Part 4

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Kai looked at Jacob and said "I'm sorry, when the hell did we get married?"

"Seriously, come on, Kindergarten, Rosie Parker officiated and we had a beautiful ceremony" Jacob looked with fake sadness "No, I don't think anyone would be able to put a ring on that finger, I know, I know, marriage is stupid and why do you need to prove your love with a piece of paper. I've heard it a 100 times, you even wrote a essay on it for middle school," 
"I hate you so much!" Kai said.
"You love me really. Anyways, I'm actually little hurt you didn't recognise me Dr Shepherd, but i guess I'll forgive you as I don't have blood all over me and stitching my own head laceration."
"Wait, Self-Stitch was you!" Amelia looked shocked at Jacob.
"Told you I had a Job Interview". Now we should get this consult started in Conference Room 2. So, follow me I guess?"

All the department heads follow Jacob towards the elevator "Can I borrow some residents? And Reggie you are totally going to want to see this."
"Reggie?" Amelia questioned.
"Kai. Just a nickname." Jacob answered.
The residents run to the elevator and Kai followed afterwards.
"Never call me that again...Barbie"
Jacob sighed and groaned.

A/N: For the next part, the whole consult case is definitely WIDLY Medically Inaccurate

Everyone filed into the Conference Room. "Residents, who here has heard of Situs Inversus?" Jacob addressed the audience.
The residents which comprised of Levi Schmitt, Jordan Wright, Zander Perez, and Jo Wilson. All hands shot up except for Levi who was only recently back after the Incident.
"You, what is Situs Inversus?" Jacob asked again, pointing at Levi.
Levi looked concerned before starting "Umm, it's where the organs are on the opposite side of the body, right?"
"I don't know is it?"
"Yes, it is Dr Moore" Levi said.
"Please, call me Jacob or Jake. Now who has seen one in person and operated on one?"
Owen raised his hand. "Good, that's good, now who has seen tumours in both the Brain, Heart,   and Liver in a patient with Situs Inversus?"
No one raises their hand.
"If you'd all take a look at the scans of both tumour infected organs you can see the Brain is much more affected, so that is my main concern but the Heart and Liver are still badly affected"
"The brain is flipped, the heart is flipped, even the Liver is flipped, we're going to need a whole lot of practice, when are we supposed remove the tumours?" asked Maggie.
"That's the catch, today at 11pm at the latest, I know it's difficult but the patient Lucia Diaz, is originally from Columbia and has to return  home tomorrow at 5pm or she gets deported to a place she cant get better and she also needs enough time to be safe to fly. It's difficult but I believe it's doable."
"Okay, then we'll talk on the way and at the skills lab, me and Teddy will need to practise and so will Amelia and Meredith." Maggie explained.
"Okay, so Cardio you will remove the tumours from left and right ventricles. General will need two people to remove the tumours from the Liver. Then, at the same time I will remove the tumours from the Frontal and Parietal Lobes. I have practiced for months but now we just need to practice together. I've flown in reconstructions of her head and torso for us to practice on." Jacob talked occasionally running his fingers through his hair.
"Wait, unless I am mistaken you are a Paediatric Surgeon, not Neurosurgeon. I am, so surely I will be performing the surgeon." Amelia argued.
"I like you, very feisty. But, according to the medical board, I am board-certified in Paediatric Surgery, Neonatal Surgery, and Neurosurgery. Yes, that is a lot, but it means I will be doing this surgery with you as an assist."
"And humble, too!" Kai laughed
"Shut up, like you weren't on the phone with me for hours about the Parkinson's trial success."


After hours in the the skills lab, so far they'd had a 75% success rate. Teddy and Maggie were in the middle of another practise with Meredith and Bailey, when they were called over by Jake.
"I've just got a page, it's about Lucia shes gone into distress and her heart BP is slowing, we need to go now and go quick, can you guys do that?" Jake looks at everyone with a hopeful look in his eyes. Teddy and Maggie look at each other and nod, Meredith and Bailey whisper at each other and agree and Amelia gets up from her seat and picks up her scrub cap.

The Fear of Loving - A Kaimelia Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now