Chapter 3: Join Cobra Kai?

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Some days later in prison...

Kenny: Ever since I started this new school, my life has been miserable. They chase me. Beat me up. It's not gonna stop. I don't know how I'm gonna keep going. I don't feel safe. One of them even knows karate.

Shawn: Karate, huh?

Kenny: What's so funny?

Shawn: Hey, don't worry about it, little bro. I know a guy who can help.

Y/n: What do you mean?!

The next day in the Cobra Kai dojo...

?: Can I help you?

Kenny: W-we're looking for Robby Keene.

?: Mr. Keene. You have visitors.

??: You know this kids?

Kenny: I-I...

Y/n: He's Kenny and I'm Y/n. Our brother, Shawn Payne, said you could help him.

Robby: I didn't know Shawn had siblings. Is he out?

Kenny: No. That's why we're here. These a-holes keep hassling me. One of them knows karate, so-

?: This is a dojo. You are interrupting my class.

Kenny: I'm sorry. I didn't know.

Robby: Sensei! Shawn Payne was one of the thoughest guys in juvie. Kicked my ass a few times.

?: You know, in the real world, we have to fight our own battles. Cobra Kai can teach you how. But you have to prove that you're worthy.

Kenny: How do I do that?

?: Take your shoes off and get on the mat.

Some moments later...

Kreese: All right, Mr. Payne. Let's see what you got. Mr. Park?

Kenny: But h-how am I supposed to fight if I haven't had any training yet?

Kreese: To be a Cobra Kai, you have to have a killer instinct. Fighting positions.

?: Don't worry, man. I'll go easy on you.

Kresse: Ais!

?: Ha!

Kenny runs off the mat. He is obviously afraid...And everyone starts to laugh.

?: Come back on the mat. Grow some pubes. Let's go.

Kreese: It's all right, Mr. Payne. Try again. Ais!

Kenny runs off the mat again and everyone starts to laugh again. Okay not everyone...But the many people laught...

Kreese: I've seen enough.

?: Yeah, me too.

Kreese: What's so funny? The All Valley's just a few short months away. We don't have time for losers. Or cowards.

Kenny walks out of the dojo...Now everyone looks at me.

Y/n: I...uh...should probably go and look for my brother....I will think about it. Bye!

I walk out of the dojo and look around. I can't see Kenny.


Oh man...What should I do now go back in this dojo and fight and if I win... join Cobra Kai? No...This people scare me. I walk around to look where Kenny could be. Wait...isn't that house I stand in front for some days...? I'm not sure but I think that could be the house where- Holy shit next to me is this dumbass Anthony Lapusso...

Anthony: What are you doing here?

Y/n: None of your business...

Anthony: Okay...

That dumbass walks in this house. I stare for some minutes at this house until I remember that I'm looking for my brother.

Anthony LaRusso x Y/n PayneWhere stories live. Discover now