I love you is not enough, I'm lost for words (c3)

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"Hey, erm is this Andy's office? I would like to make a telephone appointment..." Vee whispers on the phone.

"Of course doll, I need a name and what day will work best for you," the receptionist asks in a soothing tone.

"21st May 1981 and I can do anyday this week but Thursday, thank you" Vee replies, anxiously checking for any signs of footsteps approaching the bunk area. The receptionist puts Vee on hold whilst checking for availability in the upcoming week, this is the second awful part, she thinks to herself, the first being the fact that she has to talk about her emotional wellbeing to a complete stranger.

A loud scrabble feeds through Velvets sidekick, "Hello Velvet thank you for being so patient, we can fit you in tomorrow at 1pm, does that work well for you?" Velvet bites her bottom lip anxiously, of course it didn't work with her- what part of therapy does? But she knew deep down she needed someone to rant to.

"Yes that works well thank you, see you tomorrow." She asnwers quickly, slamming her screen shut. If it only her life would be easier. Still she knows she must continue forwards. And with that she goes to the lounge area where the guys are chilling together, nattering on about god knows what. She looks around desperately hoping the guys wouldn't be sat wide apart.

Suprise Suprise, they were.

"Are you OK V?" Ray mouths to the timid figure on the edge of the room, she just shakes her head slowly and gestures to have a word with him. Ray didn't need to hear anything else, he quickly and swiftly leaves the room at Velvets heels.

"So what's going on?" He asks gently, taking a seat next to vee on his top bunk, their long legs dangling below them. "I made an appointment with the therapist from back home. I should feel better now I've booked it, but I feel so shallow and beyond help." The woman sniffles quietly, not meeting the eye's man she had kissed only 2 days ago.

"That's okay to feel like that, but you need to realise, you're not beyond help at all, I just think you need someone one hundred percent neutral to talk to, that way their opinion is in no way biased. Which means their take on the situation may be different abd will help you understand what'sgoing on in your big brain." He reassures, trying to ignore the heartbreak in her clover eyes. She shakes head at him, tears now begging to leave her eyes, causing her vision to blur and double. "Life moves so quickly, it's like I can't control anything and that it's all above my head."

"You can't control life, but you're the one thing you can control, I know you feel like you're always running out of time, but I assure you that youre not. You should enjoy this time you're young, and gorgeous and talented. Frankly, you could do almost anything you wanted. You're only 24 once, lense. Remember that." At some point during Ray's moving declatation, Velvet had started violently sobbing, tears pouring down her heart-shaped face, the taste of salt on her tongue, the swollen of her once sparkly eyelids. The sight of this broke Ray's heart.

"Oh don't cry come here," Ray whispers in her ear, wrapping a muscly arm around her shoulders tightly. "Please don't cry sugar." The ruby girl buries her head into shoulder, now in hysterics "I ... c-c-can't h-help it." Ray doesn't respond, he just holds his best friend in her time of need, knowing well that's all she needs right now.

"Ray?" She sniffles, "why is it that I'm always to coming to you for everything, this is what I should be doing with Mikey, he's my boyfriend I should be able to talk to him about everything, right?" The brunette sighs sadly, "I don't know Vee, I wish I had the answer to all your problems, I really do, I would go on the longest, hardest expedition in the history of the universe to solve them but I can only offer my advice... and right now? Well, right now doesn't seem to be the right time to put my 2 cent in."

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