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His best friend lied.

He said they were okay, but something in their relationship definitely stirred sour, and it started so small that he didn't even notice when it got bigger than the elephant that occupied the spaces between them, suffocating the both of them... well, suffocating Felix, most definitely.

Weeks flew by and things between the two best friends had been getting weirder and weirder. Felix has been feeling the weight in his heart getting heavier as days pass by, with Hyunjin being more and more distant.

He even cried his worries out to Jisung as he couldn't help the sadness and confusion he was feeling from what was happening.

Why won't Hyunjin talk to him about it? Why is he being so difficult?

Jisung told him to give the taller time and that he just might be really busy with work, and dealing with frustrations that comes along with it, as his business would be having its first branch out in Australia. His friend told him to just focus on Nigel instead, and he tried, really. But he couldn't have it.

That's why he's on his way to barge into Hyunjin's cave to chew the hell out of the caveman with his heart in his throat, ready to leap out of his mouth.

"Hyunjin, we need to talk." He plopped himself on Hyunjin's soft bed, looking at the older sharply.

"What's it? Can it wait? I need to finish reading the reports for the expansion."

"No, it can't wait. We need to talk. Now." Felix was expecting immediate attention from the older like he would usually do when the shorter gets demanding of the older's time. But to his disappointment, the latter didn't even spare him a glance.

Can't say he was surprised though, with how oddly Hyunjin had been behaving lately.

"Okay, hold on a second." The ravenette said instead as he tapped away on his computer for five more minutes before finally giving Felix the attention that he needed.

"Make it fast, Lixie. I still need to rev–"

"Fuck it, Hyunjin!" Felix couldn't help but burst out in frustration, "There's clearly a problem! Why are you being like this? What the hell did I do wrong?"

The taller stared at him blankly for a second, then he exhaled, leaning his back against the backrest of his office chair.

"I told you there's none. You're thinking too much." Hyunjin replied indifferently, completely unfazed by his outburst. And it somehow managed to irk Felix more.

"If there's really none, then why the fuck are you being so distant towards me?"

He couldn't take it anymore. The silent treatment, the visible avoidance, it all hurt him. What's the point of living together if Hyunjin would just act like he doesn't exist?

"We're both holed up with different things, Felix. We've talked about this already. I'm busy with University and work, especially now that the business is about to expand. I need to focus and do my duties as the president, I can't just slack off." He explains, his voice low, flowing like a warm river, "And you're busy with your own things too, are you not? You're too busy having fun with your... boyfriend that you're barely even home. So why should I give you the same undivided attention that you want, when I don't even have the right to demand the same?" Hyunjin stated calmly, not breaking eye contact.

Hyunjin's voice sounded so neutral. He doesn't even sound close to being irritated. Not even a trace of any emotions at all, and Felix couldn't help but shrink.

The way Hyunjin talks to him makes him feel small. He felt like he was being stupid, trying to argue with Hyunjin when they didn't really even have anything to argue about.

He felt more stupid that up to this moment, Hyunjin still managed to stay calm and composed, making Felix feel even smaller.

Hyunjin isn't one to sugarcoat things, that's  a given, especially with Felix. He'd always say things directly to the point, without the unneeded detours. But even then, Hyunjin would always say and explain serious matters to him with careful words and softness.

So this cold man in front of him with his sharp words, empty eyes, who kept on calling him by his name, is not someone he is very familiar with. It's like he was talking to a different person with the same face as the man who loves him the most.

"Who told you that you don't have the right to demand such things from me? You're my best friend, for the love of god, Hyunjin!"

Felix was so fucking frustrated that he already felt tears pooling on the corners of his eyes.

He's never been good at holding his emotions when arguing. He's the one who always ends up crying no matter if he's in the right or wrong.

Lucky are those people who can go on an argument without bawling their eyes out.

He's just too emotional, and too soft to stay calm and hold himself together.

"That's not part of my prerogative as your best friend, Felix." His best friend's voice sounded pained, yet his tone was steady and cold demeanor, never faltering.

"Not your– you know what? You're being stupid." Felix stood up from where he was, tears already streaming down his face. Their friendship is not some type of a business deal for Hyunjin to talk about it like that. "You're a fucking moron!"

With that, he left Hyunjin's study, slamming the door as hard as his noodle arms could. He was so confused and furious at Hyunjin.

He wiped his tears away as he walked his way back to his room. This is stupid. How dare Hyun-fucking-jin to make a beauty like him cry like that?

He doesn't know if it's because it's the first time Hyunjin stood his ground and didn't give in to Felix's whims like he always does, or if it's because Hyunjin didn't chase after him and babied him even after seeing him in tears... He didn't know why, but he's so hurt. His heart wants to combust with a lot of pain.

He was shocked and disappointed at what was happening, but one thing's for sure, he wasn't going to cry all night just because he's sad about their current situation.

His tears are gem-precious after all.

So he did what he thought was the best thing to do at the moment.

He called Nigel.

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