Chapter 14 - Amends

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It took some doing to sort out the mess of the battle. The merchant ships and their captains were decidedly unimpressed and more than a little annoyed that they had been pulled into the middle of an internal pirate dispute. Though, that was somewhat balanced by the fact that they had technically prevented an ambush.

Ed had hardly left Stede's side as he recuperated and the Revenge sailed with the other ships in a flotilla. Given the damage they had inflicted, the pirates had agreed to offer protection the rest of the way to port.

The crew was a little nervous that the Dutch merchants might try to press charges once they reached the shore, but there was something of a little glimmer of understanding in the senior captain's eyes when he saw Ed and Stede embrace.

Now Ed was seated on the bed, holding Stede's hand and rubbing his fingers over his. He'd shed the leather getup in favour of plain pantaloons and a billowy shirt. He'd washed the kohl off his face, dropping the mask of Blackbeard entirely.

"All you really did was open up his old wound," said Roach as he wiped his hands clean after inspecting Stede's injury. "I don't see any signs of infection. I'd say he's going to be okay."

Ed murmured a thank you to Roach, who started for the door.

Before he left, Roach called back, "Don't let him do too much, all right? Baby him like he's back in his old life in his fancy colonial mansion."

Stede looked a little sheepish and bit his bottom lip.

The gesture was enough to start Ed leaning forward for about the dozenth kiss in the past hour.

But they weren't alone for long. As Roach left, Bonny entered.

"I've come to say goodbye. We're getting close to port and we've taken more damage than you. No sense in you coming all the way in with us and risk getting spotted by someone," said Bonny.

Ed stood up and crossed towards her. "Thanks so much for your help, I..."

And then, completely unbidden, Bonny kneed him in the stomach.

Ed crumpled forward and coughed.

Stede sat up in bed and winced. "Well. Good to know that wasn't just me. That's just her way of saying hello."

"That was for Jack," said Bonny to Ed. She reached down and held her hand out.

Ed looked suspiciously at the hand, and the woman it was attached to. He met her eyes, and then took it cautiously.

To his surprise, she pulled Ed into a hug, then kissed him on the cheek.

"And that's for you. I'm glad you found someone, Ed. Someone who isn't fucking Izzy Hands, or hell, Jack dragging you down. This one..." she nodded to Stede, "...will get you into trouble, but not the kind that chips away at your soul."

"Well, I hope not," said Stede a bit sheepishly.

"I'm very grateful for your help, Bonbon. And I am sorry about Jack." Ed kept hold of her hand and squeezed it gently. "He wasn't perfect, we both know that. But he was your husband and my friend."

"And your fuckbuddy," Bonny added.

"Yes, well..." Ed glanced at Stede who had turned a little red for reasons unrelated to his injury. It was rather adorable how the man was posthumously jealous of Calico Jack.

Bonny looked about ready to say something, but there was a rap at the door and Lucius appeared.

Lucius was standing, shoulders squared. "" he hissed that last letter as he looked between Stede and Ed. "I'm here to inform you of my formal resignation. I'll be leaving with Captain Bonny."

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