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Some days later...

?: You should watch where you're going, kid.

Robby: Yeah, same goes for you.

?: Look who it is.

??: You betrayed Miyagi-Do. Traitor.

Tory: Oh, there's a traitor here for sure. He's gonna get what he deserves.

???: I don't think so. Not if I have anything to say about it, Princess.

????: Hey, guys. Can you believe that they have Mr. Pibb and Dr. Pepper? Oh shit. Not another rumble.

ANOTHER rumble?! Oh man...I can be happy that I sit next to them on a bench and don't need to fight...

Tory: Careful, LaRusso. Your mommy isn't here to play peacemaker.

LaRusso?! Is she the sister of Anthony or something like that?!

???: What's that supposed to mean?

?????: Stop. We can't do this. We'll beat 'em on the mat.

Robby: Oh really? You remember what happened the last time we fought, right?

?????: Okay. Meet us at the baseball diamond in 30 minutes. An no weapons.

Tory: Yeah, we won't need 'em.

?????: Yeah.

Robby: Let's go.

Everyone walks away from me.

30 minutes later in front of the baseball diamond...

Kenny: Are you coming?

Y/n: No...I don't wanna get involved in a fight so...I will wait her...

I couldn't see anything what's happening on the baseball diamond, but I hear near me some people in a car speaking.

?: Dude, genius move! We didn't even have to throw a punch!

????: My favorite kind of victory.

I look at the people in this car and they look at me for some seconds and drive away.

Some days later at the debate club...

I'm sitting next to two boys and a man while I was watching my best friend.

Devon: My opponent is full of crap.
His evidence is garbage, his arguments don't make sense and I was bored to death. Which is ironic, considering we're debating penalty.

Her opponent: Uh,you're not gonna deduct points for lack of decorum?

Devon: Screw decorum. Wanna know what I really think of the death penalty?

Devon grabs his book and destroys it


Her opponent: My book...!

Devon: Choke on it.

Devon clears her throat

Devon: I cede my time.

Devon's iconic walk

The boy next to me: Sensei, that's the girl I told you about. She loves extracurriculars.

A man with blond hair: Can it,Bert. I just found the most badass girl in the Valley.

Y/n's mind: Weird man...

A little bit later...

The man introduce himself as Johnny Lawrence, he asked me and Devon to joining his dojo. The name of the dojo is Eagle Fang. Devon said 'Yes' but I said 'No'. I don't want to be the enemy of Cobra Kai...

The next day at school...

Me and Lia walk around the school until Lia accidentally drops her book...

Lia: Oops...

Anthony stands up from his chair and gives Lia her book.

Anthony: 'Beowulf'. Um, spoiler alert, it's not even about a werewolf.

Lia: Well, now I don't want it

Anthony: Yeah. You should try 'Animal Farm'. Now that's a book that lives up to its name.

I whisper to Lia.

Y/n: I will go and sit next to Kenny and let you both alone.

I walk away from them and sit next to my brother. I don't why...but I stare at Lia and Anthony. I can't stare long at them because Lia stands now in front of me.

Lia: Hey, strawberry ghost. Feel pretty real today.

Wait does Anthony stares at her? Or wait...I think he stares at me...?!

Anthony LaRusso x Y/n PayneWhere stories live. Discover now