I Had To

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Cheyenne's POV,

As I sobbed into my knees, I started feeling around under the couch. I wanted to die as of now without any torture. Moving my hand around, I felt a cold metal material. I slowly slipped it from under the couch and pulled it between my feet and butt. I wrapped my arm around my knee once again and my head looked down into my legs. I opened my eyes and noticed that it was a silver gun. Just a small regular police gun but instead it was silver. It was enough for me to kill myself with. I didn't want to put my head up and see where they went, I just wanted to get it over with. I started playing around with it not really knowing what to do with it since I didn't know how to use it or never seen it being used before. Well except on my mom's favorite movie, Set It Off. Ugghhh, it'll come in handy at this moment. I wish I paid more attention to it.

I finally looked up from the gun. I was all alone. Perfect timing. I messed with the thing under the pointer and heard a slight loud sound.

"Cheyenne?", someone whispered. Me being curious trying to do anything I can before I actually kill myself, I got up and looked around the corner. A guy was peeking his head out from a room across from where I was standing.

"Where'd they go?", I asked. He shrugged. I started walking toward him and it was Josh.

"Oh my god, I thought you was in jail.", I whispered yelled.

"We don't have time for this. We need to find a way out.", he said.

"Nahh, I have plenty of time.", I said taking the gun from my bra and put it to my head.

"Huh?", he said then looked at what I was doing. "Yo, it's not on safety.", he panicked.

"Duhhh.", I said. I squeezed my eyes shut as I pressed hard on the handle for it to shoot, but a thought came to mind.

"I-imma, write a note to someone first. I can't just up and disappear without anyone knowing.", I suggested.

"Cheyenne, p-please don't do this. Its selfish. You still have f-family out there probably looking for you. Please just don't k-kill yourself.", Josh said stuttering due to him crying a little. I sighed and looked at my feet stopping what I was doing.

"Josh, there's nothing you can do to make me change my mind. Fix your face and help me look for something to write with.", I turned away from him going up the stairs to continue looking.

"No, you're on your own.", he said and walked away disappearing farther in the house. Once o found some paper and a broken crayon, I started writing.

Note To Mom:
Hey mommy, I had to do it. When you find out what happened to me, just know that everything's okay and it was for a good reason. You probably won't understand but here's the story. Remember when I was younger, me and that girl Arabiah Allah use to hang out? Well I stopped, I bullied her along with some friends. Momma one day me and the girls took her to our secret hiding spot to make her think that we wanted to be her friend but instead, I had plans. We wanted her dead and I know you think this is so crazy right now because I regret it. I pushed her off a cliff momma. I feel so bad and stupid for listening to them. Now she's dead and is haunting us. No one would have ever known that this kind of stuff could've happened but this is the reason why I'm about to take this gun and shoot myself. Momma, everything is going to be fine. I deserve it. I love you so much. This is the last time you may hear from me. I love you with all my heart. Cheyenne...

Joshua's POV,

I came back from downstairs and went into the room where Cheyenne was in. She was sitting in crisscross applesauce sobbing looking at something. I followed her eyes seeing that it was on a small piece of paper. Tears fell from her eyes. She wiped them and picked up the gun. She looked at it then put it up to her head. I came from around the corner running into the room.

"Cheyenne Don't Do I-" the gun went off and her body lied lifeless. I ran over to her body trying to pump her chest to get her to wake up.

"Cheyenne please.", I said as I kept doing it.

"Somebody help me!", I screamed as loud as I could. I didn't pay to much attention to all the blood getting all over me. It was just me and her. No one else was here to hear me. I put our foreheads together and just prayed that shed have a good after life or rather she gos to hell or heaven, I just want someone to watch over her.

I took the note and put it in my pocket. I believed that I could make it out alive and I believed that I could give this note to her mom. I found a huge garbage bag. I ripped the sides off of it making it long enough to cover her body with.

"You'll always be with me no matter what.", I whispered before leaving the room.

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