Part 3

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One Week Later

Amelia woke up wondering what Kai would be doing they're probably in the Lab, where they'd be wearing that lab coat that makes them look so sexy. She decides to get some breakfast at the hospital as Link had Scout and she could probably see him in Nursery.

She saw that smile which brightened up any room and he ran, well stumbled towards her. She picked her sweet boy up and ruffled his curly blond hair and kissed his chubby cheeks.
"How's my baby boy?" Amelia babbled
"He's fine." Link snarled.
Link grabbed Scout and placed him over by the reading corner.
"You should leave him alone once he's in Nursery, we don't want to confuse him" Link snapped as he grabbed Amelia's arm and dragged her to the elevator. "There's been a MVC, they need you in the ER."
"Link I get that you're upset with me but you can't behave like that in front of Scout,"
Link stormed out the elevator without even saying anything.

Amelia runs into the ER to see a man being pushed in on a gurney with a large skull laceration half stitched.
"Who started and then stopped suturing?" Amelia looked at the paramedics before the man raised his hand.
"We tried to get him to stop but he wouldn't and he refused pain relief or anaesthesia."
The man who had returned to suturing despite him having to stitch the back of his head started to speak "You know you should probably go outside and wait for the next ambulances, there were a lot of injured"
"Right now my focus is on you, Mr..."
"I really think your focus should be on them"
Dozens of people screaming and flatlining are rushed into the ER. Directed towards a nearby intern Amelia sighed "Fine, just get me to check him over before he leaves," The intern nods before Amelia rushes into action.

After a few hours of life saving surgeries, Amelia checks back on her self stitching patient but her intern rushes up to her and starts to quickly talk "I really did try to keep him here but he said he had to go to a job interview. I am so so so sorry,"
Amelia tore open the thin blue curtain, took a deep breath, turned to the intern and said "Don't be sorry for me, be sorry for the guy who could haemorrhage or bleed out, because you couldn't keep him here for 5 more minutes."


"Amelia, you good?" Maggie asked.
"Of course not, she's missing her crush" Meredith said in a sing song voice. "So, how is Dr Bartley?"
Amelia scowled at Meredith and in the process her nose did that cute scrunch thing Kai would've love to see.
"WHAT, THEY'RE YOUR CRUSH!!!" Maggie shouted.
"Speak louder I don't think the polar bears in Antarctica heard you!" Amelia looked at Maggie extremely angry and then looked around to see people awkwardly looking at her trying to hide that they were.
"Sorry" Maggie said avoiding eye contact.
Meredith continues to laugh as Amelia turns red with both embarrassment and anger. The Lady Chief Trifecta simultaneously look down at their pagers to see 'Nurses Station, Floor 4'.
Without even speaking they took off together.

"Ahh, there you are," Dr David Hamilton exclaimed.
"David, what are you doing here, are you sick, is the trial okay?" Amelia rambled.
"Everything is great. I'm simply here to celebrate my good health and also to tell you we got through to the next round of testing!" David said through a beaming smile.
"Seriously," all three sisters said at the same time.
"I know, I was surprised too after David completely messed up the trial by not telling us he was extremely sick," Amelia immediately recognised their voice, it was smooth yet harsh, light but heavy but god damn it was sexy. She turned round to see the green eyed neuroscientist and tried but failed miserably to hide a smile and blush. Kai waves at the sisters and takes long strong steps holding out their hand and talks directly at Maggie "You must be the infamous Dr Maggie Pierce."
"Ooh, I'm infamous, am I" Maggie said while raising an eyebrow at Amelia.
"Dr Grey, Dr Shepherd," Kai said while looking flirty at Amelia.
"Dr Bartley," Amelia smiles at Kai.
"Right," David interrupted "We had 75 potential trial members, then we whittled them down using probability for success to only 40, and today we'll half that to 20 trial members. Dr Shepherd would you be able to weigh in on this or are you busy?"
"No, I've done my surgeries for today."
Hamilton beckons both Kai and Amelia into an empty conference room. The table is a large rectangle made of a dark brown oak. David sits at the head of the table while Amelia sits diagonally across from him and Kai sits opposite Amelia. They pass a stack of files to her of different colours: Red, Yellow, Green, Blue and White.
Kai explains the colours "White are the worst with fully developed symptoms and extreme brain cell deterioration, Red means they've got significant symptoms with considerable but not full brain cell deterioration and loss of some functions, Yellow also has significant symptoms but with no deterioration, Green have small but progressing symptoms and zero decreased brain function, while Blue are the best candidate they don't have any symptoms with no brain cell deterioration. However there are only 5 people in the blue category."
"So, we take the 5 from the blue and the rest from Green and then Yellow later if needed, right?" said Amelia.
Kai massages the bridge of their nose and rubs their eyes "That's one option but we also want to prove that it can cure late stage Parkinson's. I was thinking to make it fair and constant we should take 5 from each group and then we'd have 20 people and in each group we study how well the cure works over set out periods of time,"
David furrows his eyebrows and cautiously says "Huh, I would've thought that you'd want to have the best possible outcome for the trail"
"Obviously I want that but the thing I want the most," Kai glances over at Amelia "Is to cure Parkinson's and then Alzheimer's and maybe even Dementia. I mean that is the goal isn't it, to cure disease."

The Fear of Loving - A Kaimelia Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now