Chapter 2

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My body ached as I limped up the beige wooden steps. Once I made it to my house door, I looked up in the night sky. Families were probably eating dinner or maybe sleeping around this time. I reached into my jean jacket pocket and grabbed the keys to the house unlocking the door. I sat the keys on the glass table and locked the door back. I walked into the kitchen and opened the fridge only to see a jug of water and food marks on the side of the fridge. I looked into the freezer to see a box of corn dogs and 6 TV dinners. I took out two corn dogs and placed them in the oven on 360°. I looked in the cabinets and the first thing I came across was creamed corn, my favorite. I smiled a little as I slowly went to the left side of the kitchen pulling out a drawer revealing all of the cooking utensils. I pulled out the can opener and reached under that drawer opening a cabinet getting a small pot for my corn. I opened the corn and poured it into the pot. I cut on the lite for the pot and placed it on top of the fire letting the corn heat up. I limped up the stairs as I gripped the rail for more support. Once, I made it all the way up, I came across a mirror. I stopped there and just stared at my reflection disgusted by all of the bruises I had on the shown parts of my body. There were red marks around my wrists, my neck, and on my cheeks bringing back memories from earlier in the night.

"Joshua stop please! You're hurting me!", I yelled as he ignored me.

I tried to twist my arms out of his grasp but his grip got tighter and tighter as I screamed at the pain.

"Its okay baby girl just relax.", he said calm as he let my arms go. My chest heaved up and down as my breath became uncontrollable. I used my now free hands to punch him as hard as I could in his stomach making him lean over groaning in pain. As I made my way to the door of the old building, the same two men only pulled me back from escaping.

"All you have to do is cooperate until I'm done then you can leave.", he gritted through his teeth before he roughly pulled me back throwing me into the wall.

Tears streamed down my face at the thought. I noticed I was up here to long. I quickly changed into my night clothes and went back downstairs into the kitchen cutting off the oven and the stove. I poured my corn into a bowl and put my corndogs on a saucer, putting a little bit of syrup and ketchup on the side of the plate mixing it together. I walked the food upstairs into my room and sat it on my desk before searching for a movie. Once I came across Madea goes to jail, I stopped looking for other movies and anxiously put that one in. I sat back down at my desk waiting for the previews to go off. I laughed here and there as the different Tyler Perry plays showed through the screen.

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