Chapter 1: What a 'beautiful' first day

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[Y/n's pov]

Kenny: "Come on Y/n...we can't be late on your first..."

Y/n: "Day...Yeah I know...I just need to find my shoe.......Ahh here! Okay... Let's go!"

Me and my brother walk to the bus stop. Kenny puts his headphones on and makes some weird dance moves. I hope he stops dancing in any second because that's horrible to watch...

Some seconds later the bus comes.

Oh shit...All the kids in the bus starts to laugh. What a 'beautiful' first day... We walk into the bus...

?: Nice moves, new kid. What do you call that? The loser limbo?

??: No, no, no, no. I think it's called the I'm-trying-not-to-shit-my-pants dance.

I glance at the boys and they started to laugh again. I mean yeah this dance wasn't the best but...

???: Good one, LaRusso!

Kenny sits on a seat and I sit next him.

Y/n: Hey...don't listen to them they're just some idots...

Later when everyone plays basketball...

Teacher: Okay, let's switch it up. New kid, get in there. We'll get you some gym clothes next week. LaRusso, Thompson, you're in too. Let's go!

Y/n: Good

They walk into the field.

Teacher: All right. Sub out!

?: 'Sup, Slade? Ha. Look who it is.

??: I'll cover the ballerina.

Some moments later when Kenny accidentally hits new enemy...

Teacher: Hey! Break it up! New kid, get the ball!

?: Oh shit! Dude, you just got face shot! Bust out some of that karate!

This dumbass can karate?!

??: I told you, okay? I-I-I can't. Those moves cause, like, permanent brain damage.

Y/n: Hmmm...that's sounds like you don't know karate...

??: Ugh...S-Shut up...I know karate!

Y/n: Mhmm...yeah...sure dumbass...

I walk away from them...and thought again......If he could he would probably did used karate......and what he said doesn't make any sense...Okay...yeah...I don't know anything about karate but "permanent brain damage" doesn't sound right. I look back and see this dumbass and my brother. He looks really mad...maybe I should ho back to this dumbass...But before I could make one step to them I see a girl coming to them. Okay wierd thought but maybe this dumbass and my brother likes this girl. Okay...anyways I think to much....

Anthony LaRusso x Y/n PayneWhere stories live. Discover now