Chapter twentytwo | vitals

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(I don't know if I need to warn you guys but stiles breaks some sort of code. Well I'm pretty sure fucking your ex's sister is against a code. Also. Look I just wanna say I'm sorry Like I'm making stiles a real d bag in this Idk why. But anyway fare be warned Stiles and Derek break up, and stiles has sexual relations with Cora)

(Dereks POV)

"He's stable for now Noah." Melissa said and I mumbled a oh thank god "oh thank you guys so much... what's the news?" Noah asked and She sighed "well. He had over 10 stab wounds varying in depth. He bled. A lot. I'd say In the car about half a gallon and here a little more then a gallon. We do have the bleeding stopped tho. By the way don't worry, none of the Wounds hit any vital organs. Were a little worried about his intestines but other than that he's quite good." She explained and Noah started to cry "god damnit..." she sat down next to him and rubbed his back "it's completely okay to cry. This is a highly stressful situation, but he's alive and stable. Your boy is okay.". I walked away from the door I was against to hear them best. Cuz I'm just a boyfriend and he's the father I didn't get to see him. So I've just been listening in. I walked back to the waiting room and threw myself onto a chair causing it to wobble "g-god..." it was 5 In the morning. We'd been here since 10:00. It was still dark. I was tired I was done. I wanted to go home and sleep. But every time I thought of leaving, my wolf punished me for even thinking about leaving my mate. I wanted to be with stiles. It's so unfair. He's MY mate, I should be able to see him! I want my mate... I want him... I'm mad at him... I hate saying that. I love him. I shouldn't be mad at him if I love him. But I'm so angry right now... I want to yell at him, but also I hate yelling at him. I want him to understand what he's done. I told him to... I'm too tired... I wish he hadn't gone to the woods... I'm so happy he's alive. But... how do I explain? I... I wanna sleep... I want him to be in my arms right now. This is all unfair... he tried to leave me... I begged him to stay, I told him I was scared. I let down my guard for him. And he tried to leave... is it my fault? What did I do wrong? Was I not enough? God...

(Stiles POV)

The nurses came in to mess with my IV "where's the guy who drove me here?" I asked "oh your boyfriends asleep in the waiting room." I nodded "he's so pissed at me..." I mumbled and the nurse chuckled "why?" I sighed "cuz... he begged me not to leave him and I left to try and prove I'm strong..." I explained and she shook her head "why are young men always so eager to prove that there 'strong' instead of taking care and loving themselves?" She asked and I chuckled "I don't know. Maybe young men are just idiots." I suggested and she shrugged "well I should tell you. For your age your quite large. Your buff around the arms, a 6 pack and your healthy. Must people your age aren't. You should be proud. Plus all your scars around your arms, stomach, back, and chest show me that you've survived some stuff." She said and I smiled "I'm strong?" I asked and she nodded her head before walking out. About 12 minutes later a sleepy looking sour-wolf came into my room. "Hey sweetheart..." he leaned against the wall and nodded his head in my direction. "Wanna come sit?" I asked and he shook his head no "are you mad at me der?" He shook his head yes "oh... I told you it was healthy to get mad at me." I chuckled but he kept his vacant stare at the wall "stiles... I think we should take a break." He mumbled and my heart dropped "n-no. Please..." I whimpered "baby I can't... I'm gonna lose my fucking mind... I will... I wanna be with you... I do... but..." he started to cry "I love you... I love you so much... but if I'm not enough for you... I'm not gonna keep you in a relationship that's killing you... i think that you need... some time to yourself... where you can be free... and when your ready you can come tell me if your ready to be in a relationship or if you don't want one..." he mumbled and I sobbed "no please... you are enough please! I don't wanna break up! I love you Derek!" I tried to get up but he made me sit back down "stiles don't get up baby your healing..." he mumbled "der... please... I was being dumb I need you please... I love you please..." I begged him but he just calmly kissed my forehead "I'll heal you then I'll leave... I have some work I gotta do." He explained and I whimpered "h-how long are we gonna be apart?" I asked about to hyperventilate "for as long as you my love..." he said as he healed my stomach "I don't need anytime..." I said but he shook his head going to my arms and hands "your so handsome stiles... I still can't believe I got to be with you..." i grabbed his hands "Derek... please don't do this... I need you..." I begged but he shook his head "stiles. You don't need me, I need you but that's cuz I'm not human. Wolves need there mates, humans don't." He explained "then why'd you say that you knew I needed you too?" I asked "cuz I was trying convince you not to kill yourself..." he murmured and I put my head down "your all healed baby boy..." he stood up and let go of my hand "I love you stiles... I'll see you later." He walked out and I sobbed into my hands "fuck, fuck, fuck..." I fucked up... I'm a fuck up... I'm so sorry Derek...


"Well. Stiles. Your healed of all the stab wounds." Melissa mumbled and I nodded my head "I assume Derek healed you all up?" I started to cry again. "What's wrong?" She asked and hugged me "he broke up with me..." i cried and she ran her fingers through my hair "oh you poor thing..." she whispered "it hurts so bad... it wasn't like this with Lydia or Malia... my Heart hurts so bad I feel like I'm having a heart attack!" I sobbed into her stomach and she hummed a little "stiles... your gonna get through this... I know you will." I shook my head in agreement.


I texted derek to see if I could get some of my shit of his place and he said he was in one of his Tenants place and no one was home So I could go. But when I got there Cora was also picking up her stuff "oh hey..." I mumbled "hey." She mumbled back "uhm... I uh..." I stuttered "you can't tell my brother I was here." She muttered and I shook my my head yes. But my stomach started to twirl at the mention of his name. "and you can't tell the pack I was here ether." I mumbled back and she shook her head. "So........ why can't I tell Derek?" I asked and she glared at me "what? I just wanna know. Double pinky promise not to tell..." I said in a rather serious voice. She sighed "god you such a pushy bitch..." ngl my pants got a little tight at the negative comment. Which ofc she didn't fail to notice. "Oh wow... what a pervert." She Cood. As my pants got a little tighter and more uncomfortable I slowly started backing out "oh what, to much of a pussy to handle being degraded?" She asked and I swallowed hard "uhm... I-I..." she walked closer to me and chuckled "you know... Everything my uncle says is uselly bullshit but he's right about you. You are a pathetic little mutt." She mumbled as she came to face to face with me. She is, exactly like Derek... same eyes. Same smile, same face. She had visible muscles just like him. There voice even sounded alike. Did I just notice this? I moved abit closer to her closing the gap between us but not kissing her. She raised and eyebrow. Just like him... "what are you gonna do?" She asked "can I kiss you?" I asked. She nodded and I pecked her lips. Then again but longer. And then she kissed me. Slipping tongue too. I rapped my Arm around her waist but she batted them down so I didn't try again. She let go of my lips "do you wanna go farther?" She asked and I shook my head yes. She grabbed me by the collar of my shirt and led me to the couch. Which she sat me down in front of on my knees. Then she took of her jeans and underwear and sat down. I grabbed her legs and pulled them onto my shoulder.


"Can we just forget this happened?" I asked her as she got dressed "yeah I was about to ask you the same thing." She said and I shook my head in agreement "good." I mumbled and walked into Dereks bedroom to grab two of my shirts, a belt, and my beanie. I looked at the bed. You know how when you go to a close aunt and uncles house and you know you've laid in there bed when you were younger But now you don't even wanna sit in it? That how I felt. I walked over to his side of the bed. Only a night ago I was laying in his bed, rapped up in blankets hearing him sing any song I asked for. I missed it so bad. I missed him, but I'd be lying if I said I wasn't also mad at him. I know I'm the asshole here. I know I ruined Are relationship. I'm not proud of myself, no I hate myself. But if he'd just... let me explain that I wasn't being a little bitch anymore we could still be together! I'm such a asshole. Oh god... I just ate out his sister... oh my god... I'm such a bad person... I told him not to worry about her... I'm so sorry Derek... i am so sorry... I ran out of there but I didn't start crying till I got to my car. Im never gonna forever myself for this. I pulled out the whiskey from under the seat, opened it, and started driving (REMEMBER KIDS, DONT DRINK AND DRIVE!). By the time it was gone so was my mind that when I got the bright idea to drive to a old friends house.

Death by your lovers hand (Sterek hella smut)Where stories live. Discover now