injured people get what they want

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" are you comfortable?" Dad repeated while trying to tuck another pillow under my leg

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" are you comfortable?" Dad repeated while trying to tuck another pillow under my leg .

" yes I'm good " he nodded standing up to look for something to fix.

When I absolutely refused to come back to Jacksonville with mom , it was the couch in the small living room/kitchen that is my next option.

I didn't mind tho, I needed to be here... I couldn't stay away from Forks even after all of this .

" just ask if you need anything " he said gruffly. 

" can I get a cat?" I took my chance looking at him with puppy eyes .

He rolled his eyes and walked to his room to get ready for work as Bella sat in the chair motionless and with broken leg too.

" if we weren't twins... I'd say we are injury twinsies " I joked trying to lighten up the mood seeing how she couldn't look me in the eye and cried when she saw my leg totally shattered.

She didn't answer or smile " tough crowd " I huffed looking for tye remote control .

It's like those times when I tried to create fake scenarios to escape reality and ended up creating more heartbreak or about to fight myself .

Cons of being in twilight? Not being able to watch twilight when you're feeling sad.

My dad got down, dressed for work. He looked around for his things till the bell rang.

He hurried to open the door for our vampire nurse
" Hello Charlie " Alice chirped making dad smile and let her in.

He surly likes her more than her brother.

" aight girls I'm goin" I waved at him smiling and Alice closed the door behind him.

Alice came to sit between us with a smile

" why aren't you freaking out?" Bella asked me now that we are finally alone.
I looked at her, laying my head on the head rest
" I'm waiting for the ptsd to hit and get it over with " I replied

We can hear the police car engine leaving our driveway
And immediately Alice opened the door for Edward.

Bella finally had some color in her face as if she's finally can breath. I know new moon is gonna hit hard.

He sat next to his girlfriend bearly looking at me, then peeled his eyes to greet mine.

" how are you feeling Elizabeth " he asked formally

I shrugged " you can call me Liz.. I feel itchy "

He looked at my leg then me, his eyes are like pools of honey looking at me regrettably.
' we must stay focused... we must. Stay. Focused ' I repeated myself.

" I am so sorry for everything " he started

Bella looked at him about to argue his guilt

" I don't think it's your fault I was kidnaped by a psychopath vampire ... I just need to know the plot " I answered, keeping my breathing calm.

" if I was watching your future none of this would have happened " Alice said with a little pout

' goddammit Liz pull yourself together ! You can't crush on the entire family!!'

" what do you mean my future?  I acted clueless

" we owe you an explanation " Edward gained my focus.

I looked at him nodding. He looked down choosing his words
" we are all vampires, just like James " he started

I didn't want to cut him off by saying 'well duhhh'

" we don't hurt humans, we only... survive on animals " he didn't specify making me feel sad for him. It must be very difficult for him to have his lover and her twin both tangled in a vampire hunt one of them seeing the worse of their species first.

" that's why your eyes are yellowish while his is crimson red?" I asked casually.

Part of me is just fangirling and not thinking of this as my own reality from now on.

He nodded, Bella kept surveying my reactions
" when my family was playing baseball, they heard us and came to us... one thing led to another and James figured out that Bella is human...
" he paused letting this sink in first

" some of us has certain abilities... like I can read minds ... Alice can see the future of your decisions -"

" hold on....cut the cameras.... you read minds....let's not skip this ,you can read my mind?" I put on a good show and they believed it .  It's like when you know a gossip but you have to act shocked cause the sources of your knowledge is illegal.

He breathed like he is an exhausted human " I can read everyone's mind except Bella's... yours is peculiar too... sometimes your thoughts are so loud others is as silent as your sister " he frowned looking like this still bothers him.

" sheesh... maybe I can control my mind " I grinned which was received with weird looks from everyone.

" James is a tracker, he can track anyone and made this his game. If it wasn't for my reaction he wouldn't have noticed " he said that almost to himself.

He still has that self guilt stuff going on and seeing it is everything!

" I'm so sorry you were caught in this and got to see our worst first hand "
I shrugged

"  does that mean I can get spoiled ?" I asked seriously

He blinked looking baffled, Bella and I surly are stranger than vampires.

" why are you okay with this ?" He sort if yelled

" it's kinda of a family thing .... we are okay with the strange mysterious " I wink to Bella who still looks at me sadly.

" I want Xbox 360 and a gaming partner and all is forgiven " I grinned like a mad woman. 

Poor eddy looked at me then at Bella then at me like he has never felt more confused than now .

Alice grinned back " already here " she sings rather than talk. Dancing her way to the door only to Emmett smiling and holding bags up like its Christmas.

" Alice you have the best gift ever... c'mere give your bestie a hug" Alice didn't hesitate to hug me. Her cool skin felt nice and she's really tender.

I'm so gay

Emmett smiled at me " let me be the first one to sign your cast !" His voice boomed totally nonchalant about how constipated Edward is looking.

We just wanna have fun
And maybe a threesome ....

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