The Kiss

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Warning: One kiss scene! You may have understood that by the name lol

Shinobu pov:

I have often visited Mitsuri at her home, but today is different! It's finally time for her to come to me this is time. Kanae is really focused on studying, so she didn't want to get distracted by me and Mitsuri talking. So I always visited Mitsuri instead. Now Kanae is out buying stuff, she usually use a long time to get home after going to buy groceries and stuff like that. Kanao is out walking with tanjiro again, Nezuko is with them too. So it's only me and Mitsuri that will be here now.

"Hello? This is the home right? Uhm, Shinobu?" I heard outside the door, it was Mitsuri. I walked over the floor and opened the door. There she was, Mitsuri Kanroji the most beautiful girl I have ever seen. I smiled and velcomed her in. It was some silent for a moment. "uhmm, what do you usually do in you home... I that is normal to ask" she said, breaking the silence. "I have board games! Wanna play some?" I smiled gently, I tried to make her feel comfortable... But I didn't know exactly how to. "yes!! I love board games!!" she screamed excitedly. That is my Mitsuri, she is a weird one... But I love her.

"I go find it, you can go to my room in the meanwhile! Ah! You remember where it is right?" I looked curious at her, I hope she hasn't forgotten. "yeah...! I... I remember!" she seemed nervous for some reason, she was acting differently. I don't mind too much, she might have a different kind of day. I smiled and walked away, where were those games??

Mitsuri pov:

I have to stop acting like that! I have to be more confident! I can't talk like that to my crush, what if she hates me after this?! Maybe she thinks I am annoying... She is so cute tho!! I can't believe I am all alone with her, in her house!! All alone... Eeehhh what am I thinking!! I walked to her room, blushing like never before... I hoped I could give her a hint or something, but I am way too awkward for that... I opened the door to Shinobu's room and looked around, it was cute but also cool in a way. I just smiled happily and walked over to the window. She had a good placement for the window.

"There we go, board games! I place them on the floor" Shinobu came into the room, she was holding a lot of different board games. I couldn't see her face since the games were in the way. She walked to the bed and placed them there, she just looked at me and smiled. "I better not lose, I have been the best at these games since I was little!" she said and laughed a little bit. I couldn't help but notice she was acting a little different, she was acting more loudly and not with the same kinda smile she uses to have around people. Does she... Tsust me?

"wait! I can turn off the lights, so it gives a game night vibe!" she said and ran up to the lights, she turned them of and walked out of the room. A little later she came back with a lantern, I guess that was going to be our light. "now I am ready! Which game-" she started saying, she seemed really excited. "I mean... Which game would you like to play?" I think she realized she was acting differently, she was back to her calm and... I don't know if it is, but normal self? "that one!" I pointed at a red box with a Grey mouse on it, the eyes was popping out and the game was called 'falling mouse eye'(idk if it exists, but I just made that up right now lol). I thought it looked cute, kinda regret it!!

"that is surprising, You're adorable" Shinobu said. Huhh???? She said I was adorable!!! Oh noo!! I am a blushing mess again! "Mitsuri! Are you ok?" she said as I kinda fell. She catched me. I was now in Shinobu's lapp, and I was really embarrassed. "what happened?" she asked calmly. Her voice made my heart warm up, it was the most beautiful thing I have ever heard. Her voice was able to calm me down right away, until I realized our position... "Mitsuri!!! It's happening again!! Are you ok?!"

~Time skip~

We played board games for a long time, sometimes Shinobu won and other times I won. I think I have won 3 more times than Shinobu! That is good! I believe... "you're good at these games" she said, her eyes were closed and she had a cute smile. She was really cute. Then it happened again, we were just staring into each other's eyes. But this time was different, because this time... No one could come and break it. A little time went by and it was then I realized we had got closer to each other. Shinobu took her hand on my cheek and slowly pulled my head closer to hers. Our lips were getting closer by the second, and then... They touched... We kissed... We kissed for a little and then we broke it. It was nice... But then. "eeeeeeehhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!"

I couldn't help but scream, I was so embarrassed!! I just kissed her randomly, or we kissed each other... But that is not the point! We aren't even a couple and we just... It's so embarrassing, even tho I enjoyed the kiss!! I also think I passed out- yup, I passed out.

~time skip~

Shinobu pov:

I just kissed Mitsuri, and then she passed out... But I am glad I could kiss her! Even tho I don't know if she actually enjoyed it or not... I hope she did or I am just a big monster, I don't want to be that. Mitsuri went home after she woke up again and Kanae came home again not so long after. Kanao took her time, she must've really enjoyed that trip...

I went to bed, I wonder what was the thing with these dreams... If only I could figure it out. I felt that my eyes were slowly falling, I closed my eyes and disappeared into the dream land. What was it going to be in my dream this time? Huh... What was that? Was that tanjiro? But he looked so different, he had red eyes... His eyes looked the same as the guy everyone called the demon lord... Why is tanjiro in my dream so suddenly? I don't even talk to him that much... What is... Going on?


Words: 1210

I can't say I enjoyed to write the kissing scene that much, It was somewhat awkward lol! It wasn't exactly the kiss itself, it was more because of how I explained it... I have a goal to make every chapter over 1000 words, so I had to make it long... Not to mention that my teacher said that a good story needs to be described well🤓

Thank you and I hoped you enjoyed this chapter <3

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