👍20th kinda not really special👎

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(Stiles POV)

I lit a blunt trying to numb all my body pain. Dereks said he wouldn't be mad if I safe worded out but I wanted to keep going. "Stiles. Don't smoke In here." I smiled and blew out my smoke "what you gonna do? Punish me?" He picked me up almost effortlessly and I rapped my legs around him "I could... I haven't done that yet."I laughed "just for smoking? Damn your strict." I went in for a kiss but his phone rang. He didn't even look at it "you gonna answer that sour-wolf?"I asked and  He shrugged "No I'm with my baby boy right now." He answered and I chuckled "your a fucking sap you know that!"I muttered. He laughed and kissed me. I ran my fingers through his surprisingly soft hair and tried to slip tongue but then his phone went off again. I let go of his lips "you better answer that." I said after I laughed trying to hide my anger. Which he probably smelt. "I'm sorry, Handsome. I really am." I jumped off of him "it's okay sour-Wolf." I relit my blunt and went to the kitchen where there was a open window to smoke he answered the phone and say on the couch.
"Hey." He mumbled. I tried to listen in from here.
"No don't tell him anything....... well cuz I don't want him to come! Last time we let him tag along he got his ass kicked!....... yes I'm well aware I said ass, I'm a grown man....... look. Scott. He almost died. I had to drive him to Deaton. It's easier if we just. Leave him so he doesn't fucking die....... YES I SAID FUCK IM A GROWN MAN!....... Bye." He sat his phone down and walked over to me "who were you on the phone with?" He shrugged "Cora." He pulled my legs over so he could press up again my crouch "really? Not scott?"I asked. He Hummed "no don't think so, pretty boy."  Strike 1. "What we're you two talking about?" He started to rub my back "well. You know how Cora's looking for a little loft so she can move out. Well she asked if I had a free one I could rent out to her and I explained to her that I didn't." He explained and I looked up at him "that was a pretty long conversation just for that. And you seemed pretty upset. I heard you shouting, why?" I asked and he growled "her voice makes me mad sometimes. What's with all the questions?" Strike 2 and 3, he's out. "Derek..." i snaked my hand down to his dick and grabbed it hard. He yelled out and slammed his hands against the wall and the fridge leaving a dent in it. "GOD STILES!!!!" He shouted "I don't like being lied too. You know that. What do you and Scott have planned that your leaving me out of?" I asked "I CANT TELL YOU!!!" He growled out. I tightened my grip and he started to go full werewolf on me "TELL ME!!! OR I SWEAR TO GOD I KILL YOUR NUTSACK!!!" I raised my voice and he yelled in my face. "IM NOT LETTING YOU KILL YOURSELF!!!" I laughed and tightened my grip a little "just tell me sour-wolf!" He whined and grunted "NO!!!" "TELL ME!!!" "NO!!!" "TELL. ME." "NOOOOOO!!!!!!" I twisted his balls. he shrieked  and pryed my hands away "WHAT DO YOU HAVE PLANED?!" I shouted as I got off of the counter. He growled out in frustration "STILES!!! IM PROTECTING YOU! I CANT TELL!!!" He yelled out. "TELL ME!!! DUDE!!! TELLING ME WONT DO ANYTHING!!!" I shouted "NO." He mumbled. I ran for his phone and grabbed it "GIVE IT BACK STILES!!" He ran at me but I ran to his room, Shut his door and locked it. "NO!!! YOUR NOT GETTING THIS BACK UNTIL I FIND OUT WHAT YOUR HIDING!!" I yelled. I heard him try to convince me but I opened his phone and looked through his texts with Scott

A ugly rat: I understand. I don't want Stiles to get hurt ether. Everyone had agreed to keep it quiet. Ive resent you the address of where you need to park. I'll see you tomorrow.

A ugly rat: east 12345 notrealst

Derek hale: K. See you tomorrow

Suddenly I felt the door give way and I ran to the bed. He chased me and grabbed his phone "everyone has been hiding this from me?" I asked In a rather pitiful voice. He lost his blood thirsty expression and the sympathy filled his face "I'm so sorry baby..." I choked down any tears "you guys don't think I'm strong enough to help..." He shook his head no and pulled me into his lap and laid my head on his chest "no baby no no no... I know your strong enough. But I'm just scared baby... you know that." I shook my yes "im sorry... but your not even fully healed yet. I'm not over Seeing you bloody and beaten. It just abit to soon. We're gonna fix the problem... and we'll be safe again." I relaxed in his arms "okay... I understand..." he kissed my head. "Could you sing to me?" I asked. He looked down at me "okay my love... any requests?" He asked and I smiled "sad song by we the kings?" He smirked at me and started to sing. I looked up at him as his lips moved. This was comforting... I don't know why but that song makes me think of him. But just him. Maybe now I'll think of us... that'd be kinda cute. I need to savor this. Cuz once I go to the forest to kill all of the norarcotas in this god forsaken town... he's probably gonna hate me. I gotta prove to them I'm strong enough. So they'll stop seeing me as a fragile baby. "Without you I feel torn like a sail in a storm..." how could a man have such a deep, beautiful, soulful voice and not be famous? I closed my eyes. I'm sorry Derek. I love you with every fiber of my being... but I'm not weak. I'll prove it Derek!

Death by your lovers hand (Sterek hella smut)Where stories live. Discover now