I Love You

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Shinobu pov:

The nightmares has disappeared for the past few days, I wonder why they disappeared... Maybe because I am not worried about Mitsuri being in a relationship anymore? But I had a nightmare the day before I met Mitsuri... I couldn't have thought about that when I didn't even know Mitsuri then... Well, I just have to go to school I guess... It's been one weeks since me and Mitsuri kissed, her reaction was kinda cute tho... She was so embarrassed that she passed out! I blushed a little. We have already talked about it, and we both have seemed to enjoy it...

Since both of enjoyed it, I was thinking... That I could probably do that today... Yes... That! I am going to... Confess to her, I am going to tell her my feelings and hope for the best. "Shinobu! I got a letter, I got a letter!" Mitsuri ran up to me. She was a blushing mess as always, why was she talking about a letter? "It is from a random person, idk who Tho... But it says to meet me with the Sakura tree in town!" she jumped around. That sounds like a great place to confess...! Is someone going to confess to Mitsuri? I have to confess to her first.

"when?" I asked her. "It says to just meet up right after school, I will not make this person wait for too long!" she confidently promised. I guess I had to confess in lunch or maybe in one of the longer breaks. Or... Maybe it's Obanai who is going to confess to her... Maybe they are meant to be together.... Maybe I shouldn't confess... I walked inside the school, not sure if I was going to confess or not... I didn't want to let her go, but I would do anything for her happiness.

"hi!" she said as I walked towards her, she was beautiful, she had a beautiful voice and she probably had a beautiful personality! She did, she is my girlfriend now...

The cake looks like us together! The butterflies flying into a heart, love and butterflies looks good together... We won, me and my girlfriend.

You're cute while you eat, you eat so much! Good that you enjoy life. I couldn't help but stare into your eyes, my beautiful girlfriend...

The games got boring, let's make them more fun! What if we kiss? Like girlfriends?

Maybe I should confess or maybe I shouldn't? You were born to get her-

"Shinobu! Shinobu!!" the teacher yelled at me. I had fallen asleep... I still couldn't figure out if I wanted to or not... It's too late anyway, school is over... School has never been this was, never! I didn't know what to do, if it was Obanai... Mitsuri would already accept before he even confessed. Sakura tree... Maybe I can watch, Mitsuri would probably have this cute and funny reaction... I would love to see her happy. I smiled and walked away, the teacher seemed angry at me. Maybe next time I don't sleep on the desk. I chuckled a little.

I had finally arrived at the Sakura tree, just like I imagined... Obanai was there and he had some flowers too, quite obvious he would confess. Mitsuri had already come, I hope she is happy with this... I hope she is happy that she could get a boyfriend like him. "Mitsuri... I have fallen in love with your amazing and sweet personality, I would like to be able to hold your hand while watching the sunset or go to a café and make great memories... Will you be my girlfriend?" he asked. I knew it, now Mitsuri is going to accept and stuff.

"Obanai, that is really sweet... But I am already taken" huh? What did she say? Already taken? When? What? I don't understand... "wait, when did you get a boyfriend? Who are you talking about...?!" Obanai looked sad and angry at the same time. He looked like he was about to cry, poor guy. I thought Mitsuri and Obanai was meant to be together, why did she reject him? And who is she talking about? "I am talking about my girlfriend... Shinobu Kocho" she said. Obanai lost his flowers to the ground and was in shock. But someone who was more in shock than him was... Me, when did we get together?

"I love her and I will always do! We can still be friends tho!! It's just something special about her..." she closed her eyes and was smiling gently, she then opened them again and turned to where I was standing. She walked towards me and I wanted to run away so she wouldn't see me, but I was completely frozen. She continued to walk my way until she stopped, she stopped right in front of me. She was standing right in front of me, could see me and all. Her expression showed that she already knew I was there. She then moved closer to me and kissed me, she kissed me. She didn't get embarrassed at all, she didn't care at all... She just. Kissed me. I kissed her back and we kissed for a long time.

"I love you" I said. She was smiling at me, she was probably happy. "I live you too!!" she said and jumped at me. We hugged each other and kissed a little. We were really happy, and I was happier than I could ever be.

I think I understood now, I understood the nightmares... I understood the dreams... I am going to do something, something that will end this story with an happy ending... Me and mitsuri... Was the ones meant to be together.


Words: 1173

One more chapter and the story is done, it will be 7-8 chapters. One more chapter with the story and a extra chapter with me explaining Things, I might make a fanart chapter where I just give ya'll fanart and maybe say something about it.

The next chapter will not be as long as the other ones, it's going to be way shorter lol. I don't have any idea on how the chapter can be that long, but I can try to make it a little long. I won't say that making a shorter chapter is the worst tho.

Poor Obanai, he only wanted to be together with Mitsuri😔 He was just left out at the end, everyone just forgot him lol. His expression was probably 😑+😷 just like 'yup, there my dreams just walked out of the room'. Poor guy...

I hope you enjoyed the chapter, it was actually under 1000 words but what I am writing here made it over 1000 lol. It makes me kinda sad that the story itself did not get over 1000, but I was running out of ideas and I am kinda lazy to describe every single things that happens. I will not make the next chapter go over 1000, like I said... It's going to be shorter.

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