35: What Is It Really

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"Uncle Dabi look!". 

The villain looked down and smiled. "What's that kiddo?".

"Its a bracelet!" Ichigo said excitedly. As they jumped up and down, the pile of hand crafted bracelets in their hands clicked together. "Pick one!". 

"I get to pick one?" Dabi asked, crouching down to Ichigo's level and pointing at himself. Ichigo nodded. "Then I'll take....this one!". He picked up a very pretty blue one with a mix of solid and clear white and blue beads. "I wonder who made them. They must be a trained professional, no way a newbie could do something like this.". 

The toddler giggled and Dabi's heart soared. "I made them uncle Dabi!" They proclaimed. 

"No way!" He gasped. "Wow, kiddo you're amazing. I swear, anything you set your mind to, you've got.". He ruffled the baby's blue hair and brushed it out of their eyes. 

"Thank you uncle." Ichigo replied, somewhat shy at the praise. Honestly their pink cheeks were already pinchable, but Dabi was having a hard time pulling himself back from just squishing the baby's face. It was too adorable. 

"God, how did Shigaraki ever get a kid like you, huh? You're the cutest thing on the plant." He cooed. 

"M' gonna go give Toshi one." The toddler announced before running off. 

"Hey, walk inside the house. You're gonna fall!" Dabi called out, shaking his head as the kid completely ignored the warning. 

He watched as the toddler disappeared down the hall. He grabbed his mug of coffee off the kitchen counter and took a long, thoughtful sip. 

As he stood there, bracelet in his open palm and solemn look on his face, Toga entered the kitchen. 

"Why the long face?" The girl asked, sliding on the smooth wood floors to the fridge and pouring herself a glass of juice. 

"I was just thinking." He answered vaguely. 

"That doesn't happen often." Toga replied with a giggle. Dabi glared at her. 

"I just wanted to...I don't know." He grumbled, taking another sip before speaking again. "We're a....we're a family now, right?". 

The teenage girl looked up at him with a concerned expression. "Of course we are." She said, "You shouldn't even have to ask that question.". 

Dabi sighed. "I know." He relented. 

"Do you ever think about your biological family?". 

Toga seemed to think about it for a moment. "Only when I'm really, really mad." She replied simply. "When I'm mad, I remember being mad a them. Other than that, not really.". 

Dabi nodded and took another, longer sip. "I've been thinking about mine a lot recently." 

Toga nodded and gave him an expectant look, waiting for further explanation. 

"I have younger siblings." He said, waving his hand around vaguely. He didn't want to specify and out his identity just yet. "They were all brats. Every one of them. At the time, I took care of 'em like a parent would. Our parents weren't the most stable of people.". 

Dabi sighed, not quite sure how to word his complex feelings about family. Fuck, he wasn't even sure what he wanted to say. 

"They pissed me off. I wanted to hang out with my friends and work on my quirk and have free time away from my father and siblings." He said, thinking through each word as he went. "But now when I think about them I just miss 'em.". 

"You could visit them?" She suggested, "If they're still brats then ditch them for good. If not, you could always just...say hi.". 

Dabi laughed and shook his head at just the thought. "Your dead older brother can't just swing by and say 'hi'.". 

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