Chapter 7

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(Thought about writing Trentney smut and almost threw up! Lol. I don't ship them that much! But it does get a little heated......but not for long.)
Courtney wrapped her arms around Trent's neck and pushed him slowly on the couch. "Do you.....wanna....go on a date with me." He panted out as they broke apart for air. Courtney smiled. "Sure? Tomorrow night sound good?" He nodded. They decided instead of making out to just chill and watch movies for a bit. At 7 Trent left to go to his house and Courtney fell asleep with a big grin on her face.
------------Next Morning-----------
(EXTREME SMUT!!!! You have been warned! Some graphic shit.)

Courtney was running late. 30 minutes late to be exact. School had already started and she rushed through the doors, scurrying to get to her locker. She was at least halfway there when she was pushed inside a door. "What the hell-" She started when she felt a wet pressure on her neck. She looked down to see Duncan, kissing her neck up and down. "What the hell Duncan?"

She pulled on his Mohawk to make him stop but all it did was make him close his eyes and moan. They had done this many times and yet Courtney forgot he was a masochist? That gesture probably made him so hard. "Pull on it again." Duncan grunted as he started to lick her neck, his tongue piercing drawing patterns on her neck. "No-No Duncan. You're with Gw-Gwen. And I li-like Trent!" She moaned out, losing control fast, and Duncan knew it. "Fuck pretty boy! I'm not even with Gwen anymore! But why have him when you can have a man like me?" He continued his notions. "I'm so sorry. Let me show you how sorry I am." He started kissing at her jaw and finally, Courtney pushed him off.

He stood there for a few seconds, eyes full of lust before Courtney pushed him against the wall and started kissing him with a passion. He let her take over, her tongue fighting for dominance and he let her win. She fumbled with the buttons of her flannel while they continued to make out. Duncan broke off momentarily, pulling his shirt of to reveal his toned body. Courtney shrugged off her flannel and that left her only in her black lacy bra and her jeans. Duncan surprised her by suddenly pushing her against the wall, taking over. He pulled her hair back roughly and started to leave hickeys up and down her neck, making her moan. He then unclipped her bra, letting her breasts fall out. He took her right nipple in his mouth, both Courtney and him moaning as he sucked hard. As he played with her "twins" she began to fumble with his sagging jeans. Instead of messing with the button, she just pulled them down, leaving him in his checkered boxers. He started to kiss slowly down Courtney's body as he lowered himself until he was face to face with the button of her pants. He unbuttoned them and Courtney quickly wiggled out of them, leaving her just in her black panties. Duncan kissed the inside of her thighs tenderly and rubbed up and down her thigh. Slowly, he pulled down her underwear. Once it was down to her ankles he started to play with her clit, massaging it with his tongue. "Oh my god. Yes!" She pulled on his Mohawk some more and he continued his work. She felt herself climaxing closer with every stroke of his tongue and she was about to hit the ultimate climax when Duncan stood up. She looked confused and disoriented for a moment, still in her high of pleasure, wondering why it stopped. Duncan just kissed her roughly, sticking his tongue in her mouth, but replacing his hand inside her. He didn't stop fingering her until she hit her climax, and he sucked them clean afterwards. He finally, pulled down his boxers to show his long-um, member. It stood menacingly there as he reached into his pants and rolled on a condom. He then lifted on of Courtney's thighs around his waist and plunged into her. "Fuck!" Courtney yelled, having not felt this in a while. Duncan continued to pound into her with force, playing with clit, which was doing so many things for her. She grabbed on to the nearby shelf as Duncan started to hit her g-spot. Once he knew she was close, he started to pound her with all his might. She started to tighten as she orgasmed making Duncan come to his climax. "Agh! Fuck!" He moaned as thrust into her slowly, both calming down. Duncan kissed her softly and they shared their most passionate kiss yet. "I love you..." He mumbled once they had broke apart. Courtney froze and suddenly seemed to realize what had just happened. Her and Duncan started to put their clothes on, as the bell was going to ring for 3rd period. Just before he left though, he kissed her on the lips again, leaving her in shock. What the hell had she'd gotten herself into?!

I couldn't resist! I love Duncney smut! Sorry if that made you uncomfortable. Maybe expect that in more chapters. That's why I rate them M. An actual chapter next time, not just smut. Although smut isn't a bad thing.😋😘

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