Chapter 6 - Scared

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Adrian's POV

I ran. I ran as fast as I could. I pushed myself further and further. I ran out into the street, there were headlights. I ran all the way across and fell. I sobbed into the grass. I felt his hand on my arm, he dragged me along the sidewalk, eventually pulling me up by my arm. I kicked him in his balls and punched him right above his diaphragm.

I ran, I ran until I hit someone. I fell down, I looked up. "K-Kellin?" I cried even harder. No, this can't be happening. Kellin can't be helping Ronnie. I pushed Kellin away, I tried to run. I tripped over his leg. I crawled backwards. I hit a pole. I started to cry even harder. I pushed him away again and ran. I wasn't fast enough.

Kellin caught up to me, and brought me back to Ronnie. He laughed, and tore my clothes off. Kellin watched as Ronnie was about to rape me. I closed my eyes, not wanting this to happen. I cried for help, but only got a hand over my mouth. Ronnie pushed himself into me.

I was woken up by someone shaking me. I had tears running down my cheeks violently, and I was out of breath. My vision was blurry so I couldn't see who shook me awake. I started backing away. "Adrian, you were screaming in your sleep. What happened?" Elise's voice calmed me down a bit. I nodded and got out of bed.

I walked over to the door and opened it, I skipped down the stairs and walked into the kitchen. I sighed and warmed up some water. I put a tea bag into the water and sat down at the table, trying to figure out why the nightmares were coming back. I sighed and silently started to cry. I didn't want them to come back, I was finally starting to feel safe.

Elise came downstairs, she noticed me crying and came over. She sat next to me. "What's wrong Adrian?" I looked over at her. "Ronnie is what's wrong" I couldn't even finish my sentence. I started to break down. Elise came over and hugged me, letting me cry into her shoulder, soaking her shirt.

Elise's POV

I felt really bad. The guys asked me to stay with Adrian and watch over her, incase something like this happened. It's been about two weeks since the guys left and she's already falling apart. Tyler started to cry. Adrian went upstairs to grab him, I took this opportunity to go outside and call Mike. This was worse than any of us thought it would get. She had nightmares almost nightly now.

I pulled out my phone and scrolled through my contacts. I smiled when I finally saw Mike's. I pressed call, and let it ring for a little. "Hello?" I smiled at his voice. "Did I wake you?" I was worried that I woke him. "No, what's up? Why're you calling so late?" I sighed, I was going to dread saying this. "Wake up the guys and go into the back room. Put me on speaker, tell me once that's done"

I bounced my leg impatiently, I was nervous, and I didn't know why. "Okay, we're all here. What's up?" I swallowed hard. "Well, I wasn't going to say anything because I thought I had it under control, but I don't" I sighed. "It's Adrian. She's been having nightmares almost nightly now, and I think they're about Ronnie. She screams, and when I wake her up she's sweaty and has tears running down her face." 

I heard them gasp. I knew that hurt them all to hear what I had to say. "That's not all." I hear them mumble a few things before I go on. "When I try to ask what she dreams about she just walks away. When I follow her, she's crying again and when I ask again she just breaks down and sobs into my shirt." I heard something behind me.

"How could you call and tell them? Out of all things, you call and tell them. You just ruined their tour" Adrian yelled at me. "Adrian wait.. I" She stormed inside and slammed the door shut. I swore under my breath. "What's going on?" Mike asked curiously. I didn't answer him, I just went after Adrian. I found her packing a bag for Tyler and her.

I grabbed her wrist. "You're not leaving" I yelled in her face. "I told them because we're all worried fucking sick about you, but you don't give a shit. You can't wait for Vic to come back because you're too selfish to even try to stay and get help, so I had no choice but to tell." I let go of her wrist. "If you're going to leave, then leave. But I can guarantee you'll just come running back because you can't face reality." 

I left her room, I put the phone back to my ear. "I have go to." The guys went crazy. I hung up. I turned around and Adrian was gone. I ran into Tyler's room. "You can be selfish and leave, but I will not let you take that baby. Put him down." She tried to walk past me. I pushed her back, being careful not to hurt Tyler. "Give me the fucking baby." 

I grabbed Tyler out of her arms. "Leave if you're going to" I waited for her to leave. She walked down the stairs and put her bag down. She grabbed her keys and walked out the door, without her bag. I knew it, I thought to myself. She's just trying to run away from her problems. I smiled, satisfied that I got her to stay. I took her bag upstairs and unpacked it.

I put Tyler back down after giving him a bottle to help him sleep, even though he's three. I walked downstairs and patiently awaited Adrian's arrival.

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