area." The ravenette shrugged nonchalantly.

"Hwang Hyunjin!" Whined Felix.

"What, you don't have a problem when I call you flower?"

"But at least flowers are beautiful!" He says, hitting Hyunjin on the shoulder, gaining chuckles from the two audience.

"So, what happened?" Minho asked again.

Felix sighed.

"Okay. So this man right here-" he point a finger at Hyunjin, "said he would be my date on a party but he changed his-"

"Details, pixie." Hyunjin cut him off.

He pouted. "Well, he did come with me to that party. But the thing is, there's another party that requires my presence next weekend, it's a gala and he doesn't want to accompany me."

"Well, he did keep his promise for that party so basically, he's done with the deal." Minho said, nodding.

"And besides, you know he doesn't like crowds. Most especially, corporate events. He's always a blockbuster in those. People always want to marry him or marry their children off to him." Jisung adds.

He sighed. He knows that too well. People always go crazy for a certain Hwang Hyunjin.

Well, couldn't blame them. With the talent, intelligence and fame, who wouldn't want him? Not to mention the god-forbidden looks and wealth, he's basically a diamond in coal mines. A one in a million thing.

"I know, but I really don't want to go alone. He's not the only one who attracts that kind of attention, I do, too!" He pouts.

And it's true. Hyunjin must be the first target who has a massive bounty on his head, but Felix isn't that far from him. He also got the looks (albeit not as hot as Hyunjin. He's definitely cuter though), he's also smart (though not as smart as Hyunjin), and he's also wealthy, (but not as wealthy as Hyunjin who got his own business established under his own name aside from his parents') Over all, he has all the things Hyunjin has, (although not as much as Hyunjin) Enough reason for people to go after him as well. Society is that shallow anyway.

The only difference between them is that Hyunjin's a big fat snob, not in an arrogant way, but more in a 'leave-me-alone-I-want-to-die-on-my-own' sortta way, making him seem unreachable but charming nonetheless. Women and women at heart going even more crazy over him.

Felix on the other hand is a social butterfly. He can flock together with birds of different feathers. That's how flexible his social skills are. He was a mixture of sugar, spice, everything nice, and a jiggly ass with the chemical X being sass. But even being the sassy little bitch he is, he still has a lot of respect for elderly people, making it hard for him to refuse their hideous requests at times, hence he always needs Hyunjin by his side.

His best friend's ability to protect him from such lucrative people with his convictive words alone, really comes in handy at times like those.

His softness had put him in trouble for one too many times since it was hard for Felix to deny other people, therefore Hyunjin took it upon himself to speak up for him, making sure people won't abuse Felix's good nature.

Hyunjin is the equilibrium in his credulous personality. His point zero.

"Fair enough." Agreed Jisung.

"And besides, what if I suddenly come home again with a scheduled date to a stranger again, or worse a fiancé? You know I can't say no to older people, especially when they look at me with hopeful eyes. It just breaks my heart."

"A fiancé, you say?" Minho glanced subtly at the now scowling Hyunjin, "interesting."

"But Hyung, that's a possibility knowing how gullible Felix can be when pressured." Said Jisung, worried and incredibly unaware.

"I know."

Hyunjin groaned with an undertone of anger no one noticed aside from a perceptive Minho, "Fuck it, fine!"

"Oh my God, that's my man!" Felix jumped joyfully on Hyunjin, hugging his neck, "I love you so much, you're the best!" He then planted a glossy kiss on the older's cheek.

Hyunjin can only sigh in defeat.

Well, not really. He won a kiss, didn't he?

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