Untitled Part 9

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(Ivann's POV)

"Are you going to introduce us to your friend?" I asked Kyle, one day after school, as he and his brother walked into the house, followed by a male otter around the same age as Kyle.

Both Kyle and the otter froze, except for the otter's eyes, which flicked from Sean and me in the kitchen, back to Kyle. Kyle looked like he wanted to say something, but he just couldn't.

Anthony had no trouble speaking. He broke the awkward silence, "that's Ky's-" Snap! Kyle flicked him in his ear, hard, with a growl. "Ouch! What was that for?" Anthony asked with a whimper as he covered his ear with his hand.

Kyle ignored him and said, "we have to study," as he grabbed the otter by the wrist and pulled him down the hallway, to his room. He started using his own room during the day, to study and do his homework or to just to be alone, but at night he would always go back to Anthony's room.

"He made a friend," Sean said, with a slight smile, as he turned back to his pan on the stove.

"I think so," I agreed as I went back to chopping up vegetables. "I'm happy for him. I was starting to worry that the way he acts would push everyone away from him," I said as I put the chopped up vegetables in the bowl with the lettuce. "I'm glad he has someone to talk to now."

Sean must have heard it in my voice, because he turned away from the stove and stepped over to me. "But you wish it was you he would talk to," he said as he placed his hand on my back, rubbing gently.

"Yeah," I admitted, feeling guilty for feeling that way. "I want to be there for him, but he just doesn't want me to be there for him," I told him as I squeezed my eyes shut and shook my head slowly.

"He wants you there for him. He just doesn't realize it, yet," he corrected as his arms trailed around me and pulled me closer to him.

"Maybe. But I really am happy that he has someone to talk to, even if it's not me," I told him as I turned in his arms and nuzzled against his chest.

"Me too," he said as he tightened his arms around me and rubbed his chin on the top of my head.

As I was setting the table, Kyle and the otter came walking out. "Dinner is just about done," I announced. "Your friend is welcome to join us. There's plenty to go around," I told Kyle, and then glanced at the otter beside him.

"He can't," Kyle answered rather quickly. "He has to get going, to catch the bus back to his house," he said as he grabbed the otter's wrist again, and hurried him to the door.

The otter's ears dropped as Kyle pulled him through the house and out the door. I could hear them talking, just outside of the door, but I couldn't make out what they were saying to one another. A few moments later, I watched from out of the living room window as the young otter moped down the sidewalk to the bus stop, looking a bit dejected. Kyle stepped back inside a moment later, looking the same way, if not worse, but he quickly hid it.

"So, was that otter your friend?" I asked him as we all sat down to eat.

Anthony looked like he was going to burst as he opened his mouth, but nothing came out as Kyle glared at him, causing his words to pile up before they could leave his lips. Instead of speaking, Anthony filled his mouth with food, but he had a grin wrapped around his muzzle as he chewed.

"He's helping me with some of my classes, that's all," Kyle answered as he stabbed his fork into his salad.

It didn't sound like a lie, but it didn't sound like the whole truth, either. "Oh, what classes are you having trouble with?" It wasn't the first question that I wanted to ask, but I decided it was better than badgering him about his otter friend.

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