Chapter Sixteen

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(A/N- let me start with an apology! I was really hoping to get this out either early or on time but here I am nearly three weeks later 😅 my life kinda tied me down and I needed to focus. But here is the final chapter. Enjoy ❤️)

Everything felt warm, welcoming. I didn't want to open my eyes. Memories of the past coming forth. Gyutaro, Ume and myself playing at night. Wait...Ume...? That's right, Daki must have changed her name. I was born way before Daki and Gyutaro.

My parents heard of a doctor that could cure almost anything and went out looking for him. I was born extremely ill, it was doctor after doctor. But everything was only temporary. A rumor went around that a doctor was able to cure the deadliest of illnesses. And my parents were out to look for him.

3 years have passed and they finally found him. My father carrying me piggy back, my legs no longer listening to me. I couldn't even feel them. My vision was also bad, I could barely see what was in front of me. Everything was nothing but a blur. I relied more on peoples voices than the blobs that walked around.

I remember hearing a voice I didn't recognize. "Come come, I have another patient I am also treating if that is alright. Though hers will be a little different, I am still using the same ingredients." My mother spoke "yes of course! Thank you for your time. We've been looking for you for a very long time." The man hums quietly.

The harsh cold turned into warmth. I hear a woman gasp "poor dear! Lay her here and I'll grab a couple more blankets!" I could hear the smile in my father's voice, "thank you..."

I was gently placed down on a soft layer, what I assumed was a bed. I hear shuffling right next to me and then another unfamiliar voice. Much weaker than the others. "Are you sick too?" It was a young man. A soft hand grabbed my own, squeezing it lightly. "I hope he can heal us both" I felt myself smile "me too"

My memories shifted. I didn't feel as weak, my stomach felt tender. I opened my eyes slowly and there was a man staring at me. Shaggy black hair, pink eyes and was that blood? Wait...."my's back!" The man scoffs. "That fool of a doctor tricked us. Same with our families. We're nothing but monsters now" I sat up slowly and my surroundings was not for the weak of heart.

My parents laid beside me, dead. Another man and woman across the room were also laying in what I assumed was a puddle of their own blood. "What did you do?!" My reflexes were faster than I remembered. I grabbed for his throat and in a blink of an eye, he was pinned against the wall.

He placed his clawed hand onto my wrist. This caused me to notice my own set of claws. I released the man immediately. Staring at both hands. "What happened...?" The man growls out. "I don't know. When I woke up, I no longer felt like I was on the brink of death. But I knew right away I lost my humanity. We can't even go outside. I tried to leave but the burned...." I look around the house, realizing there were blankets covering the windows to keep the light out.

"I didn't kill you because he changed you also but....something is different about you." I look at him, confused by what he means. "He gave me medicine to drink. But I guess you were worse off than me and needed the flower directly inside you." I felt shocked "what do you mean?" He points to my stomach. "He made an incision and placed a blue spider Lilly inside of you"

The memories were fading away as I slowly opened my eyes. I placed my hand above a non existing scar. The way I am was due to a crazy doctor. "Are you okay, big sister?"

A familiar voice grabbed my attention. I look down and a young looking wait...."Ume,,,?" Her eyes welled up "I'm so sorry I was so mean to you! I-I remember! We played a lot! Then one disappeared...why?" I take notice of my surrounding, it was warm, gentle but I couldn't remember what happened. "Why did I leave....?"

A soft hand held mine and Ume pointed. I followed the direction she was pointing towards and noticed flames. And amongst those flames was Gyutaro. His back facing us, still remaining in his demon form.

We ran as fast as we could "Gyutaro!" I shouted and this caused him to slowly turn. Ume let go of my hand and jumped onto his back before he made the full turn while I ran right into his chest, wrapping my arms awkwardly between the two.

"Why are you two here?! This is not a place for you!!" I tightened my grip "we promised to stay together forever, big brother! Wherever you go, I'm going too!" I look up at him, smiling lovingly "I won't leave your side again, Gyutaro"

He stared down at me, his expressions changing from mad, to regret, to happiness but back to regret. "Where I'm's not a place meant for you two. I did wrong as a human, now I face my consequences. And I need to do it alone..." Ume cried louder as she protested "I'm not leaving your side! You promised big brother! And so did Y/N! We found each other by dumb luck again." I reached over and patted Ume's head, comforting her.

"She's right. We promised to stay together. In life and in death. Whatever you have to face Gyutaro..." I grabbed his hand with my free one, squeezing his hand softly "we'll do it together" He breathed out slowly, almost annoyed but chuckled, knowing damn well we're not going to let him go alone.

He wrapped one warm around Ume's leg, holding her up better while squeezing my hand. He faced forward, smiling happily. "Let's go...." We walked further into the flames "Y/N...." I look up at him, he kept his focus on what was in front of him "Thank you for not abandoning me. Whatever happens, I want you to know that I love you." My breath hitched, I choked back my tears "I love you too, Gyutaro."

He broke out in a grin " much older are you?" I blush deeply, realizing I wasn't exactly sure. Ume quickly saves the day, pinching his cheek "it's not nice to ask a lady her age!" He released my hand to swat hers away from his cheek, only for her to pinch the other. "You brat! I can't help but be curious!" I couldn't help but laugh, this very moment was familiar to me.

Whatever happened to us in the past, I'm happy we're back together. Whether it's hell or heaven, or if we are reborn, I hope we find each other again. And this time, live a better life as humans.

(AN- thank you for your patience! Sorry if the ending sucks 😔 I have highly considered doing a prequel if anyone is interested? It won't start until at least a month or so, hopefully that's enough time for things in my life to calm down 😬😬 but I appreciate every single one of you ❤️ Thank you for reading and commenting. I loved seeing your comments and knowing the few who were commenting were enjoying the story! You guys are the best 🥹)

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