Part 7

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"Wait, what?! They're here aren't they, surely they're okay, right!" Maggie rambled as
Meredith kept an eye on the ambulance bay through a window.
"No, no. I sent them to the hotel to get my coat and about five or so minutes ago I got off the phone with them. When was the explosion?"
Meredith looked concernedly at Maggie.
"Meredith, what aren't you telling me? Please, I need to know, when?"
"5 minutes ago," Meredith said with an immense sense of apprehension.
Amelia's lip quivered as tears fought tooth and nail to escape. The familiar whoop of sirens flood into the ER as ambulances speed into the bay. Doctors rush out getting ready for the inflow of victims. Amelia rushes out as well "Amelia, what are you doing? You are definitely not in a good state of mind!" Meredith shouts, while running after Amelia with Maggie by her side.
"It's fine. I can put my emotions aside and we will need every single doctor helping out, no sitting on the sidelines,"
Maggie and Meredith look at each other both wondering if they should stop her before realising there's no point. Owen and Teddy walk back in "All DOAs" but Amelia continues on and checks the faces of all the deceased, hoping, praying she won't see Kai. But she does.

She sees them in all their faces, knowing that Kai could've been any of them, but so glad they're at least not dead here. She makes her way back into the ER shaking her head when Maggie asks "Is it them?".  Amelia calls Kai's cell phone, it must be working because she hears the ringing and the stupid automated voice of their voicemail. She goes to call the number again when a gurney is rolled in as Jake, Kai's best friend and Paed's doctor, tries to revive a flatlining patient. Amelia prays to God, if there even is one that it's Kai and they're okay. Jake steps back as a defibrillator shocks the patient back and their heartbeat comes back. "Dr Grey, over here, abdomen's tense!" Jake calls out. Meredith runs over there with Amelia checking as well and is saddened it's not Kai. She watches frozen as Meredith performs a General Exam, ruling a CT would be needed. Jake is about to head off into the eye the storm but Amelia stops him "Have you seen Kai?"
"Yeah, just a few times, you know Ohio, Minnesota even he-"
"I mean today. At the hotel, they were there, actually in the hotel, the elevator specifically, I think, I mean it's possible they got out, but I... I don't think they could've gotten out in time, before the explosion I mean."
Amelia could see the cogs turning in Jake's mind, while she thought about the elevator collapsing in on itself with Kai inside it, thinking of their body, broken and bruised. "No, I haven't but they're a fast runner, I'm going back out there, and I'll keep an eye out for them," Jake speeds off with hardly a glance back.

Amelia resolved herself and decided to not think the worst and instead just get on with saving others, pinning her hopes on some stupid Karmic way of paying it forward to Kai. She treated patient after patient, checking for signs that it could be Kai, let down every time it wasn't. She had worked for about three hours straight, but it felt like years, looking back at every tall, thin person being hit by everything again. She realised she couldn't carry on this way anymore, sooner or later she'd crumble and unfortunately it'd be a patient who suffered.

Sitting down on those uncomfortable plastic chairs in the waiting room, reminded her of all of those horrible times in the past the same thing had happened all too many times. She shook those nasty thoughts from her head. Looking towards a paramedic folding up a coat into a clear clothes bag writing a label. A navy coat with pockets lined with velvety material filled with pens and scraps of paper. She smiled to herself thinking of her coat that was probably filled with that sort of stuff. She stared intensely at the coat before standing up and walking towards the paramedic. "Hi, I'm Dr Shepherd, do you mind if I have a look at that coat, I think it might be mine?" Amelia basically pleaded.
"Sure...?" the paramedic replied quite confused.
Amelia picked up the coat checking the pockets, pulling out car keys, her car keys. Car keys with a little fluffy pink key chain Scout had pulled of a hundred times. "Do you have any idea when or who this taken from?"
"Uh yeah, it was that doctor, the research one, the tall, thin one. They were helping people and had to use it to stop someone bleeding, about 20 minutes ago, why?"
"No reason. So, they're okay?" Amelia hoping for relief. The paramedic nodded before having to head back off. Amelia smiled finally feeling that sweet sweet relief.

The Fear of Loving - A Kaimelia Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now