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"So, are you gonna tell me what happened?" Asked Hyunjin, later that evening.

They were cuddled up in the living room while soft music was playing on the background, like how they usually spend their Sunday nights, with  a bowl of strawberry ice cream and sliced fruits near them.

Felix tensed up, not really knowing how to start, or if he even wants to talk about it.

Hyunjin isn't forcing him to say anything, and he knows he wouldn't insist if Felix tells him that he doesn't want to talk. But he'd be pretty shitty if he does that to his friend who came rushing home from another country just because he heard his best friend crying.

He sucked in a breath then sighed heavily through his nose.

"I... I just felt like I wasted my time liking the wrong person yet again."

It wasn't the first time he had a boyfriend. He had had relationships before but they all ended normally. Nothing like this.

That was the first time someone dared to cheat on him and it hurts his ego more than anything. He felt humiliated.

He felt Hyunjin's hand gripped his waist protectively, "Why, what happened? What did that d– what did that boy do?" He asked sternly, his voice controlled but full of venomous undertone.

Felix caressed the taller's chest in a soothing motion, trying to calm him down, "He... He was cheating on me, you know?" He breathed out shakily, "I-I saw him wit-with my own eyes, Hyunnie."

He burrowed his face in Hyunjin's chest when tears began pouring out his eyes once more. How funny that all the tears he wanted to cry for the last few days, in hopes that it would be dried out so he wouldn't cry in front of his best friend but couldn't, is actually pouring out now in front of the very person he wants to hide them from.

Hyunjin held his hand that was on the taller's chest and gave it a light squeeze, urging him to keep going.

"He-he was doing the d-dirty with an-another guy, Hyunnie. He was there, laid out so-so openly for another guy." He sniffled. "I don't know what to feel, more than anger, I feel humiliated, greatly disrespected. I have so many questions that I can't seem to find the answer. My brain's full of thoughts and my chest is so heavy, I feel like I'm drowning."

"His mouth is full of flowery lies and my... my heart was suffering from noticing too late."

He hates that even when talking to his friends he didn't feel like bawling his eyes out, and yet there he is. A sobbing, weeping mess in Hyunjin's arms.

He cried and Hyunjin was just there beside him. He's not saying anything, but the soothing motion of his hand that's caressing his back and the timely squeezes that he gives his hand is enough to let Felix know that he wasn't alone. That someone understands.

"I really hate seeing you cry." Said the taller after Felix has calmed down, while handing him a glass of water he got shortly before going back to scooping Felix in his arms.

"I know. I hate it , too. I'm too precious for this." His lips curled into a pout, Hyunjin hummed.

"That, and you're face becomes... unrecognizable."

"You little shit. Are you calling me ugly?"

He knew Hyunjin was just joking to lighten the mood, (not really, he just knows that it's not in him to be ugly or whatever less beautiful.)but he decided to just join him anyway.

They're idiots, just like that.

"Maybe I am." Shrugged Hyunjin, smiling teasingly. "And we both know I'm bigger than you in all aspects. You're the little one here."

Felix rolled his eyes at the utterly defeating truth.

"I hate you so much." He scowled dramatically for effects.

"Good. Now, smile for me. Don't let that scum smear you face with ugly tears, it doesn't suit you. My pixie should only be crying out of joy and pure happiness."

Hyunjin pulled him close to plant a kiss in his forehead, making him crack a smile.

"There's my sunshine." The older smiled so brightly, making Felix's face light up as well. All the heaviness and the worries, pain and hurtful thoughts thrown out the window in an instant.

"Thank you, Hyunnie."

"There's nothing to thank me for. You should know by now that you'll always have me."

"Again, I know. That's why I love you so much." He yawned, eyes droopy all of a sudden. He feels floaty as the heaviness weighing on his chest was finally lifted up.

He felt so safe and secure now, as though everything will be fine, that everything was fine.

He lied there in Hyunjin's arms, serene for the first time in days.

He let himself feel Morpheaus' embrace while Hyunjin hums him a song.

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