Chapter 6: You sound like a psycho...

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Some days later at the school...

Me and Lia want to walk to our lockers but Anthony is on his locker and Lia walks to him. I sigh and walk after her.

Lia: Hey, Ant, what's up?

Anthony: much

Lia: thought of something we can do. There's this fair at Westwood Park. It's got all these rides...and better yet, fried Oreos.

Anthony: Fried you are definitely speaking my language.

Lia: I've invited a bunch of people. Kenny says the private ship goes upside down. I mean...totally vertical.

Anthony: Um...Kenny?

Lia: Oh...yeah. He's hilarious. You guys are gonna get along great. Um...see you Saturday. Hey Jane...wait up.

Lia walks away and I look after her. Hey girl...Why are you leaving me with this dumbass?! I look at him and sigh.

Y/n: If you come...I don't come...

I run after Lia and Jane.

[Anthony's pov]

I look after Y/n and sigh.

Zack: Ow. That's gotta hurt.

My friends laugh. They stop laughing and I walk to Kenny.

Kenny: What do you want?

Anthony: I've been thinking about everything. I just wanna talk. Maybe we could try starting over?

Kenny: I've got nothing to say to you, LaPusso.

Zack: Oh!

Anthony: Call me that one more time and you'll regret it.

Kenny: Sorry, I forgot you were so sensitive about that. LaPusso.

Kenny runs away and me and my friends run after him.

Anthony: Where is he?

Zack: Doesn't matter. He's trapped.

The light goes out.

Zack: Come on. Let's find him.

Some moments later...

Kenny: I finally got you alone.

Kenny wants to hit me but the light turns on and someone comes in.

Y/n: Kenny?! What are you doing?!

Wait...there is someone else behind her/him/them.

Teacher: Hey! What's going on in here?

Some minutes later...

Me, Kenny and Y/n sitting on some chairs in front of principalship.

Daniel: Hey, Anthony. Are you okay?

Principal: Mr. and Mrs. LaRusso, come on in.

After the principal tells Anthony's parents the situation...

My parents turn around and look at me.

Kenny: I got you.

Y/n: Kenny! Stop that! You sound like a psycho...

Anthony LaRusso x Y/n PayneWhere stories live. Discover now