2: I knew I loved you before I met you

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2: I knew I loved you before I met you

Zenin Toji.

That was the name of the person Hyousuke had dreamt ever since his innate cursed technique manifested.

The Danuja Clan avoided any earthly desires but their strength terrified all sort of supernatural in the world.

One of them was the Jujutsu Community.

It wasn't clear whether or not what written history told was true but the earlier ancestors of the Jujutsu Community relayed one more thing to their descendants on top of their personal family history;

Never provoke the Danuja Clan for the clan who raised soldiers would wreck havoc to the world.

The clan of Danuja was known for their ascetic ways but there were many instances when they have to abandon this practice. And one of them was when one of the children of Danuja needed to meet their destined one.

Despite the fear this clan receives, it was also a known fact that most of them suffer tribulations at the age of 18. No one knew why but they never go against the words of the Danuja Clan in fear of incurring their own disaster.

But Hyousuke was different.

His fellow clan members would do anything to find their destined ones to avoid their future tribulation.

Hyousuke was not the same as them.

They would do anything so that their destined ones go back to the clan with them; whether or not they were willing.

Hyousuke refused to be like them.

But Zenin Toji was too stubborn that Hyousuke did not know how to treat him.

Even after learning his history, the little heir of Danuja, who had always been steadfast and achieved his goals, failed to persuade Toji to go back with him.

What is the point of having foresight if my future will not change?

The cursed technique called Foresight was a heavy burden. The last holder of this technique was someone from half a millennia ago.

Hyousuke sat at the porch, staring at the garden with an absentminded look.

The moment his technique manifested, the future unfolded before his eyes.

It happened when he was four years old.

His life for the next fourteen years at the time; he had seen it all.


In this future, he would not be able to survive his tribulation at eighteen.

At the time, four year old Hyousuke holed himself up inside his room for two years. He never went one, never talked to his family, and simply lived like a soulless doll.  There were times he could have died but he did not.

Because his death would not happen until he was eighteen.

Thus, he suffered alone for two years.

Even if his family tried to talk to him, nothing changed his mind.

Even if they tried to persuade him at the time, he never budged.

But then, his technique activated without permission.

And then, Hyousuke saw him in his visions.

The child with the Heavenly Restricted Body; the person who he would spend his lifetime with in another timeline.

A timeline where he survived pass the tribulation and lived a happy life.

After that, he spent the last two years recuperating and asked his family to search for that child. He spent countless nights looking through that timeline, as if he was personally living the life which belonged to that version of himself.

At eight, he knew who he wanted to marry.

It was not only because of his tribulation but he had fallen in love with that person.

But reality was cruel and Zenin Toji wanted nothing to do with him in this life.



"Husband, I've come to visit you."

"How many times should I tell you," Zenin Toji gritted his teeth, hand clenched tightly around the handle of his bamboo sword. "To never call me with that disgusting nickname?"

However, despite the obvious resentment written over his features, Hyousuke remained unmoved. The smile plastered on his face did not disappear. He was as steady as a tree that no one could shake and it aggravated Toji to no end.

Even in the middle of training, that brat from Danuja did not give up.

Today, Hyousuke brought a tray of snacks and a pot of warm milk with him. He sat under the shade of the biggest tree, pouring the drink in two cups. "You refuse to be called Zenin nor Toji. You even distaste being called husband. Tell me, how should I call you, then?"

The child frowned, wanting to kick that pot of warm milk away in irritation, but he held himself back. "Don't bother me; that's all you have to do. Don't even call me with some vomit-inducing nickname like husband."

"But I have informed you that I can't leave unless you come with me."

"Is that my problem? Whatever's up your ass, it has nothing to do with me." Toji snorted before sitting crisscrossed across Hyousuke, snatching a piece of biscuit from the plate and chomping on it with a distinctive frown.

"That is true," said the little lord. "But what my reasons are, you may never understand them if I told you. Perhaps you would call me crazy and a liar if I did."

Silence brewed between them.

This guy's fucking crazy. Was what went through Toji's head before taking another biscuit.

"By the way," Toji mumbled under his breath, averting his gaze from Hyousuke's direction at the same time. "You, why is that old bastard afraid of you?"

Hyousuke blinked. "Old bastard..? You mean your father?"

"Who else would it fucking be?!"

Laughter painted Hyousuke's face, causing Toji to scowl yet again.

"Have you not heard about the clan of Danuja?"

"Was I supposed to? They don't sound that great."

"Mhm." Hyousuke hummed, a thumb circling around the rim of his cup.

Toji saw this and couldn't help but solidify Hyousuke's image inside his mind as a child with an old man's personality.

"My clan, the Danuja, is pivotal to the world. Aside from Tengen-sama who holds a very important position, the Danuja is in charge of predicting the big disasters of the future. Of course, we are not allowed to say it directly so we leave hints behind for the populace to crack. Without us, the jujutsu clans might have perished a long time ago, you see?"

A small smile graced his lips but there was a hint of schadenfreude behind it. "For example, a few years from now, a newborn will arrive in this world that would change the balance. What balance that is, that is for everyone to figure out."

Hyousuke took a sip of his warm milk, a moustache like shape from leftover milk formed on top of his lips as he placed the cup down. "By the way, can this be considered a little date between us, husband?"

"You wish!" Toji almost grabbed the plate of snacks and throw it straight to the other's face. "In the first place, I was just asking why the old man was afraid of you! You could have just said that your clan's way more prominent than the Zenins!"

Seeing his flustered face, though there were hints of annoyance, Hyousuke chuckled before wiping his lips with a handkerchief hidden inside the sleeve of his haori.

"Perhaps but where would the fun be if I had gone straight to the point?"

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