Strutting Our Stuff... But Not Through Choice!!!

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Strutting Our Stuff... Not Out Of Choice!!!


Finding out about Riley and Blaine was the last straw! Being cold to her since I'd last saw her with Blaine was hard but it became unbearable when I heard that they were dating.

I know that I'd told her I had a girlfriend but that was to stop her getting too close to me when I might end up leaving her at any time depending on how things went between Rose and Alexander. I couldn't love her and leave her because that wouldn't be fair... On either of us.

What I didn't expect was her to jump into the arms of the first lad who showed her some attention and that bugged the hell out of me.

"What do you think you are doing!" She snapped at me as I practically dragged her - gently - towards the bachelorette auction.

"I'm taking you to where you need to get to so that you don't feel like taking a detour in someone else's mouth." I snapped and then realised what I'd just said.

"Oh! So that is what this is all about then!" She laughed bitterly. "You're fine to have a girlfriend but heaven forbid someone finds me attractive enough to date, you have a sissy fit! You're pathetic you know that?!" That struck a cord with me.

I whirled around on her, stopping her dead in her tracks and straight into her soulful eyes. "I'm pathetic am I?" I hissed at her and pulled her right up close to me so that our bodies were touching everywhere. Her heat consumed me and my body reacted accordingly and that only made me angrier. "You know what's pathetic Riley? Pathetic is how I feel every time I see you!" I let go of her and stepped away from her.

"Well that's charming! It speaks volumes about how you feel about me!" She said in a sarcastic tone.

"How can you be so smart but so thick about this?!" I said exasperated.

"Stupid? I'm not stupid about this! I get that you don't like me so why do we even have to talk at all?" She snapped and grabbed her phone out of her back pocket.

"What are you doing?" I hissed and snatched her phone off her before she could press call.

Blaine's contact appeared on screen and that had my blood boiling. "You just don't get it do you?" I said looking up at her.

"Get what?!" She shouted back at me and I clenched my fist, crushing her phone beyond fixable.

"That I love you!" I bellowed back at her. "I don't have a girlfriend! I said that so you wouldn't get too close to me only to have me leave."

I looked into her eyes to see confusion swirling around in them. She wouldn't leave Blaine. Not for someone like me anyway...

I handed her the broken phone and took a step back from her with my hands held up in surrender. "You know what? Just forget and go live a comfortable life with your boyfriend." I started to walk away from her, not caring if she turned up to the bachelorette auction or not. I was done with her!

I sensed her following me but I didn't even glance, no matter how much I wanted to. I just headed for the gym where this auction was being held with my heart as heavy as a ten ton stone.


"Have you broken up with Rose, Alexander?" Nikolaos fumed as he stormed up to me with Riley close behind him.

"No... why?" I asked warily.

He turned to Riley. "So you're a liar too?" He hissed and stormed off while she ran to catch up with him.

I would have made some snide comment right about now about how stupid that scene was... But I've had more than enough of them with Rose...

Speaking of which- I went to sit down in my front row seat at the bachelorette auction. I was right next to the stage so I could make sure Rose didn't bolt from our agreement.

Someone sat down beside me and I didn't need to look to tell who it was. "Where's your precious boyfriend Rose?" I said sarcastically and turned to face her.

She was glaring at me as she hissed, "Back the hell off Alex!! Me and him have nothing to do with you so why can't you just run off with Shelly and leave me alone?"

I leaned forward so that our faces were millimetres apart. "Because I want you Rose. I don't want her. Now go get ready before you're late."

She stood up in a huff and snarled, "I won't be late because I'm the last one to come out... Both times!!" With that she stormed off.

I chuckled to myself and turned to Nikolaos, who'd just taken Rose's seat. "What's wrong?" I noticed his tired expression and immediately jumped to the conclusion: He's in love with Riley. But I wanted him to say it.

"I'm in love with her and all she can think of is another guy, Blaine no less. She even tried to text him while I was talking to her. I announced I loved her and instead of love in her eyes she had confusion!" he ran his hand through his hair, which looked like it wasn't the first time he'd done that today. "She can go and be with Blaine for all I care! I don't need her!" He turned to me. "What do you think?"

"Don't look at me!" I laughed. "I'm having worse look than you with my woman! She's only still my fiancée because I forced her into a trial period with me by threatening to kill her stupid boyfriend. If I had a drop of blood given to me every time she had rejected me, or called off our engagement, then I would have thousands of bags to spare... So I'd love to help but I'm probably not the best vamp. for advice at the moment-" I looked up to see what the first girl was wearing as she walked onto the stage.

It was Shelly...

And she was wearing the first theme of the evening...

My breath caught in my throat in anticipation to see what Rose looked like as one...

The theme was vampires...

Arranged marriage to an egotistic vampire... What could go wrong??Where stories live. Discover now