Chapter 4

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"Hey guys! Got some great news!" Geoff called as he approached the said table. "Hey Geoff!" Courtney smiled. Even though he was Duncan's best friend, she did love Geoff dearly. "Hey Mocha! Gotta ask you something!" He sat down in one of the empty chairs. "I wanted to ask if you and your friend Trent want to come to my barbecue Saturday! Loads of fun!" Courtney turned to Trent. "Wanna go with me." Trent smiled. "Sure...." Geoff cheered. "Okay! See you then lovebirds!" Courtney blushed at the word "lovebirds" and Trent also scratched his neck awkwardly trying to avoid her eyes. Heather smirked. "That means we have to find outfits Courtney! Today at the mall?" Courtney shook her head. "Actually me and Trent are doing something. But Friday for sure!" Heather wasn't even mad at being blown off. All he heard was "Me and Trent". She just shrugged and smiled. "No biggie!" Just then the bell rang, signaling the end of lunch.

Short Chapter, I know but it was more of a extender to last chapter but next one will be longer!!!!!!!

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