1: Good Morning

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Shigaraki played with the crumb of muffin in his hands, rolling it back and forth on the kitchen counter.

Sometimes he felt like he wasn't really living. 

Sure he was alive. He had an apartment, he had a very important job as All For One's successor and he had 'friends'. 

But he didn't really feel like he was living his own life. 

Every step he took was monitored by Kurogiri and reported to his teacher within the hour. He knew this because more than once All For One had messed up and mentioned details he wasn't supposed to know. Like what colour Tomura was wearing that day. Or if he got a different type of takeout from the usual crap the night before. 

He took a deep, shuddering breath. Midday sunlight streamed through the open window and onto the kitchen counter as Tomura played with the muffin crumb.

He rolled it back and forth. 

Back and forth. 

Back and forth. 

Then he heard a strange noise. 

It was really weird. 

And there it was again. 

Furrowing his brow, he decided he didn't like the noise. It was annoying. And it was interrupting whatever existential monologue he was having with himself. 

Making his way over to the window he stuck his head out, trying to figure out what was going on. 

And then he saw it. 

A duckling. 


This high up? Sure he was only on the 5th floor, but still. And there appeared to be no mother duck in sight. How did a duckling get up to the 5th floor completely unattended? How did it get up there period?

The fuzzy yellow creature quaked at Shigaraki with an unassuming expression on its face. The villain clicked his tongue, prepared to remove his two fingered glove and disintegrate the annoying thing. 

Then it did something Tomura couldn't have predicted. It waddled in through the window, standing right on the edge of the sink-and shapeshifted. 

Right in front of his eyes. 

On second there was a duckling on the window ledge, the next there was a cute yellow puppy in the sink. 

Tomura's eyes were wide and he felt his hand finally stop scratching at his neck. He didn't know when he had started again. He found it was a compulsive habit-not something he could break easily. 

The puppy smiled up at Tomura and barked at him, its tail wagging happily. Tomura didn't move a muscle, just stared. 

"Is this your quirk? Are you like-some person who's just broken into my apartment?" He asked. The puppy didn't respond except by standing up in the sink and getting closer to Tomura. 

The villain recoiled, moving away as the creature got closer. The puppy put its front paws up on the sink, but Tomura had moved back and away from the kitchen counter, back at the table he had started at. 

The creature seemed to consider this before transforming into a bird. Tomura didn't know what kind of bird exactly-he wasn't good with stuff like that. But it was a baby bird and the thing only got airborne for a second before plummeting to the floor. 

He would be more sympathetic if he wasn't running away from whatever the hell this form-shifting thing was. 

The baby bird form didn't last long and the thing quickly decided a baby squirrel would be better. 

Tomura panicked at that point. For a supervillain he was remarkably fainthearted. He also hadn't left his apartment in nearly two weeks, so this level of interaction was too much. 

"Leave me alone!" He shouted, his voice wavering as the squirrel tore through the trash bags on the floor, knocking over a few dishes in its quest to get close to Tomura. 

They chased each other around the apartment once like that, with the squirrel inching closer and Shigaraki fleeing in terror. 

In the end he saw the door to the bathroom and ran for it. 

--------- --------- ---------- ------------ ----------- ---------- --------- 

He left the bathroom nearly an hour later when it was well into the afternoon, although he had barely been up for 2 hours at that point. 

Slowly he slid open the door. He looked left, right, and down and up. 

He spotted the creature-now a black kitten-sitting in front of the tv, mesmerized. It must have turned it on at some point. 

Tomura took a step out of the bathroom and the kitten immediately turned around. The kids show on the tv continued to play as Tomura's heart thudded in his chest. 

The creature meowed at him. Tomura froze in his position, half hiding behind the door, half stepping into the room. 

The place was a disaster. Throughout the scuffle it had gotten worse but it was already filthy. Due for a deep clean that he would never get around to.  

The kitten meowed at him again but Shigaraki didn't break eye contact. 

Then the thing did something he wasn't at all prepared for. 

It turned into a toddler. 

The kid looked at him with wide eyes and a big smile. They had blue hair just a shade  bolder than Tomura's own and his eyes were the exact same colour. Their eyes shimmered in the afternoon sunlight. 

They were so young. Maybe two years old?

"Hi!" The kid said, waving at Tomura. "I'm two and a quarter. How old are you?". They confidently held up three fingers. So close to being right. 

The villain stared at them, slack jawed. "Twenty." He managed. The kid nodded very seriously. 

"That's a lot." They informed Tomura. 

Silence fell over the apartment as the kid studied Tomura. Analyzing every detail and committing it to memory. 

The kid stared back at his eyes with a wide smile. They opened their mouth to speak and it was like the rest of the world went silent. 

"Are you my mommy?"


Welcome to Just Us! 

I haven't seen a ton of parent Tomura fics so I decided to make one of my own! 

To clear up any confusion, Kazuya, the toddler, uses they/them pronouns because shapeshifter stuff. 

Their quirk will be explained more throughout the fic, but they're only 2 and don't know much about it yet themselves. 

And yes, I think Shigi being scared of a squirrel is an incredibly reasonable thing to write about 💅

Check out chapter two right now! -----> 

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