Chapter Five

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*Gyutaro POV*

'What is wrong with this girl? She smells like a demon but also a human. She smells sweet and she's beautiful, just what my sister prefers' I watched as she panics. "I'm just passing by! I promise to leave!"

I looked over her appearance. Her auburn hair went past her shoulders. Green eyes, almost emerald like. She was about as tall as Daki. Everything about her is what my sister enjoys in a meal but is she human?

I started scratching at my neck and chest. " hey...what exactly are you?" She froze, she's about to lie. "I-I'm a demon! Just like you!" I smirk and quickly run behind her, whispering in her ear "then why do you smell like a human" she didn't have a chance to look behind her when I hit her neck, causing her to faint.

I caught her immediately, lifting her up and tossing her onto my shoulder. "She still smells like a demon though..." I hurried over to where Daki was, she was planning on having a meal tonight. Maybe she can help determine what this girl is.

It didn't take me long to appear in her room. She turned around excited at first but immediately frowned. "Brother, what is that? It smells strange" placing the woman gently on the floor, I look at her, sharing the same questioning look.

"I think she's human....but...."
"She smells like a demon."

We stare at this woman, our silence determining what we should do.

"Well" I look up to see her Obi sashes out, smirking down at the girl "only one way to find out!"

A sudden pain jolted me awake. Blood splashed upwards on what appeared to be a scarf? What was worse, I couldn't move or scream.

The man from before was holding me down with his body while his hand was placed against my mouth, muffling my screams.

"How odd, even though she smells like a human, she's healing like a demon." A voice of a woman could be heard. I looked around my new surroundings and noticed a young girl with long white hair stared me down with menacing lime green eyes.

She brought her hand up to her mouth and chuckled "haha she's such a low ranking demon! Must be a newly born, she'll obviously still smell like a human, brother." She glanced down at my arm that she slashed.

"However...." She approached me slowly, kneeling beside the man and pressing her hand against my now healed arm. "I've never heard of a newer demon having this kind of regeneration. It's almost as fast as mine...."

Her curiosity turned into a stern glare. "We need to report this to Lord Muzan" the man's hand twitched at the name "I don't really like when he's around..."

Completely ignoring his comment, she spoke "Until he can get here, she needs to be locked up" his grip started to loosen 'he's dropping his guard?' He sat up, staring at the girl who was now walking away "can you store her in your sash?"

She turns to glare at him, stomping her foot onto the ground "No! Her presence will ruin the humans I have stored in there!" He frowns "I don't see how that's possible..." she walks away, her appearance changing. Looking more of a human.

She turns towards the man, a pout on her face "please brother, take care of her until Lord Muzan arrives. You can even hide within me to avoid him!" The man started contemplating his options but made up his mind quickly.

"I want to hear what he has to say and what we should do about her" the girl smiles brightly and starts to leave the room "Then I leave the rest up to you!"

The door slammed shut, causing me to jump and return the man's attention back to me. He finally removed his grip around my mouth and smiled a toothy grin. I made note of his sharp teeth, wondering how much easier it is to eat.

But staring seems to set him off. He frowned and I realized a sickle was at my throat "if you don't stop staring, I'm going to have to remove your eyes" I was too afraid to remove my gaze and my honesty got the best of me.

"I'm sorry....I just find you....unique...." He lowered his weapon, his grip tightening and loosening around the handle. As if deciding on what he should do.

It was true though. He was different compared to other demons. Most looked almost human except for an extra limb, eye, horn, etc. The girl even appeared human, anyone can mistaken her. But him? He stood out and I just wanted to know what he was like before he became a demon.

Was he forced like Nezuko?

Was he given a choice?

I wanted to ask but I didn't know where to begin. And clearly I didn't have enough of his trust to start asking questions.

I continued staring at him, watching him closely. He raised his hand and struck me. It only took a matter of seconds for me to black out.

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