Pawter 4: Umbrella

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Shuhua frowned when she saw it was raining.

"What the hell..."

She whispered as Miyeon hid in her hoodie.


Miyeon hearing someone calling her owner, looked at the voice and hissed at her.

"Oh? Is this your cat shu?"

Hyewon asked as she was about to pet the kitten when Miyeon slapped her hand away.

"What the--"

"Miyeon? Where'd you get that attitude from?"

Shuhua asked as Miyeon only snuggled on her face.

She glared at Hyewon.

"Why do I feel like your cat is telling me you are only hers?"

Hyewon asked.

Shuhua only giggles.

"You don't have to worry bout a thing! Uh... What's her name?"

"Miyeon... Cho Miyeon."

"Ah ok! You don't have to worry bout a thing Miyeon! I don't like Shuhua she's ugly as fuck--"


"I'm kidding, I'm her Best Friend for God's sake man, I won't stoop that low on our friendship, plus I already have a girlfriend but she lives far away..."

Hyewon explained as she stared deep inside Miyeon's soul.

Miyeon jumped over Hyewon's arms and just sat there.

"She accepted me!"

Hyewon happily said as she pats Miyeon's head.

"Anyways what the fuck happened to you? You have a cut beside your eye and you have bruises all over your arms look!"

Hyewon held Shuhua's rolled-up hoodie sleeves as she tsked.

"Let's go buy some bandages..."

"Can we go to the ATM first?"


Shuhua grabbed her umbrella, same as Hyewon as they walked away.

-Mini Time Skip-

As they reached the ATM, Shuhua took her allowance.

"Damn, Wheein Unnie is the best sister ever shu, You fucking lucky wolf."

Hyewon mumbled as Shuhua chuckled.

"How about wait for me inside that restaurant hm? My treat! Here take Miyeon with you, hide her in your bag."

Miyeon just followed what Shuhua said as Hyewon walked toward the restaurant.

Shuhua went to the convenience store and bought some bandages, while she bandaged herself she saw a kitty just simply getting wet by the rain.

The Chartreux kitty waited in the rain for someone to take care of her.

"Poor kitten..."

Shuhua mumbled as she ran towards the kitty and held her umbrella.

She can make a run for it since the restaurant wasn't that far.

"Here you go~"

Shuhua puts the umbrella above the kitty while she also grabbed some boxes to give a comfy bed.

She also removed her hoodie revealing her bandaged arms and green t-shirt, she made her hoodie look like a blanket for the cat as she built her a fort box.

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