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"Umm.", I cleared my throat as a lump filled it. "Mommy, I miss you so much. I really hope you could hear me. School? Well I constantly try but no one cares about me, I get disrespected everyday for no reason. People find anything possible to say about me. I've never hurt a soul besides the chicken grandma cooks all the time. I really wish you guys were here.", I sighed as I sat the rock pebbles on their stone and stood back up. I took one last glance before I turned around walking over to my grandma.

"Honey, are you ready to go yet?", My grandma asked me.

"Yes.", I said nodding my head.

"Ok come on.", she said motioning me to get in the car. I got in the front seat and buckled up. She drove away from the cemetery as I looked out the window and sighed.

"So, how's school sweetheart.", my grandma said pinching my thigh.

"Uhhh school?, School's okay I guess.", I said making sure not to let her know something was up.

"Come on Arabiah, you can tell me anything.", she said knowing was lying.

"Its all good grandma.", I hopped out the car as she parked in front of the house. "What do you want for dinner tonight?", I asked her.

"Shouldn't I be asking you that?", she said.

"No, I want to cook tonight. So.... I was thinking... Spaghetti?", I said hopeful.

"Sure why not. Do you know how?", she said as I helped her up the steps. I unlocked the door as we walked in the house.

"Of course grandma. You'll see.", I said taking off my shoes and running them to my room.

I came back down stairs humming. I immediately stopped once I saw my grandma lying on the floor.

"Grandma?", I shook her trying to get an answer.

"Grandma wake up please. I can't loose you.", Tears streamed down my face as I reached above us on the glass table grabbing the house phone.

"What's your emergency?", the person from the other end answered.

"I came downstairs to see my grandma lying on the floor. Please come quick. She's all I have left and I can't see her go.", I sobbed.

"What's the address honey?", she said sounding more concerned.

"2198 Sable Fox Rd.", I answered as I cradled her in my arms.

"Were on the way, stay strong.", she said. I nodded as if she could see me and hung up.

She was old, maybe around 96. I knew it was bound to happen but she was just such an amazing person. The one amazing person I had left. Paramedics ran through the door putting my grandma on a stretcher rolling her out the door.

"Can I come please?", I begged as they were about to close the door. They motioned for me to follow them and I did so. I sat in the back with one of the doctors. They brung out the defibrillator......

She didn't die, she's just not able to be in the house anymore. In other words, she'd be in the Senior homes where they'd have extra protection so nothing like that would happen. I said goodbye to my grandma before they drove me back home. I guess its about that time to get a job. Is it possible for a 14 year old? Let's hope.

I know I didn't give you guys an introduction, well there's really nothing to talk about. I'm hurting mentally and physically. I'm always disrespected against my will and they just don't care I mean who would? I'm an ugly being. It's been said so many times that i actually believe it. I've tried pills, diving into 12 ft water knowing I couldn't swim, umm what else...ohhh I do have a lot of cuts on my body but that doesn't kill me it just pains me relieves some stuff, I tried eating bleach, that could've worked if my grandma didn't take me to the doctor 2 seconds after, either way it goes people hate me when I'm alive but when I'm ready to leave this stupid place we call Earth with hateful and disrespectful people, they want to prevent me from killing myself. Why? Its not like you cared when I was living, which I still am, so why do you care so much now? Well guys its 9:00 and I have to be ready for the hellhole that some of these children call school.

Next Day

I was walking to the bus stop waiting for it to stop in front of me. Once it did, I climbed up the steps and quickly made my way to the back until someone grabbed some of my hair yanking me toward them and on the ground making the whole bus erupt in laughter.

"Where you going Bitch?", Joshua asked with his arm around Asia, gosh I hated them, they were worse then everyone. I pointed to the back of the bus telling him.

"You better speak up.", he said clinching his fist.

"To the back.", I said getting off of the hard cold floor wiping my skirt off. I looked at him one good time before going to my seat.

"How's your grandma?", Amunet yelled sitting behind them with Cheyenne.

I turned around quickly. "U-Umm, she's okay.", I stuttered a little.

"Why so scared, I won't hurt you. Tell me the story.", Amunet demanded as Joshua, Cheyenne, Asia, and Amunet turned around waiting for me to speak followed by the rest of the kids on the bus.

"Well, yesterday she was sent to the homes for senior citizens because she had a heart attack-",

"You was suppose to kill her Asia.", I heard Joshua mumble angrily.

"I couldn't, I can't kill anyone, I'd go to jail so I just gave her some stuff.", Asia said. I blinked back the tears that were coming.

"You fucking tried to kill my grandma?!", I yelled crying as everyone laughed at me. I had no one stand up for me. They went too far this time. I just don't want to be hear anymore. I'm done.

"Umm, kinda sorta.", Joshua answered grinning. I shook my head.

"She was the only person I had left and I can barely see her anymore. You guys are so sick.", I said getting walking toward Joshua. "You're a fucking bastard, I hope you rot in hell with your dumbass girlfriend and your stupid ass friends.", he jumped up almost immediately and stood over me. At that point, I was frightened. I felt a rock hard sensation burning against my jaw. I held my face as I cried. I got off the bus as it stopped at the school and rushed off to the nurse's office. This is just one out of all of the damage they've caused. I'll make it my goal for them to rot in hell.....

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