Chapter 11

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Courtney woke up to the sound of knocking on the front door. Grabbing her black silk robe and wrapping around her, she made her way down stairs. It was early in the morning, so it couldn't be Duncan, he never wakes up before 12.

But she wasn't expecting to see who she did. Trent. "What are you doing here?" She demanded, preparing to slam the door in his face. "I wanted to talk to you..." He says softly. "You have a lot of nerve coming here." Courtney's hardly fazed by his melancholic tone. What gave him the right to show up at her house, asking to talk after what he did! Especially because he knew about Duncan!

His eyes pleaded with her. "Please. Just give me five minutes." She looked at him for a few seconds, determining whether or not to let him in, but she opened the door, motioning for him to come inside. He took the seat on the right of the couch and Courtney sat on the far left.

"Listen. What happened at Geoff's party.....I didn't kiss Halle. She kissed me! And it wasn't even like that between us. One minute she's asking me about math and the next her lips are on mine!" Courtney raises a brow. "Yea. Talking about math in the bedroom. You know, I always thought you were a smart guy. But that was the lamest, dumbest excuse ever!" Trent sighs. "She said it was too loud down there....Look, it was naive and stupid of me to follow her. But I didn't kiss her and I didn't want to! Cause I was with you! And I love you, so why would I do that?!"

Hearing him say those 3 words brought a feeling inside Courtney that she couldn't describe. It was like she was now torn in half. She was torn between two guys. Two very, kind and awesome guys. Who both loved her. But she was with Duncan and regardless of the fact, Trent had hurt her.

Courtney caught a glimpse of her ring and immediately came to her senses. She spoke so quiet, Trent could barely hear. "I think you should leave...." She says staring at her hand. Trent looks at her crushed. He just poured out his heart and she couldn't even say she had a sliver of love left for him? One feeling?

"Why?" He asks dejected. "Because! I'm with Duncan and I love him. And he loves me!" Courtney didn't expect it, but once she said those words, they had never felt more true. She had never felt more confident about a relationship. Trent stood up. "He's the one who caused it in the first place!" Courtney looks up confused. "What? What do you mean?"
"He set up the whole kiss. Do you think it was a coincidence he just so happened to follow you there? Is just so happened that Halle was the one I kissed? One of his friends? You can't tell me this doesn't sound strange." It did sound strange but she wasn't going there with Trent! Duncan would never do that. But.....He was standing like he was just waiting for someone. And Halle was close to him in years past, much to her dislike. Could it have been a scam? Had Duncan set her up? Just so he could have her to himself?

A low rumble of a motorcycle sounded and Courtney jumped up, racing to the window. She turned to Trent. "You have to leave! Now!" Trent looked at her confused as she tried to push him towards the back door. "Why?" Courtney looked back as the doorbell rang. "Because Duncan's here...." Shocking as it is, he was here, standing at her door. While Trent was here. And it wouldn't be pretty. Courtney just shoved him in he kitchen hoping Trent got that message and skedaddled on out. Courtney got up and opened the door. "Hey babe..." Duncan said cooly, leaning up against the doorframe. Courtney leaned in and gave him a peck. "What are you doing here?" She asked as Duncan grabbed her waist, nuzzling her neck. "I just thought we could hang out...."

Courtney didn't even realize Trent was behind her until he spoke. "Or we could talk about how you sabotaged our relationship!" Duncan immediately looked up, fire blazing in his eyes. Without even giving Courtney a glance, he walks past her to Trent, and punches him square in the nose.

Awwww snap! Looks like there might be a WWE brawl coming up! So Trent's told Courtney and now she seems hesitant about Duncan and now he's showed up and punched Trent. Will Courtney confront Duncan? Will Duncan kill Trent? Will Duncan and Courtney ever have a long relationship? Without Trent ruining it? Whoooooo knows? Oh. I do. You'll just have to wait and see!😉😆

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