the dream world ain't dreaming

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So, I really thought I won huh.

I thought I'm over being depressed and angry but it seems like even if life gave you six books and four movies about your life. You'll still feel lost.

The cullens left, and Bella became a shell of a person. It is weird! And concerning. Charlie is more patient than me cause I already want to slide her some Xanax to get things going.
She stopped talking for three days and now she's acting like a robot. I hate it I hate it I hate it.

I lost my sister again and I can't even get mad at her. She does her daily routine and just sits there on that chair motionless.



My leg finally healed enough for me to walk on it. I kept exercising anything I can get my hands on just to move enough to strengthen my leg.
In other words, distractions.
I distracted myself with everything I can get to except drugs. I won't do the same mistake twice.

I got a part time job as a cashier at our local market and that gave me a routine enough to feel the time moving.
Just enough not to email Alice for 400 times.
And not get a ticket to Alaska searching for them. I know where they are, I know where Denali is? I'd ask about the nearest all blonde hot women around. Or wait for Edward in Texas as he tries to hunt Victoria amd fails.

I can do that! But I won't. I'm going to actually move on. My sister has to have her own experience and last time I helped I got a lifetime injury.
A girl is scared okay!

Embry texted me to hang out and I accepted. I walked to Bella's room cutting her grief shorter. " hey, can you drive me to Lapush?" I knocked amd opened the door seeing her lost in her thought
" earth to Bella " I spoke again making her turn to look at me. We didn't speak of it since the incident, she didn't want to cry. She suffers in silence remember ' eye roll'
So it's been very strainy being around her. She doesn't let me speak about them or anything to say the least.
It's just a bummer.

" just take the truck, you can drive now" she said in the most monotone voice ever.
" please?" She looked at me like she's looking at a wall. No expression and stood up nodding.

That didn't take long, I knew that her selflessness will give me a chance to slowly get her out of her depression.
" it's snowing so be careful " dad told us couldn't hide his worry and excitement that Bella will finally be out somewhere.

We drove in silence. My crazy twin sister scratched the new stereo out with her fingers and now we have an orange truck with no radio or stereo in it. I didn't say anything about it when I noticed. I just couldn't.

She looks empty, like her soul left with him and all we have is a catatonic zombie that remembers a routine and does it so she won't be shipped of to an asylum.

I got my share of depression and absolute emptiness. I knew that will happen and I still got hit by it hard. But still, I felt angry with them! Angry with Bella who completely shuts down for a man. Even if that man is Edward Cullen!

Bella parked near the blacks house and got out. I needed a second to tap my leg awake since it sleeps on me every time I keep sill.
I can see Bella being engulfed in a hug from a very happy Jacob. I heard himbsay his famous sentence
" Bella! Where the hell have you been loca!" He yelled happily making Bella Crack him a small smile.

I smiled too, his positive and happy go lucky energy is infectious. I felt sorry that I'm half ass using him to cheer her up but I'm sure she would've eventually did too once she found out that she needs dirt bikes to hallucinate.

She could've chosen drugs like any normal grieving person but then again. It's Bella we're talking about.

I slid out of the truck testing my foot before walking. Embry walked to me with a smirk both knowing why I brought Bella with me.
" You brought him his crush. How very generous of you " he mocked bowing making me smack his head jokingly.

" you know what they say about me. I'm the captain of ship, sailing this bitch to the sea " he shook his head laughing.

Quil joined us and we all hang out a bit in Jacob's garage before we bailed on the two to go for a walk near the forest.

I wanted Bella to have some alone time with Jacob and find out how good it feels to hang out with the guy. Now I know it's very toxic of me but it's the plot. I'm helping the plot so I won't be injured.

Embry walked next to me, offering me his arm whenever the ground is too slippery or I stagger a bit from the pain. He doesn't say anything, he just helps me like the awesome friend he is.

I felt a pang in my heart knowing how painful it'll be to lose him to his secret. Embry refuses to tell his own mother about him. Imagine how he'll be with me!

" wanna go see the roller derby game I heard the brats are playing " quil suggested

" hell yeah! Women being aggressive! Sign me in" I replied too enthusiastically.

Embry laughed both doing their happy dance since I'm going to be their ride
" but you're paying for my ticket " I shrugged practicing my balance on a rock.

Quil snorted " who said anything about tickets.... I got a cousin for that"

" sheesh, you gotta a cousin for everything. You're like the godfather " Embry balanced me a little and I smiled at him.

" family you know " he repeated some of the godfather quotes making us laugh.

Let's hope that I didn't sped it up too much and changed tye plot.

but promises has been kept
Please please comment and lmk what you think 🙏 ily

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