I'd burn down this city to show you the lights. [C1]

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"I could stay here with you forever, Vee." Mikey mumbles lovingly, his skinny arm wrapping itself around her waist and pulling Vee close to him.

"No you can't, not with that stinky morning breath!" She giggles, jokingly pushing his skrawny body away from her.

"Well, it's not like yours is any better!" The brunette states, trying to make himself feel better but he knew that Velvet was right... Again.

The pair sit up and stretch their limbs, forcing them to click so they could go about their busy day. "Mikey?" Velvet asks in the oddly quiet room.


"I love you..." She whispers, her olive skin covered in goosebumps. The couple hadn't discussed the use of the 'L word' yet, but Velvet had to get it off her chest. It was making her drown in sorrows not knowing if the feeling was mutual. She had briefly talked with Gerard- Mikey's older brother, about if she should do it, and to which he replied "Do it. I can't speak for Mikey but we all think he's a very lucky guy."

Mikey sits on the opposite side of the bed, over thinking the situation. His hands shaking, and his stomach doing flips. He loved this girl, more than anything but he just couldn't get the words out.

"I-it's of you don't feel the same way. I'm sorry, I jus-"

Seeing the love of his life hurt like that Mikey knew he had to do something. So he gently pulled her back onto the bed and kissed her passionately. Their lips finding a new rythm- slow and steady. But he quickly lifts his head, not by much and whispers against her plump lips "I love you more than anything in the world Velvet. I would sacrifice my soul to keep you forever."

Velvets face blushes a light pink, she had won. She had no idea what, but she felt like the were the only people in the world.

But as usual they were in a cheap hotel, with thin walls and little privacy.

"WOOOOAAAHHHHH CONGRATULATIONS!!!!" Frank screams, bursting through the wooden door.

"Frankie!" Ray scolds, entering a few seconds after the hyperactive midget. "But yes, congrats for finally having the balls to say it mikey."

Mikey and Velvet remove themselves from their previous position, turning redder than a tomato.

"It's ok we need to get dressed anyway." Velvet sighs, shoving the nearest clothes on, so she was no longer half naked. "What are we even doing today? Please tell me we're going home. I'm so done now, I just want to spend time with my family again."

"No, we fly to Manchester in err 2 weeks." Gerard moans." And once we're in the UK we're there for like a month then we're back to writing. Demoing, recording. Thank god we have some stuff from Warped tour otherwise we'd have nothing"

Ray walked into the small room the band was stood in, and sat next to Velvet on the solid, uncomfortable bed. Unhesitatingly, she buries her face in Ray's chest, crying slightly. "I can't do this anymore. It's been like 6 months on the road. I literally missed my sisters baby shower and engagement party! I can't, I just can't." Her tears were now racing down her face, leaving black lines from the make up from previous nights.

Ray wraps his huge, muscly arm around Vee's shoulder and hugs her tightly, gently swaying their bodies back and forth. "I know, I know. We're going to do everything we can to finish this last bit of the tour. We've only got 2 weeks before you're in Manchester with your family. And if you want we can let you stay there with them and then we'll come get you once you're done."

It sounded like dream to be at home with her family. And it's not like she played an important role, but Velvet knew the band didn't have any another photographers and they all needed each other, even if she wasn't to play on the stage again.

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