Chapter six | date night

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(Loud gasp dereks POV this never happens)

Omg if he doesn't shut up I'm gonna kill him!!! why did I say he could come over?! I hate this man so much, I guess I should tell you who makes me wanna dissolve the whole of California in lava, Peter fricking hale! bcuz I didn't tell anyone including him about me and stiles he thinks it's a good idea to tell me about his hookup "he was so fucking good at it." Peter coos ew just ew "uhm cool I guess..." 3 ppl one being gone knew stiles was my mate Deaton, Lydia and void, Deaton found out through observation of us two, void found out by reading stiles journal Lydia tricked me she managed to get me drunk somehow idk how and I apparently almost cried talking about stiles and spilled the beans about me and him being mates but no one else witch sucked bcuz ppl would often talk about stiles in a sexual and romantic way and it sucked hearing about him from someone else I focused back on the conversation"do you think stiles is hot?" Erica asked I was taken aback "I-I uh.. I d-don't know he-he's not ugly I g-guess he's not h-hot tho I guess.... He's okay.... I guess!" I blurted out and they looked at me "that question was for me, Derek..." Peter laughed out, I covered my mouth, turned back to the sink and started cleaning the dishes again "anyyyy wayyyy..." Isaac laughed "you idiots can't say anything, got it!" We all compiled "okay well I gotta go." Peter murmerd "where?" Boyd asked "I'm gonna get a job!" He smiled "finally done free loading off of me?" I scoffed he looked at me "free loading? Listen here you little shit I helped rase your snotty ass! And I just ask for a free room free water, electricity, heat,AC and gas! The least you can do for killing me!" He shouted I dropped the dishes in the sink "oh ho ho! I see, killing you was the greatest sin of all not you ruining over 20 teenagers life with you BS!! Killing innocent people just to fit your "NEEDS" your fucking useless you so-" he through a stupid vase I had at me hitting me in the head breaking it i assumed my head looked like shit but it was healing and I had a ton of adrenaline "I RUINED THESE KIDS LIVES?! YOUR THE ONE WHO WENT AROUND TURNING EVERY PATHETIC KID YOU COULD FIND!! ALL YOU DO IS PITTY YOURSELF AND PINE AFTER PEOPLE WHO JUST WANNA BONE YOU!! FUCK YOU, YOUR THE MOST PATHETIC MAN IVE EVER MET!!!!" He yelled "i-i.. T-THAT NOT TRUE, YOU CREEPY JACKASS!!!" I retorted "NO, LISTEN TO ME, YOU STUPID MOTHER FUCKER! DEREK YOU MAKE ME SAD! YOUR A LONELY LITTLE BITCH! WHY CANT YOU JUST PICK A GOOD LADY AND LEARN YOUR NOT THE ONLY PERSON IN THE WORLD!!! YOU ARE PATHETIC, DEREK YOU MAKE ME WANNA DIE!!!" and with that Peter grabbed his stuff and slammed my door shut I was left there just standing blood dripping onto the floor, almost about to cry "D-Derek are you okay?" Boyd asked i swallowed hard "I'm gonna go for a drive, Isaac do the dishes for me." He walked over to the sink, I grabbed my keys, jacket, walked to my car and drove around for a little I almost started crying but held it in, I eventually decided to go to stiles once it got to be around 6:30 I jumped into his house through his window with the broken lock he really needs to fix that he was laying in his bed watching Disney movies on his little tv in there he looked at me and got up the second he saw the blood "omg sourwolf are you okay?" I was so mad and sad he put his hands on my face to look at the gash "he's such a asshole!" He looked at me "who?" I pulled away from him "Peter! he makes me wanna throw myself into the Atlantic Ocean!" I started pacing around "he just had to tell me about what he did too you like I wanted to hear it!" I didn't wanna scare stiles but god damnit I was pissed I swiped my arm across his desk throwing everything on the floor with a loud bang "AND I MADE A FREAKING JOKE AND-" he rapped his arms around me from behind and I just kinda broke my body almost gave out "it's okay let it out..." he laid his head on my shoulder and I started to cry in front of someone something i thought I'd never do again "d-do you.... t-think..." He kissed my neck "do I think what?"  I swallowed hard "do you... think I'm pathetic?"  He was surprised I could smell it "No. Why would I?" I shrugged "cuz all I do is self loathe and chase people that just wanna have sex with me..." I hated feeling like this and I HATE being vulnerable I was so worried he would laugh at me or something "you've been through so much! I know you have problems but... sour-wolf your a great guy, I understand what it's like to just hate the person you see in the mirror but... I can't understand why someone as cool and handsome as you hates himself... Who are you talking about, with the sex thing?" (Bruh. I just reread. And apparently I didn't know what 'loath' meant so. I fixed it!) I looked back "everyone..." he hugged me tighter "I'm not, Scott's not, Ericas not, Allison certainly is not..." I laughed "your not just hanging out with me so I'll pound you?" He laughed and scoffed "well I wouldn't say pound but no I think your cool I hang out with you cuz i lo- cuz your one of my best friends, cuz your funny and witty, cuz I like hanging out with you."  I laughed at him was he gonna say i love you "so where are we going tonight?" I smiled "at the edge of town there's This amazing Italian place. Thought I'd take you there." He glared at me "why are you taking me somewhere fancy?" I smirked "hey... what are you trying to do tonight?" He shoved me a little and laughed I chuckled with him " leave the planning up to me.." I muttered "fineee... what do I need to wear?" He groaned into my neck "ehhh anything easy to rip off...."  he hit my back and I laughed "ow! I don't know, I guess a shirt and tie you'll look good no matter what." He hugged me closer  "forgiven fuckwad..."  I smiled


We were waiting at the front desk to be seated "I feel like this place is to expensive!!" Stiles mumbled "it's fine. I'm paying." He looked at me "no it's okay we can split the bill." I gave him a reassuring look I think "I'll pay. One of my Tendance gave me 1,000 dollars for a years worth of rent." He smiled "thank you."  They sat us down about 5 minutes later me and him were looking at the menu eventually I looked up at him he had his arms around the menu and slouched over so only enough of light to see got in he was still relearning how to read and how to understand the words with them getting jumbled he kept sneaking glances at the drink menu i wish I knew how someone so perfect had to drink to cope "why are your staring at me?" He mumbled and caught me off guard "uhh just... admiring your beauty..." he chuckled "you look great." He smiled "stop! your inflaiting my ego..." I smiled at him "I don't care... I want you to know how handsome you look..." he shook his head "your just saying that so I'll let you in my pants..." I grabbed his hand "though fucking you is a massive perk it's not just that you really are the best thing in my life, pretty boy.." he tried to Push down a smile the waiter walked over " what can I.... Get you, boys?" He sat up "can I have the cheese ravioli with meat sauce, please?" She shook her head yes and looked at me "I'll have the spaghetti with meatballs and meat sauce, please" she took are menus and walked away but on her way I heard her mumbled "fags" I gripped my pants and my talons were starting to come out "are you okay?" I looked at him "the last time I came here it was with a girl, I forgot how they treated two people of the same gender.." he gave me a confused look "what happened?" I growled "they called us fags.." he laughed and I looked at him "how can you laugh at that?" I muttered "cuz it's stupid, they can't even put a ot in there to sound correct! I've been called a fag, A faggot, a fudge packer, a monster, a fruit cake,a poof,a twink, a fairy,someone called me a bottom boy I don't know how they knew I was a bottom but what ever, I've been told to pick a side, that since I'm bi I can't please a woman the list goes on and on." He took a deep breath "By who?!" I growled and he laughed some more "I don't know. Just random people,people online, my friends and family Some joking some not. It is what it is." I shook my head " I hate that..." he shrugged "who cares...? let's just have fun." He muttered and I smiled at him "okay, baby"  he chuckled the food soon arrived "one cheese ravioli and one spaghetti and meatballs." She sat the food down and walked away before we could say thank you I looked down thank god they didn't spit in it he started inhaling his food "Jeez what's the rush?" I laughed "i haven't Eaten today" he said with food in his mouth and I laughed "you look so cute.." he blushed "stop it you jerk...." I laughed

Death by your lovers hand (Sterek hella smut)Where stories live. Discover now