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"I swear, Hyunjin, if you don't get up now, I'm gonna freaking whack you with the first thing I could get my hands on. One!" Felix threatened, his eyes scanning the room with something to beat Hyunjin's ass up with. His gaze landed on a pair of slippers. Lethal enough.

"Two!" He kept on counting, bending down to grab the said weapon but before he could even aim for his target, the other was already out of the bed in an instant. Grabbing Felix by the waist and pulling him into a warm hug. His lover's head leaning on his shoulder as he landed swift kisses on his neck.

"Good morning, love." The other said sweetly as his kisses went up to his cheeks, eventually finding their ways to his freckled nose and lastly landing on his forehead. "I still can't believe I can finally kiss you now whenever I want." said his lover while sneakily taking away the slippers from his hands and throwing it away as far as he can.

It's been three years, yet Hyunjin still say that statement whenever an opportunity arises, effectively melting Felix.

Felix tried to ignore the butterflies swirling around his stomach but he ended up smiling anyway, endeared by the taller's rare showcase of adorableness and of course his fluttery words, because duh?

"You really know how to swift me off my feet." He pouted. "Not fair." He protested, tiptoing to land chaste kisses on the other's tiny mole, just under his eyes.

His lover chuckled lowly. "It's only fair, if you ask me. You got me in the palm of your hands, and that's okay." He held Felix's hands, guiding them up to kiss both knuckles. "I love these hands."

He pulled his hands away, hiding his flustered face behind his palms after slapping Hyunjin (hard) on the chest. The fire seething through his heart blazing new sparks. "So fucking cheesy."

"You love it anyway." The other teased, pulling away his hands from his face then tilting his head up as he scoops both cheeks on his hands.

Felix felt himself melt at the sight of Hyunjin's smiling face. His dimple smile and almost disappearing eyes being the deadliest weapon this world could ever have.

He smiled the brightest smile. Nose crunching up, eyes crinkling with all his pearly white teeth in display, making Hyunjin visibly soften.

"I do. Just like I love every weird antics, stupid whims, and moronic actions that are a part of you." Agreed Felix. Being utterly whipped.

"I love you more." Hyunjin whispered, caressing his face tenderly.

"I love you most." Replied Felix, reaching up to kiss Hyunjin on the lips. "But I swear if we get late, you're out the bedroom for a week." He threatened in his sweet tone of voice that Hyunjin knew better than to put into test hence rushing to the direction of the bathroom.

"Why must you ruin our moment like that?" Hyunjin pouted, poking his head on the door.

"Because our parents will be mad, love. You know how they are." He replied, browsing through their closets for Hyunjin's clothes.

"Can't we just ditch them and stay here and kiss and cuddle and eat brownies?" He bargained, clearly not wanting to go.

Really, Hyunjin sometimes act like a baby. It's cute. But at times like this where a possibility of their parents showing up uninvited in front of their door with a plan to stay for God knows how long, it's a little less cuter.

He loves their parents dearly, but please, could they really be a little invasive if they want to.

"We can't ditch them, they'll crash with us if we don't show up, then we'll have lesser time for ourselves. Our time together will significantly decrease and our privacy will timely be invaded, so please. We have forever to cuddle and kiss and other things. Just move your ass now, hm?" He pleads.

"Okay." Agreed Hyunjin pouting his lips a little in anticipation.

Felix breathed out, ultimately enamored by his lover's playfulness.

He made his way over to the other, cupping Hyunjin's small face as he stood in his tippy-toes so they could meet each other's eyes.

"Seriously, why are you like this?" He muttered, shaking his head in fond disbelief.

"Who knows?" The older shrugged. "Just kiss me already!" Whined Hyunjin.

Felix chuckled and did as he was told, pulling Hyunjin for what's supposed to be a quick kiss but not really surprised anymore when his lover started pulling him closer to deepen the crashing of their mouths.

"I love you, angel."

"I love you more."

"And I love you most."

And that's it. This is how their story ends... in this book, as their story doesn't have a happy ending nor does it ever end. It only consists of great happiness throughout their life until the day they die and even then, it will only be a pause.

Because in this life, the next life or the lives they will live after that, Felix is for Hyunjin and Hyunjin is for Felix. Always has been, always will be.


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