Chapter ten | dinner night

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(It's gonna be long to make up for the short ones!)

⚠️talk about weed and smoking. Also drinking. There's no smut today but maybe next chapter⚠️

Scott wasn't a idiot nor was any of their friends but Stiles and Dereks relationship had successfully escaped there knowledge.

(Dereks POV )

Malia, Scott, Allison and stiles were making dinner- well actually Malia and Allison was sitting in the kitchen talking to stiles, Scott wanted to be the first to get the food so he was waiting at the door and stiles was making sloppy joes, it makes me feel bad he was left to do so much work but he didn't want my help and no one else offered it. Isaac and Erica were setting the table Cora, Lydia, and boyd were playing video games, Jackson and Danny were sitting with me on the couch talking, Kira was still on her way along with the twins. (Did you need to know that? Did you? No. But now you do.) "Foods gonna be ready in 30 minutes" Malia yelled "NO. Why would you tell them?!" Scott asked and Allison laughed "you literally just ate!" Scott shook his head "McDonalds is not the same as stiles cooking!" He was right, his cooking was as good as my mother's. "Hey Scott, you wanna go out front with me and wait for Kira?" Allison asked getting up and taking one of stiles joints from a old cigarette container "sure." Scott and Allison left along with Malia. I walked into the kitchen and shut the door behind me "hey baby..." I whispered hoping no wolf could hear me "hey sour-wolf.." he whispered back "you need any help now, my love?" I asked as I started to hug him from behind me "hehe, no it's ok." I kissed his neck and nibbled on the nape "dude... stop... someone's gonna come in!" He whimpered "I don't care right now, my little slu-" stiles stoped me with a kiss "go hang out with everyone else, I'm fine sweetheart." I laid my head on his shoulder for a minute "wow big bad wolf..." he mumbled and I punched his side "ow!! Your such a dick!" He laughed. I left one last kiss on his cheek before I walked out- and I instantly felt alone and wanted to hold someone- I wanted to hold him in my arms again, I wonder if he already misses me too... probably not he's not like me, he doesn't feel the need to be close with me every minute of everyday like I do him. Maybe I should mark him, that would stop me from being afraid someone else will every moment of every day tho maybe I'm just being irrational. Is there something wrong with me? I mean Isaac and Scott don't act like this around each other, Erica and Boyd don't act like this around each other, no one else acts like this around one another- do I just act clingy around him?! Now that I think about it I act really clingy and he just goes with it, does he pity me? Or does he just stay cuz the sex is good? What is there to stay from tho we're not dating really I mean I Made it clear I didn't wanna date- I started feeling really really nauseous I ran to the bathroom, locked the door and threw up everything I'd eaten that day in the toilet. Someone knocked on the door "what?!" I shouted in a angry tone "it's me. Can I come in?" Stiles asked "oh..give me a second.." I flushed the toilet, whipped my mouth, and opened the door. Stiles, Scott, Erica, Boyd, Isaac, Peter and Cora were all standing outside the door "damn, was I that loud?" I asked just trying to get a smile out of stiles who looked worried as hell "are you okay?" Boyd asked I shrugged "I'm alright..." I tried to push past them but Stiles grabbed my chest and tried to push me back, and I just complied to make him happy "what? I asked "hey guys could you finish the food? So I can talk to Derek." A few said yes and they all left, he tired to push me into the bathroom, again I just complied "you okay? you seemed so happy in the kitchen.." he caressed my neck "yeah I'm just nauseous that's all..." stiles got closer to me and i backed up a little "sour-wolf! What's wrong? Really?" I swallowed hard "uhm.. I don't know.." I sat down cuz I was getting dissy so he sat down next to me "please talk to me..." he looked sad, why did he look so sad, I don't want him to be sad, why did he feel so alone all the time? I'm always here for him why did he want to die so often? Why can't I muster up the courage to give him a reassuring kiss "I'm so sorry my love." I mumbled "huh? For what?" He asked "for being clingy and-" he kissed me on the lips before I could finish, we kissed for a minute before he let go "hey, listen to me! Your not clingy or anything... I'm happy spending time with you even if it's a lot! Your a wonderful And it's amazing when you spend 2 to 4 hours just laying on me, or when you just hold my hand to do so, or when you spend the whole night nuzzled into my neck. I have no fucking clue what's going on in your head but just know you are the best thing in my life and you have been for awhile so if that means we gotta cuddle a lot for you to stay with me, I'm more then happy to cuddle with you" he said and I smiled at him "I love you stiles..." I mumbled out of pure instinct stiles swallowed hard "I love you too Derek." I kissed him and he kissed me back we broke the kiss for a second "Derek... i don't know how to tell you this but.... Your mouth smells and tastes worse then a uncooked potato." Stiles said with a sad look and i Broke out laughing "screw you!" Stiles pecked my lips "go brush your teeth." I got up and brushed my teeth, stiles was at the door way about to touch the knob before he stopped "hey... uhh... I-I don't really.. know why I'm saying this but uhm... every time you leave I Instantly start missing you and I like feel pain and longing for you..." I looked over at him "I do too, Sti..." I smiled at the man of my dreams and he smiled back "I'll see you at dinner, sour-wolf.." he mumbled "I'll see you at dinner, my baby.."

*at dinner*

I was sat next to Jackson again and stiles. Damn he's so cute right now. I sat my hand on his knee under the table. The table
Was loud from laughing, yelling, talking and eating. "Der. Stop it. They'll notice.." He mumbled but I slid it up more "just chill, my love" I whispered he continued to eat to hide any noice i slowly made my way to his- "DEREK!" Lydia yelled I quickly pulled my hand away "huh?" She laughed knowing full well what I was doing under the table "you really got high your first basketball game?!" I laughed a little "o-oh. Yeah.. it was this weed Cora had grew that could get a wolf high." I mumbled "bro image what that stuff could do to a human.." Scott said hitting stiles in the side "shit you right.. Cora you have to sell me some." Stiles laughed and Cora winked at him something I did not appreciate but whatever "omg were gonna get so high.." stiles said to Scott "omg it's been awhile since I got high." They laughed everyone went on talking and laughing and eating it was a fun evening and got even better when stiles grabbed three bottles. one of whiskey, one of red wine, and rum. He poured every one of us a drink "stiles, you know half of us can't get drunk right?" Peter asked, stiles shook his head yes and pulled out three large viles full of powdered wolfsbane. "If you put some into your drinks you should get drunk." Everyone smiled I was the last to grab the vile and use it, I only put a little. Everyone was laughing, talking, and drinking. Stiles was downing his drinks after about half an hour we ran out of wine and the first vile, so we went to whiskey and a new vile, I was tipsy from the wine but stiles was almost hammered "d-d-d-der..." he whispered i looked over at him "what Sti?" He laughed "y-your *hick* pretty..." he mumbled i pat his head a little "I know.." Stiles looked back at the group but sat his hand on my inner thigh, I smiled and shook my head. They were talking about some story about how Scott broke his arm when I was close to getting hammered, stiles was a drunk mess by the time we got to the rum "Dek,erek,Deek,Dere,Derk,Drek,Dee,Der,rek,Dk, de-" stiles mumbled "a-are you trying *hick* t-to say my name?" I asked and he laughed "t-tak meee home..." he said "Sti, we're b-both drunk.." stiles gave me a thumbs up "uhh uhm I-uh I'll d-drive.... it's o...k..." I shook my head no "f-fuck that... I'll call us a uh... a uh...Uber..." stiles laid his head on my shoulder, I took another swig from my glass "I-I-Im tired.." he mumbled right before he started snoring I groaned "I-I thi-think I'm gonna *hick* gonna g-go guys..." I said after I finished my drink "aw w-why?" Erica asked, I shrugged the shoulder stiles was on and he mumbled a stop or something but went back to snoring "h-he needs to- h-he needs me to take him home..." they said their goodbyes and I picked stiles up bridal style once I realized it's better then holding
him up. I called us a Uber and sat down on the sidewalk, he laid his head on my lap so I played with his hair "y-your gona ha-*hick* have a killer h-hangover.... Sti." He groaned, rapped his arm around my torso, nuzzled his face into my pelvic region and passed back out. About 20 minutes later the Uber got there, i picked up stiles, sat him in there then sat down myself, the car started to drive "sti"I said and  stiles groaned "do you *hick* w-want me to stay with y-you?" I do not like being drunk not one bit "y-yes plea-please." I smiled "ok my l-love.." the man driving smiled "are you too dating?" I laughed "uhh... I t-think... we haven't *hick* really d-decided..." I mumbled and he laughed "yeah, back when I was your guys age I had a girlfriend kinda like that. I loved her but you know... shit happens..." I nodded my head "I do..." the man looked at us in the mirror "how was your guys weekend?" I smiled "it was nice..." stiles kicked me "shh I-I'm trying *hick* to slee...P.... I'm s-sleepy..." i smiled at the boy snoring quietly with his back pressed against the window and legs on my lap "im sorry.... my baby..." the man chuckled at went back to driving. We soon made it to stiles house the man helped me get him out and drove off "der... my... fucking dad's.... H-home..." he said weakly my poor baby was sobering up "ooook... I guess we go in the way I uselly do.." I led him to the the area where the roof dips and i lifter him up, he crawled up to the roof and laid back down on the roof, I jumped up "my love you can't sleep here..." he laughed "fine.." he crawled into his room and I followed. He striped to his boxers and laid down, I was about to leave when he grabbed my wrist "stay with me sour-wolf..." I laughed "what about you dad, dumb ass?" He pulled me closer "he has work really early, he won't come check on me.." I laughed, stripped to my boxers, and laid down with him "night sweetheart..." he mumbled "night my love..." I kissed his forehead before rolling over

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