13: And This Is...?

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Theoretically it was very convenient that Dabi and Toga now knew about Ichigo. 

Theoretically. Only theoretically.

In practice, it meant jack shit. 

Because as nice as it was to have more optional babysitters, they would be busy during the time of the Kamino attack too. 

So that knocked out all three of the people that knew his child existed as potential babysitters while he was busy tearing down hero society and convincing a student to join them. 

He had considered other options. One of them being trying to hire a petsitter and just hoping Ichigo wasn't in a human mood for however long it took, but that would just be downright cruel to both of them. 

Sometimes Tomura's brain didn't work in the best of ways, okay? 

"Daddy, look!" Ichigo said, pointing to Tomura's phone. He had forgotten it was so quiet because he had been letting Ichigo watch videos. The kid was usually bouncing off the walls with energy. 

The toddler was pointing at a butterfly on the screen. Tomura panicked and grabbed the phone away without a moments hesitation. 

"Why?" Ichigo whined, "It was pretty!". 

"You're not allowed to look at bugs." The parent said, sighing from the sudden rush of adrenaline rushing through his system. "God you're gonna give me a heart attack kiddo.". 

Ichigo didn't really understand what their daddy meant but they knew that he was stressed out a lot. 

The toddler furrowed their brow and looked up at their dad. He was stressed, but that was okay. 

Ichigo had just finished watching an episode of a show that talked all about how to have fun. Easy peasy lemon squeezy. 

Lets see...he didn't really like the park. Ichigo didn't understand how he hated it so much. Crazy. His dad also didn't like going to the bakery or the grocery store or the lake or...well anywhere outside. 

Okay not so easy peasy lemon squeezy. 

What could they do inside? 

Ichigo hummed aloud, deep in thought. Tomura eyed the toddler with a small smile. He had no idea what had gotten them so serious, but it was absolutely adorable. 

 Tomura opened his mouth to say something but stopped when his phone buzzed in his hands. It was Dabi. 

Quickly he ruffled Ichigo's hair and kissed their forehead. "I've gotta go take this kiddo.". 

"Okay." Ichigo said, already jumping off the couch. Tomura stood up and walked over to the kitchen so he could keep and eye on Ichigo but not let the toddler hear anything they might repeat in public. 

"What is it?" The villain asked gruffly. Dabi laughed over the phone. 

"You're so skeptical. I'm here to offer you a solution to your problem.". 

That interested Tomura. They both knew which problem was being referred to. 

"Explain." He ordered. 

"Alright, so this informant of mine is free-" "Absolutely not.". 

"Come on!" Dabi groaned, "He is literally the safest person in Musutafu to leave your kid with. Besides us, obviously.". 

"I'm not leaving my child with your hookup.". 

"Hey, I said informant, not hook up." Dabi protested. "I have absolutely not hooked up with this guy.". 

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