Chapter 4: GO KENNY!

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Later that day at home...

Someone knocks on the door and Kenny walks to the door to open it. This person is Robby. He hold his bad in his hand.

Kenny: How'd you know where I lived?

Robby shows the note on his bag where our address is standing. Robby gives Kenny his bag back.

Kenny: Thanks.

Robby: So how's Shawn? Is he still getting out this summer?

Kenny: They gave him an extra month because he spit in a guard's face.

Robby: Okay. Yeah, sounds like him. Hope it was the guard in the computer lab.

Kenny: It's my fault.

Robby: What do you mean?

Kenny: Shawn had some bad friends at school. I caught one of them stealing from my parents. Guy came at me, but Shawn got between us. Beat him pretty bad. He was just defending me. With him gone, I've got no one.

Really...? Really? No one...? Is my name no one? I take that personally...

Kenny: That's why I was hoping you-

Robby: Look. I can't be your tutor. I have to focus on the All Valley.

Me and Kenny get a message...It's a video where Kenny gets bullied...

Robby: What?

Kenny: It's nothing.

Robby: Give it. Come on.

Robby watches the video and sighs.

Robby: I can show you a couple of moves.

Some minutes later outside in our garden...

Robby and Kenny start to train and I silently watch them.

Robby: Let's run it again. I'm not gonna make contact. All right? But that means you have to stay in the fight. All right? Bow. Fighting stance. Elbows in. Remember, always look your opponent in the eye. Ready? Fight! Ais! Ais! I'm not sure I buy that you're Shawn's brother.

Kenny: Well, Shawn was always big and strong, okay? All I can do is run.

Robby: Then use that. Instead of using your speed to run away from your enemies, use it to run at them. Come on, let's try again. Let's go. Let's go, come on.


Robby: Ready? Bow!

The next day in Cobra Kai dojo...

?: Look who's back for more.

Kenny: I want another shot.

Kreese: I'm sorry, I don't have the time to teach weaklings.

Robby: Give him another chance, Sensei. Maybe he'll surprise you.

Kresse: All right, on the mat. Mr. Park, make this quick.

??: You got it, Sensei.

Some moments later...

Kenny hits him. Holy shit...

?: Kid's fast.

??: What the hell? He hit me when I wasn't looking. That's some bullshit.

Kreese: You're right. He didn't line up. So that won't count as a point.

Kenny: Sorry, I didn't know the rules.

Kreese: That was your chance.

Kenny: Okay.

Kenny wants to go but Kresse starts to speak again.

Kreese: Where you going, Mr. Payne? Take your spot.

Kenny and I smile and Kenny walks to his spot and I say my Goodbye and walk out of the dojo.

Anthony LaRusso x Y/n PayneWhere stories live. Discover now