Professor (Namjoon)

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The alarm rang disturbing your peaceful sleep you didn't want to get up because the air was cool and your blanket was a perfect snug contrast it was like the bed was holding onto you refusing to let go.

You eventually managed to tear yourself off the bed and get ready to go to school.

On your walk there you met your friend Yedam who happily accompanied you to your class.
Dropping you off by the entrance while he left for his.

Only to notice the class was already relatively filled.
So you tried to slip in without catching too much attention when you heard a voice boom through the lecture hall causing everyone to stay still.

It was a voice you were all too familiar with.
A voice you were scared off, well not just you but everyone in class.
He told you to sit in the front row and you obliged.

Setting your things down as he started his lesson.
The hall was completely silent with the exception of his voice which had everyone in a trance.

No one could deny his skill as a teacher he could explain the most complex concepts in a way both a 15 year old and a 50 year could comprehend while commanding their undivided attention and for this reason the whole class respected him.

His big stature was indeed intimidating but he was social enough for everyone to like him but not enough for everyone to know him.

The lesson went on for another hour or so when he was done he asked everyone to hand in their assignments and wished everyone a happy weekend.

As the students shuffled outside the class he began arranging them papers in a neat stack which kept on growing he asked you to lend a hand since you were seated on the first desk and you agreed.

He divided the papers and handed you the smaller stack as he lead the way to his office.

His office was on the other side of the building and you had a free period so you didn't have anything better to do anyways.

So you just walked along with him making small talk.
As he watched you walk by his side he couldn't help but think about what he saw this morning a random man walking with you a little too close for comfort.

It should have been him. He should only be him. He deserves you. In his mind you were already his the very first time he saw you.

You were at his favorite bookstore running your fingers across the spines of paperbacks hoping to find one that caught your eye.
He stood there for a good 5 minutes debating whether to help you out or not. But the store clerk beat him to it as he felt a tinge of sadness strike him. It should have been him. It should have been him who helped you just like it should have been him who walked by your side.

Before he knew it you had left.
He spent the next couple of days doing his work but images of you randomly came into his head disturbing his peace.

If only you knew how absolutely delighted he was when he found out that you had been assigned to his class.

He was filled with glee like a child in a candy shop. If only you knew. But he was too smart too smart for anyone to ever have a hint of suspicion about his odd behavior.

When he wanted something he had to have it.
Whether it be the 1st rank in class or the penthouse in the tallest apartment. If he wanted something he would chase it to the ends of the world and you were no exception.

He was growing impatient with each passing day driving him insane and today he finally snapped.
Today was the day he would finally have you.

Upon reaching his office he opened the door gesturing for you to get in as he instructed you to put the papers on the desk he followed you locking the door behind him.

You placed them down and watched him put his stack down and take off his coat which he placed on the stand.
You thought you were sly sneaking in a quick glance at his muscular body which was not well hidden under his well fit shirt.

He noticed but let it slide as it fed his ego.
As you were about to leave he asked you if you could help him grade papers for a year below you in exchange he would offer you extra credit.

So you agreed at sat down next to the chair next to him as he grabbed the papers from the cupboard he noticed you were seated a little farther away so he simply placed a hand on one of the legs of the stool and pulled you towards him as it were nothing.

He then nonchalantly went on with his work as he handed you a copy of the answer key for the test.

Both of you got to work for about an hour and had finished grading 2 out of 3 sets when you went to ask for the key for the third set both of you faced each other at the same time your faces only inches apart from each other.
Making your face heat up in embarrassment.

To your dismay the only noticable look on his face was a look of slight confusion as you started to stutter while you asked for the answer key as he swiftly placed it infront of you.

"Geez relax its not like I'm going to eat you up. Well unless you want me to".

He said leaving you tounge tied as his his laughter filled the room cutting the tension in the air.

He was so intimidating you couldn't look him in the eye.
"Look at me when I'm talking to you "

He said as he placed a finger under your chin lifting it up forcing you to make eye contact as he gently moved forward placing his lips on yours kissing you gently.

Before you knew it his hands were moving across your body as yours were intertwined in his hair moving in closer to deepen the kiss.

In one swift motion he picked you up and placed you on the table taking of your skirt and ripping off your panties.
" Hey those were from La Perla" you whined.

" I'll buy you the whole store princess".

He said as he got down on his knees gently opening your legs as he snaked his tounge between them.

Gently causing you to moan out in pleasure as he skillfully moved making you loose your focus.
gripping on to his hair trying to get more friction but he held you in place sinfully torturing you by denying you release.

When you felt like you were about to reach your high he stopped and proceed to place kisses on your things.
He kept on doing this until tears started to run down your face as it almost hurt to hold it in.

You were a whimpering mess for him at the moment you would do anything for him if he asked you to.
And he knew that very well he just found some sick sadistic pleasure seeing you in this state desperate and pathetic, completely dependent on him just like how he liked it.

He decided to end teasing you as he had a lot of time left to do that.
And at this point his pants had gotten painfully tight.

So he decided to stand up and free his member positioning it in front of your aching one.
As he began to slowly let himself in you.
He didn't want to hurt you just yet. He would save that for when you misbehave.

He slowly began to thrust in you as your nails dug into his back.

His eyes met with yours which were pleading with him because you could no longer form coherent words.
You couldn't taking being edged any longer your vision had started to cloud and you felt like you would pass out at any given moment.

So he decided to pick up the pace going harder on you until you came all over him.
You collapsed into his arm your body going limp still buzzed with your high as your stare at him with a lovesick gaze.

He knew at that moment that you were his. Now no one could take you away from him.

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