The girl who was both

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We were a trio,
a trio of chaos,
a trio of laughter
a trio of hope,

A hope so strong,
it outweighed everything else.
Problems paling in comparison,
to the light we carried.

We were a trio,
a trio of dusk,
a trio of dawn,
a trio of darkness.

A darkness not quite as dark,
as it was before.
Dampened by its company,
decreased in form as well as fortitude.

We were a trio,
through and through.
A trio of that needed each other,
both me and her and you.

A need for love,
a need for warmth.
The warmth we wished we'd gotten elsewhere,
but never had.

We were a trio,
a trio of trauma,
a trio of tears,
a trio of strength,

A strength so strong,
because it had to be.
Our minds and bodies crumbling,
with the lack of it.

We were a trio,
a trio that swore not to leave,
a trio that lied,
a trio that became a duo.

A duo consumed with grief,
because the lie wasn't lied.
It was forced and taken,
she was taken.

We were a duo,
a duo of loss,
a duo of heartbreak,
a duo of death.

A death that shattered our souls,
in a way we didn't know death could.
A death that brought darkness,
no longer dampened by her light.

We were a duo,
a duo never meant for two.
a duo searching for their dusk,
a duo searching for their dawn.

A dawn we found,
in the coldness of the night,
the fierceness of the waves,
rolling over us relentlessly

We were a duo,
heading towards our third,
reunited not in this life,
but the next.

A next where we all stood,
the dusk,
the dawn,
and the girl who was both. 

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