Untitled Part 25

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(Sex ahead)
(Ivann's POV)

The next court date crept upon us - well, not so much as crept upon us, we knew it was coming up; it was always in the backs of our minds, but we were trying to make the most of it with the pups before it could change. This time, the judge wanted the pups to come to the courthouse with us so that he could speak with them personally.

It was just like the morning of our first court date. All of us barely spoke a word as we got prepared, except for Anthony, who complained about his brother trying to straighten out his fur. The car ride to the courthouse was even quieter.

Carter greeted us at the top of the courthouse steps. "You two must be Kyle and Anthony? It's nice to meet you. I'm Carter," he introduced as he shook both of their hands.

"How have you been?" Sean asked as we all walked into the courthouse.

"I've been great. I've never felt better," Carter answered, with a smile. There seemed to be a little more pep in his step since the last time we saw him. "The doctors put me on a new trial drug and it seems to be doing the trick."

"That's great news," I said, feeling genuinely happy for him.

"Be quiet in here," Kyle whispered to his brother as we entered the courtroom.

"I know," Anthony whispered back.

After the judge finished reading the verdict on the case before ours, he called the bailiff over and whispered something to him. "We are going to take a short recess," he announced as we watched the bailiff walk over to us. "The judge would like to see the two of you in his quarter's," he said in a quiet, but yet still deep voice.

Kyle froze, and Anthony looked panicked. "It's ok," I assured them, with a smile and a small nod.

Anthony reluctantly let go of my hand as they both got up and nervously followed behind the bailiff as he led them around the courtroom and into the judges' quarters.

What's going on in there? The minutes slowly ticked by. What could they be doing? What could they be talking about?

Sean's hand found mine as I fidgeted with my tie, nervously loosening it and tightening it and then adjusting it repeatedly. He looked just as nervous as I felt, but he smiled warmly at me as he gave my hand a gentle squeeze. Somehow, knowing that he was there emotionally with me eased my mind.

A short time later, the pups came walking out in front of the judge. He called us up after the pups were seated. The judge asked us some more question, similar to the ones he asked us the first time. The pup's parents and aunt now answered them without any hesitations.

"They must have studied up," Carter whispered. "No problem, we prepared for this," he said as he flipped through his papers.

Something looked off about him, from when we first met him that day. His breathing was heavier and labored, though he tried to hide it. He looked like he was in pain, but he tried to hide that as well.

Sean noticed this about him too and asked, "are you all right, Carter?"

"I'm good," he assured us, but he didn't sound convincing.

"We can ask to take a break if you need one."

"No. I can get through this. I-it's nothing," he said, with a small pained grunt.

"No, it's not." I cut the judge off as I stood up and announced, "We need a break!" His eyes narrowed as he looked over at me. "Something's wrong. He needs help," I said as I look down at Carter.

Carter slouched over, holding onto his chest. His breath wheezed in and out of his lungs.

"Call an ambulance," the judge ordered the bailiff.

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