Baking Day

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Shinobu pov:

"you're really cool Shinobu! I wish I was as brave and cool as you! You're really fast too" Mitsuri said to me. "thank you very much! But don't change the subject please! You should burn that uniform! He shouldn't be harassing you like that!" I said while looking Mitsuri damn serious in the eye. Me and Mitsuri was apart of the demon slayer corps and the corps has uniforms! The person who made the uniforms made the female uniform and male uniform different. The female uniform has a short skirt and a hole in the middle of the shirt. It was obviously made for perverts to like. I burned it, but Mitsuri shouldn't be wearing it if it makes her uncomfortable. "..." she didn't say anything. "Shinobu... I... I love the fact that you care about me so much... Thank you" she said. I couldn't-

Another nightmare?! Mitsuri was in it now? Why was she in my nightmare? I didn't know her before yesterday! I quickly stood up from my bed and made myself ready for school. I didn't bother trying to sleep again, since it was no use. I was happy Mitsuri was in my dream tho, I didn't mind looking at Mitsuri...

"I am going to school!" I said to Kanae and Kanao who started later today. I don't really remember if I was the one starting earlier or if it was them starting later, but why does it matter?

I was walking to school, I didn't use a bike or a car or anything like that. I was really thinking about the dream I had, it was the same kind of dream I had last night. The same uniforms... Wait, Mitsuri had a different uniform. It was showing more... Skin. We were talking about the uniform, that it should burn. I personally agree with me in the dream, no one should wear that uniform.

I got to school and walked in the gates, there were many people talking in front of the entrance. I saw Mitsuri too! I was going to go and talk to her, until I saw someone familiar. I walked to them even tho that person probably wouldn't want me close to Mitsuri.

"Obanai! Interesting to see you here" I said, I think I sounded annoyed... But I still smiled. "Shinobu! Obanai is in your class, right? I knew Obanai before I moved here!! We were friends one internet!" she took her hand on her cheeks and jumped around. I just smiled. Smiled while kind of stared at Obanai... He was staring back so it felt like a staring contest.

"I heard it was going to be a baking contest today, coincidence since we said we wanted to bake together" I said, completely ignoring Obanai. "really?! Is it teams?" she asked curiously. "yes-" "then we can be on the same team! Me, you and Obanai!!" she was getting excited again.

"uhm, it's two and two team" I said, Mitsuri looked sad... And kinda embarrassed. "yeah, and we're going to be on the same team. Not you...." Obanai said silently, making sure Mitsuri didn't hear anything. I just continued to smile, but I am pretty sure I had a somewhat annoyed face. "we figure out something" Mitsuri said as the school bell rang.

"let's go!" Mitsuri shouted and grabbed both me and Obanai and ran inside. We passed the kitchen and it said on the door 'class ___ meets here'. That was us, we're supposed to meet in the kitchen! "looks like we're not going to the classroom..." Mitsuri said and walked inside the kitchen, I followed and then Obanai followed in the end. We waited for the other class members to come in.

"Umai!" rengoku said as he entered. "we haven't even began making the food, and you're saying it's delicious now?" a friend of rengoku said as they entered after him. Rengoku has always liked this kitchen, maybe he will get along with Mitsuri!

"who are you?" he asked Mitsuri. "I am Mitsuri Kanroji! The new student! Uhm, who are you...?" she laughed nervously, I don't think she was that good with people. "kyojuro rengoku!" he Said out loud and smiled. He laughed a little too. Rengoku isn't really afraid to talk to people, he just isn't good with conversations.

"ok guys, today you're going to go in groups of two. I am going to explain what you're going to make after you group up" the teacher said with his tired and slow voice. "Mitsuri" Obanai said, hinting that he wanted to team up. "uhmmmmm, but what about Shinobu?" aww, she was so adorable. She started worrying about me even tho I just met her yesterday. I smiled and was blushing a little. I couldn't help it, she is so cute! "you got a problem with which you should choose? Choose Shinobu and Obanai goes with rengoku" the teacher decided. I chuckled a little, thought it was funny how I got Mitsuri in the end.

~a little later~

"Sooooo, what do you normally do?" Mitsuri asked me. She probably wanted to start a conversation. We were making a cake, we could choose decorations and things like that ourself, but we had to make a cake. I decided it could be two butterflies that flies into a heart, Mitsuri said it was a good idea since it presented us both. "walk around, talk to my sisters Kanao and Kanae and go to school" I answered. "you have two sisters? That's so adorable!!" I didn't really understand how having two sisters was cute, but it was nice seeing Mitsuri happy.

"I am an only child(idk if she has siblings, so here she is an only child), I have always dreamt about having a little sister" she said, she had calmed down now. "why?" I asked, it's not like I wanted to now since it's a lot of people who just wants a little brother or sister for no reason at all... But I had to ask. "I would love to see her grow up and be happy, I wouldn't be lonely either... We could each Sakura mochi all the time and we could both have this hair color. I would do anything to have a little sister" she seemed sad in a way, she must really want to have a little sister... Anything? She is so cute...

"seems like a nice dream... To have a little sister, it's nice" that was all I could think of. It's nice, what kind of respond is that? I just smiled and looked down on the cake we were making, I would do a lot... For the sake of making Mitsuri happy, so I understand the feeling.

~time skip~

"And now everyone is done with whatever they were making!" the teacher said. I was pretty happy about what I and Mitsuri made, she did made most the cake and I made most of the butterflies, together we made an amazing cake! Since this was a baking contest, someone is going to win. I believe it's either me and Mitsuri or tanjiro and muichiro.

We all got one piece of the cake we had made and then a pro cook was going to taste and look on our cakes. He was going to decide who wins! After a little while with us eating cake, the cook had found a winner. Mitsuri was already done with the cake before I had even taken my first bite, it's kinda impressive.

"the winner for this contest is... Mitsuri and Shinobu!!" the cook said, everyone was clapping for us and that made us very happy. Everyone continued eating, we all had it fun today. After the school day me and Mitsuri decided to visit each other. Mitsuri first came to me to see my sisters and where I lived and then we left to her house to hang out.

"I am home again!" I said as I entered. Mitsuri asked me where my parents were, and I said they were on a trip. I am 18 and Kanae is 21, so we can take care of ourself. I walked into my room, it was already nighttime. I jumped into bed and hugged my pillow, I wanted to dream about Mitsuri again.


Words: 1527

I feel like I have control over this story, I feel like it's no going everywhere and that I have a plan! I used to make danganronpa stories, and I didn't plan them at all! Even if I did, I just forgot about it later. So I am making better books now I belive, since I like this book way better than the books I used to make.

The next chapter will be 3 days later, just to explain what happened these three days: Shinobu and Mitsuri has always hanged out in school, sometimes they visited each other too... Obanai is obviously jealous and stuff. Shinobu had nightmares, people dying, her fighting demons and Mitsuri again. It hasn't happened something that I can write that much about.

Thank you very much for reading chapter chapter 2 of this story, it makes me really happy :D

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