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"Felix, don't stray too far." Hyunjin called, holding out his hand towards Felix who had stopped walking to look back at him.

"I'm not a baby, you know?" He rolled his eyes but held on to the taller lad's hand anyway, interlocking their fingers together.

Hyunjin smiled.

"Sure, you're not." Jisung mocked.

"Shut up, you bottom." Felix retaliated. It was out of the line, and ultimately came out of nowhere, but yeah, anyway, facts, he would say.

Jisung's face turned red as he heard his own boyfriend and Jeongin laughed.

"You did not just say that!" The squirrel boy shrieked, his hands waving around indignantly in front of him.

"Oh, but I did."

"Talking like you aren't one yourself."

"You saying something, you basic bitch?" Felix asked in his deeper than hell voice, smirking at the other.

How would Felix know, he hadn't had sex before. No one has ever caught his attention, and he was too picky for his own good.

Jisung on the other hand is the proudest slut there is. If only he could hit a noise canceling in his ears whenever his best friend would talk about their bedroom life.

God, he felt like he was going to gag. It's a lot more graphic than the slashers he had watched before.

"Oh my god, hyung!" Jeongin laughed.

Jisung rolled his eyes playfully.

"Fuck you, Lee Felix."

"No, baby. Fuck you."

"Okay, kiss." Jisung then pouted his lips. Felix did the same and leaned in before he felt Hyunjin tug on his hand, making his head turn back.

"Okay, that's enough playing." Hyunjin opened the door for them when they arrived at the ice cream parlour.

They got themselves settled while Minho and Hyunjin went to order.

"I need to go to the restroom." Felix announced after a while. He wanted to wash his hands.

"Do you want me to come with?" Asked Jisung.

"No, it's fine. I'll be right back."

A startled yelp escaped past his lips as he felt something cold and sticky dripping down from his shoulder to his shirt and onto the floor. Vanilla Ice cream.

"Oh my god, Lixie!" Jisung gasp. Jeongin had the same reaction.

He didn't notice someone walking near their table when he tried to get up from his seat, hence knocking himself over to the man who happened to have a vanilla ice cream with him.

"Fuck, I'm sorry. Are you okay?" The man asked in panic. He immediately tried to get something in his pocket and tried to wipe the ice cream from Felix's neck.

"Ah, yeah, it's fine." Felix smiled awkwardly, trying to ignore the sticky feeling that's already reaching the waistband of his jeans.

Now that's not nice. It felt unpleasant.

"I'm really sorry." The other male then reached out to his face to maybe wipe the ice cream that splattered over his cheek.

Felix was startled by the sudden gesture making him tilt his head abruptly and meet the man eye to eye for the first time.

He froze. The man in front of him is beautiful.

The other boy smiled at him apologetically and Felix felt his cheeks burn red. Such a boyish look, Felix couldn't help but internally swoon.

They heard someone clearing their throat loudly, causing the other lad to pull away. Felix shifted his eyes to see Hyunjin eyeing the man sharply.

"What happened?" Minho asked while he put down their orders on the table.

"It was my fault, hyung. I didn't notice him walking by, then I bumped into him." He explained. "Anyway, it's so fucking sticky I'll clean this up first."

"Oh, let me come with. It's my fault anyway. I wanna help." The stranger offered, making Felix's face flush.

Felix opened his mouth to respond but before he could even say a word, Hyunjin had already beat him to it.

"No, thanks." Hyunjin intervened as he pulled Felix towards him. "We'll be out for a minute." The taller announced to his friends and the three nodded.

Felix let Hyunjin guide him outside the shop to go on the Gucci store two buildings away from their current location without waiting for the stranger to say anything.

They greeted back the clerk that welcomed them in, then strode their way to the casual clothings.

"Go, choose. I'll get you something to clean that with." Hyunjin then left him in the store, leaving Felix on his own.

Felix took the first shirt and pants he laid his finger to, not wanting to feel the uncomfortable stickiness from his clothes any longer.

"Uh, where's the fitting room?" He turned to the clerk, nodding his head as the woman gave him direction.

He went to the fitting room and took off his shirt and pants, only leaving his boxers on as he waited for Hyunjin to come.

And as if on cue, he heard Hyunjin call out for his name, "Pixie, where are you?"

"Second booth, Hyunnie."

"Here." Hyunjin extended the wet wipes through the curtains of the fitting room.

He mumbled a small thanks before proceeding to wipe his shoulders and his face with it, shivering at the cold touch it leaves on his skin.

"Hyunnie, can you come inside, please? I can't reach my back." He called. He had worn his pants before calling for the taller, leaving him topless for the most part.

Hyunjin barged in without hesitation and took the wipes from him and started cleaning parts of his back, gentle and delicate.

He started giggling when the ravenette's hand brushed through his side, unintentionally tickling him.

"Shh, people outside might get the wrong idea if they hear you." Hyunjin tried to shush him, but the curve on the corner of his lips tells Felix that he could careless for modesty. Hyunjin rarely cares what other people think, and it's one of the million things he adores best from his best friend.

"Stop tickling me then, you bitch!" He tried to push the taller's hand away.

"I'm not though?" Hyunjin then brushed his fingers on his sides again, smirking as they met eyes on the mirror.

He tried to stifle his laughter into small giggles as Hyunjin kept on tickling him with right hand while the other held his hips to stabilize him.

Felix was just about to retaliate, lifting his hand to tickle Hyunjin back when they suddenly heard someone clearing their throat from outside — then came a woman's voice. "Uhm, excuse me, dear customers. Please refrain from doing... inappropriate activities inside the fitting rooms. Thank you for your understanding."

Then they heard her walk away.

They were silent for a few seconds, foreheads knitted, then they caught each other's eyes in the mirror. Both boys looking confused at first then, they erupted into fits of laughter at the weird encounter.

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