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"Jinnie, let's go shopping later." Felix draped his body over the said man's back who was busy typing away on his MacBook. His arms circling around Hyunjin's neck while his head hangs low from his shoulder.

They decided to wait in the back garden of the school for Jeongin and Jisung, who were still in their classes and Minho who was running an errand but promised to join them for lunch.

Since he and Hyunjin almost had the same schedule, sharing some classes as well — they were already on a break. Their schedules are free for two more hours with only one lecture left for the day.

"What for?" Hyunjin asked ineptly.

"Suits, duh?" Felix answered in a 'are-you-kidding-me?' kinda way.

"When was it again?"

"Next week, Saturday."

The ravenette nods, "Hm, 'kay. Let uncle Choi handle it."

Hyunjin said, talking about his exclusive fashion designer who's also his stylist. Well, their designer and stylist, for almost all of his suits are made by the same man as well since he and Hyunjin always go to the same events and the old man always likes making custom fit suits and whatnot for them. If that doesn't make the uncle their uncle, then he doesn't know what is.

"But I want ice cream." He pouted

"I can't right now, I still have work to do and papers to finish." Hyunjin denied, talking about the work in his company and his student responsibilities.

"Must be hard to balance work and university life." His voice has a subtle hint of sarcasm that the taller seemed to be too busy to notice.

Hyunjin nods.

"It's your fault though, who told you to build your own business while you're still yet to graduate?"

"No one. But why not if I have the ability and is capable of doing so?" The taller answered nonchalantly.

He's right. He's definitely gifted in that aspect. He's competent and he has perfect control of how he wants things to be. He's confident in his decisions and he knows exactly what to do, when and how to achieve them.

"But what about me?" Felix asked, voice low.

"What about you?"

"You're neglecting me! You're either working or studying. No time for me at all." He said burying his face on Hyunjin's neck inhaling his sweet and musky scent from his shampoo and the perfume that Felix bought for him.

Felix understands how busy Hyunjin was, but he couldn't seem to suppress the loneliness from being away too long. He always misses Hyunjin. Call him clingy, but that's just how it is.

Hyunjin only then finally stopped typing and glanced towards him for the first time in a while.

"Have I?" Asked the latter, his voice low and soft.

He knew Hyunjin would stop everything and anything to make time for him, but he seemed so busy with important things that Felix tried to hold back and not say anything, as not to disturb him so he could focus more on the things that really matter.

He also tried busying himself with studying, but he always ends up neglecting his books and staring at the ceiling until he falls asleep feeling empty.

Surely he had more friends other than Hyunjin, but none of them provides him the calmness that the other gives him. He'd rather stay in a room doing nothing with Hyunjin, than in a room full of people doing this and that.

"Yes, you dummy. You've been busy for two whole weeks now. Not even a weekend free. No phone calls either. We only even see each other here in university, yet you still bury yourself in more work." He whispered whiny and upset, "you sit with me, you have lunch with me but your head is always somewhere else."

He and Hyunjin have basically been glued to the hip since diaper days, seeing as their parents were university buddies and each other's best friends.

He can only name one time that they have separated for more than a week, and that was when Hyunjin studied abroad for two years back in highschool due to his grandmother's request.

But even then, Felix refused to be hindered with the distance. They still call each other almost everyday since Felix initiated they do so, and they spent every vacation going back and forth from Korea to US as if it was just a ten minute walking distance. It was exhausting, but it was all worth it and he couldn't wait to see Hyunjin every time, so that was a small price to pay. The jetlag and the long hours of flight are the kind of torment he's willing to go through if it means being able to spend his summer with him.

Needless to say, that became their routine until Hyunjin finally came back after graduating from highschool, and they also reverted back to how they used to be, like there was never a time they were separated from each other.

Felix also became clingier since then, always wanting to spend time with Hyunjin and the latter didn't seem to mind at all. They're best friends anyway.

They've always been each other's plus one and Hyunjin always made sure he has time for him no matter how hectic things are for him, therefore Hyunjin being too busy to even call him for two whole weeks is already a big deal for Felix.

Hyunjin scratched the younger's head softly, making him almost purr like a kitten.

"Sorry, Lix. I didn't notice." Hyunjin didn't need to apologize but he did anyway, all because he values Felix.

"Sorry, too... I'm asking too much even though I know you're busy..."

Hyunjin sighed, "you must be sad, huh?"

Felix nods, still embarrassed to be asking for attention even though Hyunjin was busy.

"Okay, we'll go get ice cream later."

"Really?" He asked, finally tilting his head up to look at Hyunjin whose face was only inches away from him since he's now leaning his head on the ravenette's shoulder.

Hyunjin kissed the tip of his nose and smiled, "Really."

"I want seven scoops of strawberry deluxe banana split, okay?"


Felix's lips broke into a big sunshine smile. His nose wrinkled and eyes almost twinkling in content.

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