Chapter 10

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Heather was walking down to her locker, going to retrieve her textbook. Classes had started already, so the hallways were abandoned. But as Heather was passing into the next corridor, she heard familiar voices. "You won't get away with this!" The 1st voice hisses. Trent? Who was he talking to?

Of course, after cheating on Courtney, Trent wasn't her favorite person right now. Heather peeked slowly to catch a glimpse of the other figure. She caught sight of a tall male with green hair. Duncan? What the hell was going on? Duncan was dating Courtney again so why would he be talking to Trent? Probably was threatening him to stay away from her at all times. Heather leaned as close she could to hear. "I already did pretty boy! Courtney's mine again and there's nothing you can do about it. You figured out my grand master plan! Want a cookie? Nobody will believe you. Halle won't tell and Katie wants you to herself so like she would tell. And Courtney hates you......" Duncan sneers.

"She only hates me because of you! I'm sure if I talked to her, she would believe me, because unlike you, she trusts me! And she doesn't have to worry about me making out with her best friend!" Heather hears a sudden slam, and finally comes around the corner. Duncan has Trent slammed against a locker, holding his fist dangerously close to his face. "Come near her and I will kill you." He says through gritted teeth. "
Heather clears her throat and grabs the attention of both guys. Duncan growls but let's go of Trent's shirt. Without saying anything else, he storms off, presumably to skip class and smoke.

Instead of checking if Trent's ok, she simply walks past him, not giving a second glance. But as soon as she passes him, a look of worry crossed her face. Duncan was behind the whole 'Halle kissed Trent' fiasco! Poor Trent! She had to tell Courtney!

At lunch, Heather sits at their typical table, awaiting the arrival of her best friend. Just then, Courtney runs up with an especially big smile on her face. "Heath! I have got to tell you something!!!!!" She says jumping up and down with giddiness. Heather laughs nervously. "Me go first." Courtney needed to share her good news before she had the bomb dropped on her. No reason to kill her mood yet. She put out her hand. "Look at it!!!!" She squeals. Heather looks at the red and black ring that now adorns her finger. Without waiting for a response, Courtney sits down and nods. "Yes! Duncan gave me a promise ring!!!!! He said once were older, he wants to marry me!" She says, smiling the biggest grin Heather has seen in days. Getting over her bliss, she finally turns to Heather serious. "What did you want to tell me?"

"Um...." What did she say? That the boyfriend she recently got back together with, who just gave her a gorgeous promise ring, was the one who sabotaged her last relationship, on purpose? She didn't want to crush her spirit once again. Courtney had been hurt by so many people these past couple of months. And Duncan truly made her happy. He fucked up, but didn't they all?

"Nothing. I just wanted to let you know you looked pretty!" She says with a half smile. Courtney smiles again. "Thank you!" Heather started to eat her sushi as Courtney chattered on and on about Duncan, but she couldn't shake the feeling that someone was watching her. She looked around and found Trent, staring right at her. Almost as if he knew she knew.....She felt sorry for Trent, but Courtney wouldn't be getting this newfound information from her.

Courtney and Duncan sat on her bed, cuddling, as Courtney kept admiring the piece of jewelry. "You like it?" Duncan says chuckling. Courtney beams. "I love it!!!!! It's so beautiful!!!!" She says, looking at it in all different directions and lighting. "Only the best for my princess." Duncan says rubbing her hair. "I love you," Courtney mutters, ruffling his Mohawk a bit.
"I love you too." He leaned down and gave her a sweet, short peck.

Finally another chapter finished! I wanted to thank you guys for over 400 views on this story! That's fucking awesome. This chapter was short, because it was mostly focusing on Heather and her finding out about Duncan. She seems determined to not let Courtney find out? But will someone end up spilling the beans? If so, will Courtney forgive Duncan or will she go back to her ex musician boyfriend? Only time will tell.😎

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