The Epic Finale

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"Do you take this man to be your lawfully wedded husband?"
"I do."
"And do you take this woman to be your lawfully wedded wife."
"I do."
"Then I now pronounce you, husband and wife. You may kiss the bride."
Courtney watched as Gwen and Trent danced on the floor to a slow song. Gwen looked so beautiful in her black gown, her hair now longer and curled. Trent looked ecstatic, twirling her around, her laughing. They really were soul mates.

"Do you remember our first dance?" Courtney rolls her eyes as her own husband approaches her. For once he was actually in a tux, though his piercings and Mohawk were still in place, he looked as formal as someone like Duncan could. "Yea. Where you tried to grind on me in front of my parents? How could I forget." Duncan laughs. "You know you loved it. I just wanted to go ahead and start our wedding night fun..."

Courtney can't help but giggle at the memory. "Oh yeah, we had fun alright." Duncan snickers. "That's where we conceived that one." He says motioning to the sleeping baby in his arms. "Now this one on the other hand, this one was at Geoff's birthday party...." Duncan states, smirking, and pointing to her huge stomach.

Courtney smacks him on the arm as she blushes. "Shut up, I was drunk." Duncan just smiles. "Mhm. Well at least Max is excited." Upon hearing his name the child stirs and opens his teal eyes. "Mama!" He cooes and wiggles out of his father's grasp into his mother's arms. "Hopefully it will be a girl so she can be a Daddy's girl." Duncan says, shaking his head at his son. "Don't hate." Courtney says, still holding Max.

"How are our lovely maid of honor and best man doing?" Gwen says, approaching with Trent. "Fine, just remembering a bit of old memories.." Duncan smirked. "Nostalgia if you ask me." Duncan and Trent laugh as they proceed to the bar.

"Who would've guessed they would become best friends...." It was true. After Duncan and Trent put aside their differences and Trent started dating Gwen, they had actually grown to be good friends. They now owned a band together and when Duncan wasn't at his tattoo parlor, he was writing new songs with Trent.

Even Gwen and Courtney rekindled their friendship. They settled out their differences and became best friends again. Courtney was still good friends with Heather, and was even her maid of honor at her and Alejandro's wedding.

"So you plan on having any young ones?" Courtney asks as she rubs her stomach. Gwen smiles. "Actually....." She trails off.
Just then Duncan and Trent come back. "Congrats pasty, on the bun!"
Courtney looks at Gwen shocked. "Your pregnant?!" Gwen nods smiling big. "Oh my gosh! That's so awesome. Now our kids will pretty much grow up together!" Gwen and Courtney squealed, Duncan and Trent gave each other a look.

"You guys sound like Katie and Sadie...." Duncan shudders. Courtney starts to get tears in her eyes. "I'm just really happy......or maybe that's the baby.." Everybody laughs at Courtney's mood swings.

"Yea. Who would've thought we would've married out high school love." Trent says looking lovingly at Gwen, Duncan doing the same to Courtney.

Tear! This story is over and I hope that was a good enough epilogue for you guys! I loved this story and I hope you guys did too.
A special shoutout to the following
And so many more! Without you guys I would've never updated this story cause I thought it was shit. I started with 0 views and 0 votes but I now have over 600 views and 60 votes and over 20 comments. So thank you. And I love you guys❤️

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