Chapter 3

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Duncan stabbed his fork viciously into whatever Chef called it, watching that Justin-Bieber-wannabe and Princess. "Dude are you okay?" Geoff said as he flinched. "Yea! I'm totally fine!" He snapped. "So who's that new guy hanging out with Heather and Courtney?" Bridgette asked to no one in particular. Owen piped up. "His name is Trent and he is so awesome! He is in my English class!" Gwen sighed. "I can't believe Courtney is best friends with Heather now." Leshawna shook her head. "I can. That demon has been wanting to be friends with Courtney for a long time. Remember when in 9th grade Courtney told Heather that if she was her friend, she'd have to be civil to you?"

It was true. Heather and Gwen had it out for each other ever since that were little. Ever since when Gwen accidentally spilled paint on Heather's new dress on the first day of school and Heather thought it was to sabotage her. So she cut her hair during nap time. But Heater had always liked Courtney because she would be the perfect popular best friend. She was gorgeous, had a body every girl envied, and was smart. So in 9th grade, Heather had tried to be civil towards Gwen for at least a week but it never stuck. Courtney and Heather remained some-what friends though. And now that Courtney pretty much hated her, it seemed she now had no problem with Heather.

"Yea....I just never thought I'd see it...." Bridgette offered a random idea. "Geoff. Why not invite Trent and Courtney to your barbecue Saturday. Then we can actually meet him." Geoff clapped his hands. "Great idea babe! This is why I love you, always so smart." He then stood up and walked over towards the popular table. Duncan huffed and took his pocket knife out of the table, which he had been carving on and stormed away. Gwen watched him go, confused, as Owen whispered, "Someone's jealous......"

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