Thinking about me

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Derek was standing at her front door the day his new bright and shiny girlfriend admitted to having sex with him right in front of her. His hands were dug into his jean pockets as he swayed nervously. Meredith was frozen to the spot, he was the last person she expected to be knocking at her door. She dug her teeth into her bottom lip just to check she wasn't in a dream - maybe it was a nightmare.

"Can I come in?" His voice was soft not what she was expecting. The door was already opened but he had yet to walk in. Meredith just nodded her head, unfreezing to step back giving him room to come in. He closed the door behind him with a tap of his foot.

"What are doing here?" Her voice shook. She wrapped her arms around herself as a chill slipped down her spine.

"I needed to see you" he's tone was sad and Meredith couldn't figure out why. Surely if there was a problem he should be going to Rose. Derek moved his hands from his pockets just to put them back. "I can't stop thinking about you" he admitted looking at the ground.

"Derek" she pleaded him not wanting to hear anymore knowing he was going home to another woman. Her eyes flicked quickly to his then back to the wall behind him.

"I messed up ... I miss you" his hand cupped one side of her face tucking a stray piece of her hair behind her ear. His hands clammy to the touch suddenly from being in her presence. "All I can think about is you" he whispered afraid to tell the truth.

"Derek your with Rose" she couldn't listen to him tell her these things knowing he had slept with Rose a few hours ago.

"I broke up with her" those words made her heart flutter.

"But she said" she began confused on how the two events happened in the same few hours.

"I wasn't lying when I said I couldn't stop thinking about you" his hand slipped to her neck careful not to grip it too hard.

"When did you end it?" Meredith tried to form the timeline in her head

"3 hours ago" he checked his watch that wrapped around his wrist which rested by his side. "I confessed to Mark I was a bigger man whore than him, I told him that the whole time I was with her all I could think about was you. He'd told me over and over again that Rose was nothing to me but I didn't listen. God I'm so stupid I love you. I don't want anyone else but you. I'm so in love with you" tears brimmed in both their eyes.

Merediths hand stoked Dereks jaw a smile playing on her lips. Her hand dug into his raven curls bringing their faces millimetres apart. The smell of his familiar cologne flooded her senses, making her feel at home. It was the way his trailer smelt, his bedding, his shirts it was just him.

His lips fell against hers finally feeling the warmth of her lips against his after so long. Her lips caressed his just like she use to do. His hand came to rest on her waist, scrunching the woollen fabric of her sweater. A sweet moan escaped Meredith as Dereks lips tugged at her bottom lip. She rested her spare hand on his shoulder to keep her balanced as his kisses made her knees turn to jelly.

His feet hurried forward pushing Meredith against the wall with a soft thud. His hand which was on her waist moved to cup her boob through the two layers of clothing. Meredith felt as his hand left her neck and began to fiddle with the bottom of her sweater. "Take it off" she sighed.

Swiftly her sweater fell to the floor to be forgotten. His warm hands scolded her cool skin as he smoothed them over her body. She could feel her nipples hardening in her bra, rubbing against the cotton material. She lifted her shoulders trying to get some sort of friction but it was hopeless. She let out a moan in frustration when Dereks lips left hers and she still could gain any friction. All was better when Dereks lips meet the smooth skin of her collar bone peppering kisses across the prominent bone. His kisses and sucks left small red marks which would fade soon enough.

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