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Felix hurried up to the house that's almost animatedly vibrating with loud blaring music coming from inside after parking his car (Hyunjin's car, actually.) properly.

He's on the hunt for his boyfriend since the said boy wasn't answering his calls. He had called Chan asking if he knew where Nigel was and the older sent him an address where a party is currently being held, saying Nigel must be there since the dude loves parties so much, and his friend would be the host.

The door was opened for him as soon as he rang the doorbell. A cup of liquor immediately handed over to him as he squeezed his way to the dancing and drunken bodies crowding all over the place.

He tried calling Nigel's number again, but the boy still wasn't answering.

He sighed.

Placing his phone back in his pocket, he kept on walking, hoping he would see Chan and their group, or just anyone he knew in the crowd.

Soon enough, familiar figures caught Felix's attention as he made his way into the living room. Changbin was situated on the couch, with his boyfriend on his lap, seeming a little drunk based on the way he clung to the older boy.

"Changbinnie-hyung, Minnie!" He called and immediately took a seat on the one sitter beside them. "Is Minnie okay?"

"He's fine, don't worry." Changbin smiled, "What brought you here, Felix? Didn't take you for someone who likes rat parties like this." He teased, grinning.

Felix scratched the back of his neck meekly. "Actually, Hyung, I wasn't supposed to be here. I just wanted to see Nigel, but he wasn't answering his phone. Did you see him by any chance?"

"Uh... I-I'm not sure about that –"

"He's upstairs, Lixie." Said Seungmin, slurring his words a little and cutting his stammering boyfriend off.

Changbin's eyes widened not so discreetly, and it seemed like he wanted to say something, but glanced at his boyfriend then decided against it and opted to just give Felix an incomprehensible smile. "Go, Felix." He said instead, with concern in his eyes.

Felix's brows knitted in confusion, but decided to just leave the couple alone.

Must be the alcohol.

He thought to himself before muttering a small thanks and stalking his way upstairs.

The second floor of the house is a bit quieter and calmer than downstairs. There were only a few people either passed out on the floor or smoking in the corners. There's also a lot of room, some open and some are not.

He assumed that maybe Nigel was somewhere in these rooms, passed out. Nigel parties hard sometimes, that he would always end up with a bad hangover the next day.

Felix tried to talk him out of it before, but the latter never made an effort to change anything, or even tone it down, so Felix just let it go. Like he said, he's not very good at arguing, let alone a loud confrontation.

He sighed, shaking his head in disbelief.

Felix made it his mission to come to his boyfriend's aid, like the good lover he is, hence came knocking on those closed doors, calling Nigel's name. Only moving to another door when he hears a 'go away' or when he hears other... things. (which will most certainly give him nightmares.) until he reaches the fourth room that was slightly cracked open.

Not wanting to witness anything excessive — fuck it, I'll just listen to a lot of worship songs and go praise and worship after this to cleanse my soul — he knocked on the door, before Felix decided to lean his ears onto the wooden material, just to check if anyone was there.

Dumb move.

He was about to leave when he heard another lewd noises inside, but a certain name in the form of a loud pleasured moan made him stop dead on his tracks.

He froze.

No, Felix. There must be a misunderstanding. You can't just assume things. There might be another person with the same name here, this party is too big, after all.

He nodded, agreeing to the rationalized voice in his head.

His gaze landed at the crack on the door, giving him a hint of blue and purple LED lights leaking from inside the room.

He took a deep breath as he pushed the door a little more with his shaking hands, just enough to get a proper look at two people killing each other... only with different weapons pointed at one another.

He immediately covered his mouth to suppress the loud gasp that had escaped his now trembling lips as he saw Nigel... His boyfriend spread widely like a starfish on the bed, with another man doing some business in between his parted legs.

He felt like everything suddenly became quiet. Too quiet, and only the sinful noises coming from them... coming from him are the only ones his ears were able to hear.

Felix felt his legs go weak. His breathing became erratic and heavy, his eyes almost popping out from their sockets, his body trembling a little. He was so horrified at the sight of two men naked as peeled bananas doing wonders and magic tricks with their wands in that room.

He hurriedly made his way downstairs, ignoring Changbin calling his name, as he ran his way past them and out of the house, almost tripping over his own legs many times before finally reaching his car and zooming away from the place.

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